30DS and cycling

Hi everyone

Am pretty new to this, and after getting my eating somewhat under control I have decided to start on the exercise. So yesterday I started 30DS and actually got to the end which amazed me in itself. However, today I hurt, I mean in places in didn't even know could hurt. I pushed myself through day two of it and now it hurts to even bend over. I took the dog for a walk afterwards (a rather excitable German Shepherd) and boy was that painful! I know I am unfit and I expected this so am not disheartended. However, I want to cycle to work, and am not sure if can do this with the pain...

Last spring/summer I cycled 10 miles (16km) to and from work and as its pretty flat and I go slow I had no trouble with this. Now the weather is nicer I want to start this up again but am concerned if I continue with this 30DS it will be imposssible. So basically my question is should I:
1. Just do the 30DS for now and when my body recovers start cycling again?
2. Just cycle as then I am at least getting 50mins - 1 hours exercise in?
3. Push through the pain and do both? (this concerns me a little due to the dog walk and don't want to get about 2 miles in and be in so much pain that I am stranded, but if it seems doable I am willing to try)

Hope that is enough info, let me know your thoughts, thanks :)


  • kayaksara
    kayaksara Posts: 157 Member
    I started 30 ds yesterday too! Yesterday I got on the elliptical afterwords and today after my work out (and during) I was very sore. So I did not do the elliptical today. I would base it on how you feel. I am hoping to do cardio right after the 30ds when I can. I think you will start to feel better in a few days. At least that is what I have heard others say. I heard it doesn't get easy, but it does get easier. Hope that means I can get thru the push-ups soon! :smile:
  • lorilwayne2
    lorilwayne2 Posts: 33 Member
    I have done 30 day shred about the last week. I like and hate it. We walked 9 holes of gold yesterday too and I biked another 20 minutes on a stationary bike. Today is a rest day for me- recovery. Considering about 3 weeks ago I did no forms of exercise (Too cold to golf.) I have built myself up to the point that I love to hate Jillian Michaels. I am resting today... its a must. The ligament in my knee feels like a bruise is there. It will be better tomorrow and I can shred again.
  • camarogirl2683
    camarogirl2683 Posts: 7 Member
    give your body a few days to adjust, then I say go for cycling!