Gym vs home

Just wanted your views on gym weight loss vs home workouts weight loss

Im stuck in a place with no nearby gym so I have been trying my best to lose weight with workout dvds etc but find motivation is so hard to grasp!

In three weeks im moving and the journey home will pass the gym (I cannot wait)

Will I see more success once ive joined? Is it worth the money?


  • ibshaun
    ibshaun Posts: 5 Member
    That all depends on you. Are you planning on just going to do your own work out or participate in the classes? I started my journey a few years ago on my own and added the gym later. Now I mix the two - sometimes I just can't get there so I do my own thing at home. Both are going to take your commitment. I like the gym when I want that environment and encouragement (I take classes -- rarely is my trip a solitary workout), when I want to just zone out, I do a workout at home. The downside to the gym is if you don't stay committed, usually you are still paying. That can be motivating to go, too! Good luck!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I've achieved all my results to date at home - haven't stepped foot in a gym. I use a combo of videos, free weights, and the great outdoors as my "treadmill" :) The motivation has to come from you - if you're not motivated to work out at home you won't be motivated to work out in a gym either!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    It really is a personal preference. I personally don't go to a gym and enjoy working out at home or outside. I have dumbbells, resistance bands, a few work out dvds, a few work out games for the xbox kinect, and I am saving for a treadmill. If your having trouble staying motivated at home though, maybe a gym would be a better fit for you.
  • Amy106Days
    Amy106Days Posts: 172 Member
    Start now every day the very second you get home from work heading out for a 20 to 40 minute walk (brisk or leisurely) or run or doing a fitness video. Do not pass go do not start dinner just drop everything and get your fitness on , have your clothes all laid out and your video cued up, make no excuses or delays. Rest days on the weekends. Get into this habit, dedicate this time to your fitness, give up the afterwork unwind and only then research this gyms class schedule to see what benefit you would have of joining. Do not pay money for a gym if you can't fit the time into your schedule. Helpful hint You will find a way if it is something you want bad enough. I personally have equal success at home or at the gym as long as I have self control. I love my local gym the people there are great but they don't come into my house and pull me off the couch and put my shoes on...

    You got this! Just push past the lazy talk and get your sexy on :D
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    I have access to a gym for free and I do yoga 1/wk, a light aerobic and stretch class 3/wk (holding weights), use the bikes, rowing machine, weight machines, and treadmill. However, you CAN burn calories and strengthen anywhere and, believe me, if it wasn't free, I wouldn't be driving even the 8 min. it takes to get there. Years ago I've already gone up and down stairs holding a large can of food in each hand............before we even owned hand weights.........a gallon of milk (or water) has a handle, you can use it like a kettle bell for some exercises...........
  • skrakalaka
    skrakalaka Posts: 338 Member
    I work out at home as well. I found it was easier to talk myself out of going to the gym (not enough time, traffic, gym is too busy this time). Much harder to justify skipping a 40 minute workout at home. Plus, I spend the entire time moving, not waiting for machines.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    I do feel that motivation wise, the gym is pretty neat. There is the financial aspect (since I paid for it I'd better make my money's worth and go!), seeing all the motivated/fit/hardworking people at the gym sweating their butts off (the sense of comradery!!), the classes available to mix things up and keep things interesting...

    If you're planning on running, I do think the treadmill helps pushes you to run. Especially if you're planning to do HIIT. I can never do HIIT outdoors.. ):

    But if you're talking about in general which is better for weight loss then it doesn't matter! Especially when you reach the point where you want it enough that you will make sure to get your workouts in!!
    Try making yourself be more active in your daily life to burn a little more if getting workouts in are hard for you... Walk more, fidget... Start slow. Wake up and do ten jumping jacks. Make sure to get up at least once per hour and stretch. Slowly increase your jumping jacks per day. Little things help!
  • mlogantra76
    mlogantra76 Posts: 334 Member
    It depends. I have done it with out a gym membership and with a gym membership. Right now, I have a membership to the Y and take their classes. and LOVE them. I like the variety, I feel motivated in a class, and I've met new people. I take cardio and strength training classes. I have yet to step foot in the cardio machines/weight room. I also have "dragged" my husband to the strength training classes and I think he is starting to like it. My stepdaughter(age 17) joins me a few times a week too. Maybe do a trial run of the gym? I did pay as you go Zumba classes for a few months before I signed up for the Y just to make sure I would stick with the gym(there is no contract but there is a joining fee).
  • ArielMelton
    ArielMelton Posts: 9 Member
    I exercise both at home and at the YMCA. If I just cannot carve out 90 minutes for the Y, I can get in 30 minutes at home at the very least.

    If you do think of a gym and there's one near you, check out the Y. As part of the membership you can join their "Coach Approach" program which assigns you a kind of mentor. He or she will interview you (my first session lasted about 45 minutes) about what your goals are, your lifestyle, your diet, what sort of physical limitations you might have, what your stress/energy levels have been like recently, all that kind of thing. Then a fitness regimen is suggested and you can tweak it to what you think is realistic.

    When I went, Stephanie was very understanding about what I wanted to do and totally non-judgmental (I was very upfront that I had been REALLY heavy and was now left with a ton of "leftovers" and needed body contouring, getting to my 'plastic surgery weight' is my big goal right now). We set up a cardio/weights routine that works around my arthritis, etc.

    I do some of my workouts at home, I have a recumbent exercise bike here in my office. I can log these in through an online program the Y uses so my coach can see what I've been doing at home as well as at the Y.

    One of the things Stephanie pointed out - and I really agree with her - is that most people (ME ME ME!) need to be distracted while exercising. Music, TV, whatever. I put my laptop near the exercise bike here at home and catch up on TV episodes I missed during the week while cycling. At the Y they have TV screens at or near all the machines. If you mix something you want to do with something you have to do, it's much more pleasant.

    I may even venture out and try the Aqua Zumba class, but haven't made up my mind on that yet, I'm not much of a joiner. I like having the option though that I wouldn't if I just did everything at home.

    Best of luck to you in whatever you decide!
  • Clement1ne
    In my situation I live in a small 2 bedroom apartment; it's just my Fiance and I.

    I do not have adequate space at home to do workouts, so I don't really have a choice but to go to the gym. I've adapted my Monday to Friday schedule to work / to go gym / rest on weekends. I am very fortunate to be allowed to take a 2 hour lunch at least 2-3 times a week so I can go to the gym which conveniently is right next door to the building I work in. I'm lucky, I know.

    There's people I see at the gym regularly and it's nice to be there social-wise. You get to know them and I have Personal Trainer who I get along with really really well... it's always a pleasure to see him. :wink: He is never in a bad mood, it's awesome.

    It depends on personal preference. One way is not necessarily better than the other.

    Oh also, if you don't like your gym, you likely won't go. I've been in this situation as well. But now that I go to Mansfield, it's a fantastic facility, so I actually ENJOY going.

    Emmalee :smile:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,619 Member
    Even when I wasn't a trainer, I liked going to the gym better. I've tried working out at home and usually don't have the same "umpff" as when I'm in the gym.
    Also, there's less of a chance for me to skip my workout if I'm already in the gym.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • oskeeter1
    oskeeter1 Posts: 10 Member
    I love the gym - but I'm usually there at 5am and my focus is olympic weight lifting. Right now my husband nd I have a membership to a tiny Fitness 19 a block away (for $7 each a month) - convenient enough to go twice a day. There's no reason to wait for machines, just be flexible and do sprints or another exercise until whatever you want opens up. Or better yet, focus on barbell workouts nobody touches those (lol).

    But we also bought a house located near horse trails, bike trails, and the mountains so there's plenty of variety. Not to mention the joy of yardwork - it takes me an hour to mow our lawn and I burn at least 500 calories doing it.

    I have a treadmill on the patio, but my focus and workouts are never as good at home. I'm always preoccupied with what's on my todo list, like laundry, dishes, etc.
  • wannatangle
    wannatangle Posts: 80 Member
    I go to the gym for classes. I love Zumba and BodyPump. I also use the weight machines there. Other days I either do Zumba on the Wii or I go outside and walk/jog. Mostly it depends on whether I have time to drive to the gym that day.
  • curlyloca
    curlyloca Posts: 81 Member
    I can't work out at home. I can't stay motivated. I enjoy going t the gym for the options/variety.
  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    I started working out at home, then my husband and I got a membership to the gym. We've gone a couple times, but we generally stay home and use the Wii, exercise videos, and walking outside. We both want to go to the gym for the weights though.
  • hifromjamers1984
    hifromjamers1984 Posts: 300 Member
    I tried the working out at home method for awhile and lost interest pretty fast. I find spending the money on the gym membership has kept me more accountable and I started seeing results LONG before when I was working out at home. Plus, there is a 94 year old man at my gym who is in phenominal shape for his age. He's a great inspiration to a lot of the members at our gym.
  • GoNicoleee
    I lost 50+ lbs the first time around without a gym. I HATE leaving home and exercising infront of other people. I honestly don't even know how to use machines or lift weights correctly... lol.

    I just did everything on my own - eat healthy, walk, jog, swim, ride a bike, etc. I also played field hockey, and probably contributed to success.

    I have a treadmill and stationary bike, and I use them at my own pace. Slow and steady, it works.
  • GregJourney
    GregJourney Posts: 80 Member
    I do videos, my wife goes to the gym, we started out the same weight and so far we have both lost almost 75 pounds each
  • snooj
    snooj Posts: 69 Member
    You can always buy a few things to work out at home. Personally I have a squat stand, Oly barbell, plates, adjustable dumbbells, a bench, and one of those pull up bars. For cardio I go outside, run up and down the stairs, or follow one of those fun cardio DVDs. Compared to a gym membership it's cheaper within the first year. The downside is I can't go too heavy because if I drop the weights, there goes my pretty floor! It boils down to preference really.
  • dnunny
    dnunny Posts: 125

    I may even venture out and try the Aqua Zumba class, but haven't made up my mind on that yet, I'm not much of a joiner. I like having the option though that I wouldn't if I just did everything at home.

    Best of luck to you in whatever you decide!

    I am going to Aqua Zumba tomorrow night. I can't wait!