Just Beginning!! Moral Support Needed

:bigsmile: I just began MyFitnessPal and already :heart: it!!! I put in what I ate and was like WOW!! I honestly have never kept up with what I ate and trust me when I say it has caught up with me..36 and about 50 lbs to my goal weight...hmmm!!:noway: I need moral support because I dont have it at home..the boyfriend is athletically built and never has weight issues...I on the other hand have dieted off and on since having my first kiddo at 17. Any support is helpful and will be returned!! Thanks in advance!! Bathing suit bound!!!:blushing:


  • kristipena
    kristipena Posts: 4 Member
    you got this, girl!! I am behind you 200%! We can do this together! xoxox
  • izzyl09
    izzyl09 Posts: 9 Member
    I just joined today also!! I've been poking around the site for ages, there is SO much its great :)
    Getting started is the hardest part.... I joined a local running group a few weeks ago for moral support as I have the same problem as you (my other half doesn't have to worry about weight). I also was living under the illusion I could eat whatever he was eating and not have to worry....what a fool! lol :D
    Tomorrow is Monday....all geared up for a fresh start and have the fridge filled with healthy goodies!! :D
    Whats your 'action plan' ?? I'm hoping this running is going to be my saviour! *fingers crossed*

  • rufusrubarb
    Starting again too! I just want to get back to how I was 3 years ago. Keep stopping and starting and am determined to stick to it this time! Wine and portion control are my weakness. I need support and encouragement!
  • soundasleepx
    the boyfriend is athletically built and never has weight issues

    ^^This!!! Same as me - You can do it!!!!!! :D
  • BunnieMommie
    BunnieMommie Posts: 680 Member
    Congrats on joining!!!! Add me if you want. I log on daily and really try to keep my friends motivated. I've lost just over 25 lbs since being on this new lifestyle change since October last year. Good luck, you can do this!!!
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    You can do it!