Need Motivation

Well i'm a 5'3 female trying to lose weight. I started at 206 Ibs and now at 185.8 Ibs. My goal is to be at 150 Ibs by August 15th. I've lost this weight pretty much on calorie deficit. So i'm determined to lose more. I've had set backs but i've prevailed through them. Are there any other 5'3 females who are in the same predicament as me or have any success stories??


  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I am 5'3". I was 172lbs, then I got down to 165, then back up 175, then down to 145, then back to 165, then down to 155, then back to 172. I am now at 168. I going to try the "eat less to lose more" way this time. I also had a hyperactive thyroid, vitamin D deficiency, and I now have candida which I am correcting through diet. I think once I have beat off the candida, I will see more consistency. I hope you can find what works for you. Good luck.
  • inyourdreams21
    inyourdreams21 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for your reply, good luck to you as well!
  • Kargbz
    Kargbz Posts: 9 Member
    Heya 1'm 5"4 and i have about 80 pounds to lose altogether , i would also like to lose alot of that weight by august 15th as thats my 25th birthday , feel free to add me and hopefully we can all motivate each other.
  • early_november90
    early_november90 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm 5'2 or 5'3 depending on the day haha. I started at my highest ever, around 220, a few weeks ago, and decided to just started making more conscious decisions. I lost 4 pounds, but now I've been sitting at 214 for a while. I've decided to start diligently counting. My goal is maybe 150, but I really have never been that as an adult, so we'll see :)
  • inyourdreams21
    inyourdreams21 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for posting! Good luck on your journey!(:
  • inyourdreams21
    inyourdreams21 Posts: 25 Member
    Most definitely! Good luck on your journey!
  • hammys_wifey
    hammys_wifey Posts: 16 Member
    I am 5'3, I am 23 years old. When I was 19 I was at my heaviest of over 290 pounds. I am currently down 128 pounds. As of weighing myself today, I am at 162. I lost my first 40 pounds, how i do not know; but I have been using myfitnesspal for just over a year, and in the last year I am down 81. This is the smallest that I have ever been. My weight has always been a struggle for me, and most it always will be. But with little changes everyday, and knowing what your faults are with food, losing the weight is possible.. : )
  • inyourdreams21
    inyourdreams21 Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you! Huge inspiration!
  • Hi everyone ,i a 21 girl and i student in dentistry collage my height is 5,8 ,in the last two years ai gained way but i insisting to drop it ,my current weight is 79kgmy goal is 62kg.....
    Iam the fresh new member,,,god bless all
    with my love.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • ThePrincezz
    ThePrincezz Posts: 19 Member
    I am truly close...5'1/2" and recently started at 169 however down by 5lbs so far. When I say I have no support accept here I am not lying. I have a bf that is athletic built and very little moral support. I tragically lost most of my family including my oldest son in the tornado 2 yrs ago so noone to pick up the phone, etc. to get support from. I must say everyone I have met here is so very nice and supportive. Without this site I would gradually continue in the direction of gaining. Anyone is welcome to add me. To have this site and all the wonderful people here is truly theraputic to me. Loves to everyone that reads. :love:
  • ThePrincezz
    ThePrincezz Posts: 19 Member
    WTG!!! Awesome Stats and truly motivating! @ hammys_wife
  • hammys_wifey
    hammys_wifey Posts: 16 Member
    your welcome!
  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    One thing to remember is how long it took to put the weight on. It takes time to get it back off. the other is keep making changes to improve things for your life. It takes time. I've been working on mine for about 1 yr now. I have struggled but I keep trying.
    Otnother thing is if you have a bad choice just put it behind and you, Don't beat yourself up for it. Just try to make better choices next meal or next day.

    Last month i tried a walking challenge, I thought I could walk 30 miles in 1 month but I walked 64 miles so I set the a goal of 65 miles for this month. I had no idea I could walk that far with a bad knee. I was so pleased with my self I joined this months challenge. :)
    YOU CAN do This. Keep moving and you'll get it done.
    Try to work on changing something to make your life better by 1% each week.
    Good Luck with your jouney. :)
  • Hi,
    I am the same height and started at 225.I have been on this for about 33 days now and with logging in my food intake and excersing,I can see an improvement.I havent weighed myself but,I know I have lost as I can fit into clothes I havent been able ot wear for about 2 years! I plan to weigh myself soon,but what the scales read,I am not making an issue of this time.I am working on being more disciplined about what I eat.I plan to succeed this time as I have not met my goals before.the last times I attempted to make a lifedtyle change,I was addicted to what I had lost for the week.It didn't worl for me.Now,I will weigh myself about every 6 weekso r so.Good Luck to you and stay motivated!! You can do this!!! Feel free to add me as a friend.That works as well to have motivation from others on here who are struggling with the same things:smile:
  • I feel the same way I am 24 and I got married last year weighin n at 220lbs- I have never weigh that much wen I look at my pics I'm like wow it's really time for a change I just need motivation some1 told me about fitnesspal so here I am.
  • inyourdreams21
    inyourdreams21 Posts: 25 Member
    You can do this! My highest weight was at 206, and then I started to say to myself "time for change" So I heard about My Fitness Pal and haven't looked back since. Of course i've had my ups and downs, but without this site I don't think it would have been possible. There are some sincerely nice and motivational people on here! Good luck on your journey!
  • inyourdreams21
    inyourdreams21 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks a lot for your support! I have a problem with stepping on the scale. It's like it's calling my name haha! So hopefully I can start listening to my inner self and quit stepping on the scale so frequently. I literally weigh myself everyday of the week and that's not good. When I don't see the number I want I get really down on myself. Seeing your statement gave me hope that I too can learn to quit stepping on the scale. Thanks again! Good luck on your journey!
  • SaraBrown12
    SaraBrown12 Posts: 277 Member
    I am 31 5ft5 and started at 232lb. I am about 10lb away from my 140lb target tho i will continue to lose weight after 140 cause i can already tell i wont be happy at my orig goal. i just know these last 10lb are gunna be a *kitten* to get off. Feel free to add me xx
  • Sailatsorf
    Sailatsorf Posts: 161 Member
    I'm 5'3". Started at 214 pounds, and I realized that I really needed to stop making excuses because before too long I'd probably reach 300. I'm now at 167. Took me a couple of years of trial and error to figure out what exactly would work for me, but I've finally got it to where I am losing weight at a steady pace now. My main goal is 140. When I lose 3 more pounds, I'll hit the 50 pounds lost mark! I plan to post pictures then.
  • eikito
    eikito Posts: 114 Member
    I'm also 5'3", started at 120kgs (264pounds) and managed to go down to 190 pounds... I'm currently 195 after getting a knee injury; but now that it's healing slowly I'm looking forward to go down to 60kgs (132lbs).
    I could do it, you can do it!!! Anyone can :wink:
    I managed to lose all that weight eating at deficit and exercising, at first I was so unfit I couldn't do more than 2 minutes on a stepper; before my injury I had upgraded to circuit training and now I'm back at walking and doing gentle Wii Fit exercises; whatever fun low impact thing to keep moving. I've been lucky and have a great network of friends that motivate me; I can say that most probably I wouldn't have been able to do this without their motivation.
    Good luck on your journey!