What are main things you hate about beeing overweight?



  • jbbrannon
    jbbrannon Posts: 167 Member
    being on a diet all the time!!!
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    Back problems, knee problems.
    Not finding clothes I like.
    Feet hurt!
    Retaining too much water.

    Now that I am down to a normal BMI I feel a lot more like myself - the woman I grew up as. It makes me feel stronger and younger.
  • Well, to be really honest I do hate absolutely everything about being this overweight.
    But lets highlight some:

    - Clothes: size 20+ , nothing ever looks good on me
    - A small walk can make me real tired
    - sex life is really limited, i feel sorry for my husband and for myself
    - am always tired and out of breath

  • Becca_Reb
    Becca_Reb Posts: 11
    My muffin top that seems to show under even my biggist tops!
    Looking back at photos and wishing I was behind the camera!
    Legs rubbing together and I enjoy walking

    BUT Hopefully it'll all change soon :wink:
  • While I'm not necessarily overweight because I'm very tall, back in October 2012 I definitely had extra pounds that were annoying...

    So for me, my belly would constantly push my pants down and the bottoms of my tops up... not sure if you know what I mean, but my shirt would never stay bloody down, what my Fiance & I call my "Snack Pack" (which is my belly fat, essentially) would peek out all the time - I hated it so much.

    Couldn't wear any form fitting tops because of the above problem. Most of my pants didn't fit anymore which was depressing. There were a few pieces of clothing that I LOVED but simply could not wear anymore because of my weight gain. Suddenly I needed everything in size 14, Large sizes, etc. Shopping for clothes became a mental nightmare.

    :heart: life wasn't as good because I felt like a fat cow, to be quite honest. I wasn't eating well either, so I really didn't feel good about myself and that was reflected in the bedroom.

    That's what I hate most!

    Emmalee :smile:
  • being on a diet all the time!!!

    I second this LOL x
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    Oh so many things I hated about being overweight! Thank the LORD those days are gone! :bigsmile:

    -Low self esteem and feeling ugly all the time
    -Looking older and being mistaken for being a skinny friend's parent :(
    -Chafing on my inner thighs! Ughhhh!
    -Not being able to walk much in heels
    -Having a "spare tire" around my stomach
    -Shopping was depressing and made me feel like crying, nothing was in my size and nothing looked good
    -Not feeling comfortable in shorts and tank tops
    -Looking and feeling like a giant beached whale in a bathing suit
    -Avoiding any and all swimming, pool, and beach related activities like the plague because I hated my body so much
    -Feeling like everyone was staring at me and judging me whenever I ate or bought food from anywhere
    -Being completely invisible to men
    -Feeling like I was wasting away my 20s because I was too fat
    -Hating how I looked in every single picture
    -Feeling like I was going to die after only 3 minutes of jogging
    -Being the fat girl who takes up WAY too much room during squished car rides (and you can SO tell that everyone else is super annoyed that they all have to be so squished and uncomfortable all because you're too fat)
    -Looking horrible in skirts and dresses

    And the worst thing? Living my life on the "sidelines." Watching everyone else live the healthy, happy life I've always wanted to live while I'm stuck only "dreaming."
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    Everything. I hate everything that got me where I am today (well not today today, but that got me fat). I hate that there aren't many places to shop for clothes. I that the section for my size is taken up mostly by maternity clothes and that is if there is even more than one rack of clothes. When I found out that I couldn't fit the largest size in a store I used to go to all the time it was traumatic. So, much so I can't go back there yet even though I might be able to fit in the largest size now. I might go back when I lose another 10 lbs which will be approx 40lbs total from mid October when I started dieting on my own. Oh yeah not knowing my starting weight because I couldn't bring myself to buying a scale because it was too embarrassing to show my umpteenth diet failure. I finally did get a scale. Knowing that even when I lose 100lbs I will still be fat. Avoiding cameras because I already know how horrible I look. Being embarrassed to go to Whole Foods, because nearly everyone that shops there is a normal weight. Seriously, I have never seen an overweight person at Whole Foods. Having fat in weird places. like the bulges near my knees. People thinking I am lazy when really part of my problem was that I was so driven to work that I never took the time to take care of myself. I can tie my shoes now, but I still have the side tie, you know what I mean. A couple of pounds ago turning in bed was so difficult it woke me up to do it and it was a huge chore to do so. Anyway it's pretty sad that being able to turn over in bed now is a major accomplishment, but there it is, I can turn from side to side without pulling a muscle.
  • - Not getting clothes that fit well. Because I have to wear large shirts, but I'm 5'8, some of them come down to my knees :\
    - Feeling like the unattractive one of my friends.
    - Not feeling confident with the way I look
    - Being ridiculously unphotogenic