New and determined to change

I'm a 28yr old mother to a one year old and I'm determined to lose the weight I packed on when I was pregnant! I went from 167 when I found out I was expecting, to 235 by the time I delivered. I lost 30 pounds in the weeks after, but since, have gained and plateaued. I've been stuck at 215 for months!

Before this, the heaviest I had ever been was 185...and now that seems like heaven! I'm 5'8' (and a half), and my very end goal is 155 (when I married), but I'll be happy to get back to my pre-pregnancy 167 if I can. I'm terrible about snacking on unhealthy things and eating portions that are way too large, so self-control and portion sizing will be my biggest hurdles. I really dislike water, and drink too much soda, but I've been trying to reverse that.

I'm new to myfitnesspal, just started this whole thing up yesterday, and don't have any friends who use it, and my husband isn't into tracking stuff. I don't know how to go about finding friends on here, or what happens after I add one. Support and encouragement is always helpful! I'm *hoping* to visually see improvement by August/September.

I've been in veeery few photos with my daughter since she was born because I feel so awful about myself, and I'd like to not be absent from her pictures when she looks back. That's my main motivation. It's been over a year. It's long enough.

Anyway, after my ramble, I just wanted to say hello!


  • I'm a seventeen year-old Junior in highschool.
    I have type two diabetes, and I'm very much over weight.
    I can't fit in all the name brand clothes, and everyone makes fun of me.
    I'm ready to loose this weight. And I am going to do it.
    It'd be great if you all could be my weightloss family.
    I'll help you if you help me.
    Feel free to add me, as well :)
  • GlyndaTheGoodWitch
    GlyndaTheGoodWitch Posts: 8 Member
    Hello, RyanneRose! I'm new here, too. Congrats on your new little one. I have issues with portion control, too. I'm finding I MUST weigh, measure and record everything. And I do that even if I "blow it" on a certain day. If you have any "tricks" that seem to work for you, I always welcome new ideas. Here's to a successful ride for both of us!
  • Aleta7
    Aleta7 Posts: 92
    It is definitely an adventure losing weight. After awhile it gets to be fun. I like counting calories and rejoice when I can be under my daily limit. Like a contest of sorts. :bigsmile:
  • Aleta7
    Aleta7 Posts: 92
    I'm a 28yr old mother to a one year old and I'm determined to lose the weight I packed on when I was pregnant! I went from 167 when I found out I was expecting, to 235 by the time I delivered. I lost 30 pounds in the weeks after, but since, have gained and plateaued. I've been stuck at 215 for months!

    I really dislike water, and drink too much soda, but I've been trying to reverse that.

    I add lemon and a little nectresse to my water. Makes it more palatable.
  • Spiggytope
    Spiggytope Posts: 10 Member
    Hey! Great intro and you're gonna be in good company with loads of encouragment and advice as you go along!

    Me? I'm an intermittent user looking to get back on track after success of last year.

    Just done a 10k charity run this morning in Lincoln England and want to get back on the wagon again!

    Add me if you would like some company!

    Welcome aboard!!
  • feel free to add me anyone can love new friends
  • FitnessMamaxX
    FitnessMamaxX Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Amanda =) We have a similar story. I'm a mom as well, mine is 3 so I started my journey a little later than you! I'm 5'3 and 199lbs. I started at 220 a few months back, and have been committed to a lifestyle change and calorie counting on MYP for a solid month now! It really works if you exercise, eat clean, and stay committed! I have about 50-60 lbs to lose, lets motivate each other! Everyone, feel free to add me! We all could use the support . =D
  • RyanneRose
    RyanneRose Posts: 128 Member
    Right now, counting calories feels rather like hitting a brick wall when I get close to the limit, but that's because my new limit according to myfitnesspal is so much lower than what I'm used to thoughtlessly consuming. After lunch today I had 400-some calories left because I ate such a huge portion. I need to get used to not mindlessly grabbing a chocolate or granola bar, or popping open a coke, and to restricting my portion sizes to something normal. I'm sure I'll adjust fairly soon, and then it'll be more fun :) I am trying to make water more palatable with lemon juice! I've never heard of nectresse.
    Anything or anyone that keeps me accountable when I say I'll do something goes a long way toward making sure I keep going on a plan. The mfp app and hopefully a couple of friends will keep me in line this time, I hope. I usually start off strong but when there's nobody to tell or keep up with or join, I tend to fall off whatever I started. I've looked up "eating clean" before, and found too many variations to really get a grasp on it. I'm just trying to cut junk, first coke, hershey's kisses, gummies, etc. At least I have my daughter eating right, if not myself yet! I have that much going for me :)