

  • emsoquena
    emsoquena Posts: 127 Member
    Yay! Good for you.

    My last stick was on February 28. It's been pretty difficult especially when I'm stressed out and smoking usually helps me destress. But mind over matter probably worked on me. Best of luck to you!
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    I quit cigar smoking 10 years ago. Haven't gone back, since. It'll be tough, I quit without any help, and I got the chills and shakes since I was smoking from the time I was 15. At 31, my lungs are thanking me.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    Good for you! My fiance quit when I got pregnant with our son. He went through a LOT of gum lol. He quit in August, admit in September that he'd been secretly smoking and after a long draw out quit for real and hasn't looked back since. Been about a year and a half and he doesn't even want them anymore. He did say he felt alot better when he quit.
  • Hazel9999
    Hazel9999 Posts: 21 Member
    Deciding to quit is more than half the battle, you're almost a non-smoker. Please make sure you update us with your progress.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Do other former smokers really love to hear about others who have quit? I really do love to hear about it!
  • Macstraw
    Macstraw Posts: 896 Member
    Good for you! As far as quitting RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT...I have a quit date of April 12th. I'm quitting through a North Carolina program that offers free patches and phone coaching. They are of the mind that you have a quit date...to mentally prepare...and that you do mini-quits until that date. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on the planet and you need all the help you can get. Again, good for you! I actually can hardly wait until my quit date (I've already moved it up from the 17th--still waiting for my partner to receive her patches).

    I LOVE this attitude, you're gearing yourself up to do it & preparing yourself to be successful. My brother had quit & went back to it because he had nothing to do with his hands. My mother quit numeous times, she always got past the physical addiction but she had trouble coping with the psychological aspect of it. About 2 weeks after quitting she would get very emotional & end up going back to it. Although she had lung cancer, emphysema did her in - what a terrible way to go. She struggled to breathe for a long time before she passed, it was horrible to see & know that you could do nothing to make it better for her. Anybody here looking to quit please do whatever you need to - add friends here that you can vent to, find something to occupy yourself at the times those triggers cause the cravings, etc. It's the habit cigarettes that are the toughest to get away from, when those times come substitute healthy habits that will distract you until the craving passes - a 10 minute walk, a phone call to somebody, a message or e-mail to a supportive friend where you can vent, anything it takes........
  • Benisma1
    Benisma1 Posts: 29 Member
    Good for you!!! I've never smoked but have watched a lot of family members quit, from what I've seen it can't be easy. Here's to your health, best of luck to you
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    Don't do the patch. You need to get off nicotine. The patch is just a different delivery system for nicotine. You stay addicted. Cold turkey is the way to go. Chew gum, regular gum, and keep your hands busy.
  • jets79tone
    jets79tone Posts: 14 Member
    That's great. I wish you the best of luck.
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    Thats great to hear, you will feel so much better to have that stuff out out of you!!
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    good for you!!!! such a hard habit to break but the best habit of all to break! I have never been a smoker but seen every member of my family quit.... you have a strong support system here!