how to log workout video

how would i go about logging a work out video?


  • texasblackrose
    The Essential 12 Minute Workout Fat Burner
    is what i did
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Was it a cardio routine? Cardio with some strength?

    If it was all straight cardio, you should probably log it as 'aerobics, general'

    If if was cardio with some strength portions with weights, you could try logging it as 'curcuit training'
  • HSingMomto7Kids
    HSingMomto7Kids Posts: 345 Member
    Try googling it to see what others have done. Before I got my HRM that is what I did. If not then see on mfp something that may be sort of close to it. Good Luck!
  • MrsTHolmes
    MrsTHolmes Posts: 10 Member
    I have been trying to figure that out for months, because I do the Leslie Sansone "Walk Away the Pounds". So I've just been putting in walking at how many minutes and it automatically calculates the calories burned. hope this helps!

  • kcaffee1
    kcaffee1 Posts: 759 Member
    These are a couple of links I've found to be VERY helpful. Sometimes they calculate burns bigger than MFP, other times smaller. The walking calculator comes from a site that has been reported to be close to several people's HRM monitor burns. The other one I use as a second opinion for some of the odder activities (like yard work, etc.) and if the values are way different than MFP, I'll average them if I feel like I've busted my backside to get the job done.

    Here's the walking calculator:
    And this is the general calculator: (The boxes where you put in weight and duration are at the bottom of the chart.)
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    when i did a 4 min abs video, I just logged it as calisthenics, vigorous, but most of it was modified situps, so.