My reintroduction....sigh

Hi there! I have been on and off MFP for a while. Last year I used it to the max and lost about 20 pounds. Then I just stopped. Life got crazy, blah, blah, blah. Anyway, I am back. I am looking for some supportive friends. My biggest downfall is that I hate exercise. So, today, I went back to the gym and you know what, it wasnt as bad as I had made it out to be in my head. I am getting married in 5 months so I have motivation. My goal is not to be thin, but to be healthy . I want to crave healthy foods, make better choices and have the desire to be physically active. Add me if you like, I am on here daily :)


  • Hi,
    Can really relate to the "reintroduction....sigh".....I even went as far as to start with a new account this time.... Get rid of the failures and start with a clean sheet.
    I'm the other side of getting married....and have put on 3 stone in the last 4 1/2 years since then, mainly to a) changing to a very inactive job and b) quitting smoking......but its time I stopped using those excuses and its more down to inactivity and a love of chocolate, cake and bread.....
    Day 1 today regular exercise and no goodie cupboard ....and like you here's to craving healthy foods...

    Feel free to add me if you fancy a touch of encouragement.... I'm also going to be on here daily...

  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    Thanks for the add! I was hardcore most of last year, then lost it right around the holidays. Re-committed right after the 1st of the year and have been doing better this time around. Welcome back, I'll keep you in line!
  • Hi.I'm starting again too and you can add me,I'll support you as much as I can =) xx
    I'm 26 and I want to lose about 66 lbs
  • thank you
  • sgtlee13
    sgtlee13 Posts: 66
    I completely get what you're talking about! I've tried this before but never very whole-heartedly. I'm back for good this time too. I'm new to this website though and think it could be useful. I like being able to "talk" to people on a similar path. Good luck!
  • sgtlee13
    sgtlee13 Posts: 66
    Great idea to start all over fresh! Good luck to you! I agree, I've been finding my own excuses too and am done with that. Would love to find similar people on here!

    Can really relate to the "reintroduction....sigh".....I even went as far as to start with a new account this time.... Get rid of the failures and start with a clean sheet.
    I'm the other side of getting married....and have put on 3 stone in the last 4 1/2 years since then, mainly to a) changing to a very inactive job and b) quitting smoking......but its time I stopped using those excuses and its more down to inactivity and a love of chocolate, cake and bread.....
    Day 1 today regular exercise and no goodie cupboard ....and like you here's to craving healthy foods...

    Feel free to add me if you fancy a touch of encouragement.... I'm also going to be on here daily...

  • slh3103
    slh3103 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, it seems I'm in the same boat as other people. Coming back to give this another try. :smile: :smile: :smile: Feel free to add me.
  • murphey21
    murphey21 Posts: 126 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am starting over too! I can always use new friends for help and motivation! Good luck!
  • mitabelo
    mitabelo Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck on your weightloss! I'm on a similar path...weight loss has been a steady thought since 6th grade...

    I hate exercising too... more like I find better things to do with my time... because truthfully I feel better after exercising I just don't feel motivated to start...
  • dbower18
    dbower18 Posts: 40 Member
    I have been at this for a while. Hit my goal a couple of years ago and just kept on going. This site helped me change my life. Some tips:

    Get your mind right. Diets are temporary. Anything temporary can be discarded or interrupted without much thought. What you are trying to do is change your habits. I highly recommend this book, which is not specifically about diet or exercise, just how and why we form habits and how powerful they can be:

    It will teach you that almost any habit can be changed or modified. This is NOT a self-help book; it is more along the lines of popular science.

    Live in the moment. If you hear self saying things like "Well today is a bust, so I will start again tomorrow" you falling into an old and well-laid trap. If you mess up, OK, that moment has come and gone. Onward to the next moment. You can’t do anything about history, only the present and the future.

    I never understood cheat days. Just whom exactly are you cheating? Yeah right.

    As for exercise start slow, start easy. Just start. Make an unshakable pact with yourself that this time (whenever it is) is yours and yours alone. I have just three rules: (1) Start. (2) Finish what you start. (3) See rule #1. Note that this forces you to have a goal for that day. Goals are good. Goals are motivating. When it is you versus that goal, who is going to win?

    One morning you will wake up and the idea of missing a day will be as terrifying to you as the idea of starting used to be.

    One trick I use is to set my calorie goal low enough that I can live with it, but just barely. If I “buy “ breakfast with a good workout (invest in a good HRM) , then I am looking good for the day. Maybe I can even squeeze in that nice single malt before dinner (rewards are good too).

    I know you have and will hear this over and over, but you can do this. I know this because basically I have the will power of an alcoholic crack addict. But I rewired my brain and rebuilt myself. Fear motivated me (I have a heart condition). Upcoming nuptials (congratulations) have you moving down that road. Grab hold of that and hang on for dear life.

    It’s worth it .
  • Welcome back and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    Hey there, I was really into this last year and lost a little over 20 lbs. now I'm trying my hardest to drop the last 15 and nothing wants to budge resulting in me losing motivation. It's a vicious cycle. A lot of my friends from last year fell off the wagon or met their goals and stopped signing in. I could use a new batch of friends that can motivate me and maybe give advice!
  • 24redwine
    24redwine Posts: 43
    Welcome back -- it's a life long process of working at good health, so don't beat yourself up about it. I don't like the gym either, so I encourage you to find exercise that you love and maybe even look forward to each day. I get outside as much as I can for walking, running, and biking. When I can't, I am inside doing step aerobics. The step can get boring but I have found that if I have a TV with a movie or the news, I get lost in that. I also find if I position the step where I can see myself working out in a mirror, I keep good form and can be motivated by the shape I see -- sometimes I see progress in my body and feel motivated. Other times I am motivated by seeing what I still need to lose and tone. Good luck to you.
  • Like so many others on here, I've done the same thing! I've been gone for about 6 months, and during that time, I regained what I had lost and then some. I didn't even make the concious decision to come back, I just decided to quit smoking, and found myself at the gym and counting calories. I guess it all goes together :)

    Anyway, we're all human, and we have have had however many years living poorly, so it is hard to make that change. But I believe you can do it, and that I can do it. We just need to all lift eachother up (and pray for fortitude!) I am struggling with chocolate this week, but thats ok, because even though I have not had the perfect week, it has been a major improvement over the week before!

    I sent you an add, and would love to be friends with anyone else that would like to add me. The more people you have in your corner encouraging you, supporting you, and giving you crap when you need it, the better, right?

    Also, if anyone is in the Cameron/Carthage/Vass NC area, or members of First Health Fitness, I would love to meet some friends to work out with.