Ramadan and Dieting


So, I have a question for all of you. This year, Ramadan begins in North America on July 10th. I'm aiming to be at my goal weight by then because my boyfriend / ex-boyfriend / who the hell knows we'll probably be back together then because he likes having someone around when he's fasting is Muslim, and I typically end up fasting with him.

How have you guys managed that? Any advice?


  • pouncepet
    pouncepet Posts: 72 Member
    Umm... Dont understand the issue or what advice you are trying ask for?

    Are you worried the fasting hours will be too long and difficult because it is in summer? Are you concerned you will binge at the end of the day? Are you asking if you should full fast (abstain from food and water) or water fast(abstain from food only)? Are you worrie you wont feel up to exercising?

    Be more specific please, as it isnt possible to give any advice right now.

    P/S: I fast during ramadan as is I am Muslim.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Hmmm. . . dunno about that relationship when it sounds like HE's the one that's making the decisions about when it's on and when it's off. . . .but that's not what you asked.

    I'd recommend giving yourself some slack during the day exercise wise since you're not consuming calories, and then focus on protein at the iftar meal in the evening--which will stick with you longer than lots of carbs.
  • mummyzena
    mummyzena Posts: 259 Member
    Remember ramadan is to remind yourself how the less fortunate feel and to give the money you save on food to charity. So possibly break the fast with healthy calorie dense food and get up early to have a protein rich breakfast. Wouldnt suggest turning your days around as it just makes a mockery of the thoughts behind it. Also remember no giggety at all for the month and when your mnstrual cycle hits you don't have to do it.
  • futurehealthfreak
    futurehealthfreak Posts: 13 Member
    I'm not Muslim, but I'm in an area where there's a high Muslim population.
    All of the Muslim friends I've had lose weight during Ramadan. One big concern would be dehydration, especially in the summer. If this isn't your religion and your beliefs, and you're just doing it for him, I suggest you at least drink some water (when he's not around of course). If you're at your goal weight by then, you'll probably fall below that while fasting.

    Have you ever heard of intermittent fasting?
    If not, I suggest you look it up.
    It's basically what Ramadan is; eating during a certain window of the day, and fasting during a certain window a day.
    I'm doing IF right now with an 8 hour eating window, 4 pm to midnight. There are actually some health benefits to fasting!

    I'm not sure if this answered your question. Just stay distracted as best as you can to avoid eating, consider drinking water (or avoiding outdoors?), and keep reminding yourself why you're choosing to stick with it. :)