In recover and on the journey to loose over 100lb

Hi All,

I've been over weight most of my life. Until recently I used food as a drug to protect myself from any and every thing. White sugar is like crack for me and I hope that I never again get stuck in that downward spiral. This may seem unrealistic, but if I'm to put this addition to bed, I can never eat things that contain high levels of processed sugar.

In the past, I was never interested in logging my food. I saw it as an annoyance, frustrating and I didn't like the accountability. However, last week I found MFP and I've logged my food and exercise as well as started the book Fit for My King. For the last week, this combintion seems to be an answer to many prays. I feel like I'm coming out of the wilderness. I am a bit nervous that I will relapse, but I'm trying to take it one choice at a time, one meal at a time and one day at a time.

Please join me on this journey so that we can support each other. Please friend me if you need support and esp if you have a lot of weight to loss!


  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    I am a bit nervous that I will relapse, but I'm trying to take it one choice at a time, one meal at a time and one day at a time.

    This is a good way to start. One step in the right direction, regardless how big or small, is still a step closer to where you want to be.
  • remaines
    remaines Posts: 15 Member
    Fellow sugar addict here, don't worry, it is possible to gain control of the sugar spiral. For me, I had to give it up completely for awhile and detox to get on track. I followed the Paleo diet to get me started and away from the sugar. Feel free to add me, we can compare notes!