What to eat when there is a lot of calories left??

I've eaten my dinner, but still ...i have 956 calories left :/ burned 546 calories thru exercise, so that's why. What can i eat...so fill my daily intake??


  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Anything you want?
  • mdhughes33
    Nothing if you are not hungry. One day deep deficit won't kill ya :)
  • johnkernmusic
    johnkernmusic Posts: 91 Member
    Peanut butter, nuts, avocado and yea anything you want... I think she wanted foods with higher calories but not sure.
  • AmazingTech
    ijust eat whatever I fancy, I use it as an excuse to eat anything 'bad' like chocolate or crisps or cake, or have some beers
  • Herbastar
    I would grab me a nice spoon of something like All natural almond butter! 180 calories for 2 tablespoons (still low in sugar so it wont feed cellulite or fat). 2 eggs and a couple pieces of turkey bacon is about 210 calories and a decent portion of protein to help you bounce back from your killer workout! If your working that hard in the gym I definitely would be choosy of what I put in. Making sure it's good for you is of course ideal right? A nice cup of Blue diamond coconut almond milk is yummy in a bowl of cereal! Man there are soooo many options out there! <3 If you don't reach AT LEAST 1200 calories our bodies tend to want to go into what is known as "starvation" creating it to store everything you put in (not use) because it thinks it will not get enough food on a regular basis. Try snacking in between your meals. Eating every 3-4 hours (even if it's a snack pack of planters energy nuts) helps keep our metabolisms high! I hope that helps a little. ^_^
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Well lets see... peanut butter is 200 calories per serving, have a peanut butter sandwich? An avocado? A glass of milk? A cheese omelet? Handful of nuts? Bowl of cereal?