Do you work out in the morning?

Is there anyone that works out early in the morning that isn't naturally a morning person? If so how did you adjust? Was it hard at first? Did it get easier? Is it possible to become a morning person?! I am curious because I feel like working out in the morning would fit my schedule better, but getting up at 5am is not something that I would naturally do! I would love advice and suggestions!


  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    You have to adjust your life a bit, get stuff done and night like making lunches. And heading to bed earlier. Nice thing, if you are going to a gym, no one is there at that hour.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I'm a morning person, but not really a 4:45am morning person. :tongue: But if I don't get my workout done early, it usually doesn't happen.

    I workout at home, so once the family is up, my window of opportunity for a workout in the living room is gone, so it's early or never. I finally realized I hated the feeling of regret that came with not getting it done more than the feeling of rolling out of bed super early. After a week or so, it just became habit.

    Alarm goes off at 4:45, I'm usually in my workout clothes and starting my workout by 5:00, done by 6:00, about the time my kid is up and getting ready for school. Works out great for me.

    I workout early in the summer because I still need to beat the family out of bed, but even more so to beat the heat! And getting it done early just sets the tone for my day - I feel better, I eat better, and love that it's done.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    Ditto - I'm a morning person but not an early morning person. I have to do it in the AM or I won't find the time to do it. I admit I've gotten out of the habit recently after a several week illness and I'm having a hard time getting back into the habit, but I love the feeling I have having it done for the day before heading to work.
  • mammachubs
    I am starting tomorrow. I joined a gym last week, and am aiming to go 4 times a week min, and I know it would be much easier if I could get it out of the way in the mornings. So, tomorrow I will be there at 5:30 when it opens.... and I am absolutely NOT a morning person. Its going to be hard for me!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I prefer a morning run. I just force myself out the door at 5am and run for 45min. It's nice to feel like it's just me out there and none of the rif-raf. Sometimes it is hard to resist the temptation of just laying in bed, but I've never regretted a morning run.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I technically work out in the morning if you are looking at the clock (it's 7:30 am) but since I work third shift and it is after I finished working, it would correspond to the afternoons or evenings for all you daywalkers out there.

    Moral of the story: just workout whenever you feel most comfortable doing it and when you know you will be more likely to stick to it in the long run.
  • karenk2f
    karenk2f Posts: 21 Member
    I don't like getting up early...but like many others, if I don't exercise in the morning I won't get it done at all. When I first started, it was hard but I wouldn't let myself make excuses. In fact, my alarm would go off and I would roll out of bed and not even give myself a chance to think about it. I set out my clothes, shoes, dvd and weights the night before. Now, I actually enjoy my workout time before anyone else is up. (I give myself Saturday mornings to sleep in and take the day off!) Best of luck to you!
  • bear_28
    bear_28 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm a morning person because I have to. I commute to work so I have to be up by 5 am.

    I used to do my workouts after I got home (around 7 or 8 pm), but it was not consistent since I was already so tired. In effect, my weight loss then was not consistent as well.

    I now wake-up at 4 am and get my early workout done. It takes a huge amount of effort, especially if you are starting out. You really have to make adjustments. In my case, I started by waking up 15 mins earlier, then 20, then 30, until I got comfortable with 4 am. The night before, I have already arranged in the fridge what I will be packing to work as my food. I even make it a point to visualize myself waking up early and go through my workout routine for the next day (which is currently Insanity). By visualizing it, my mind is prepped up to be awake at a certain hour, knowing I have to do that routine after waking up. You can also do some mild stretching to jolt your body awake and start working out. It works for me.

    Small steps and be consistent. The feeling of accomplishment after you're done with it and knowing that you are starting the day healthy far outweighs the sleepyness and "5-more-minutes-excuses". You can do it! Mind over matter! :flowerforyou:
  • breasonable
    breasonable Posts: 115 Member
    Anyone who has ever know me knows I do not do mornings.. But over the past 6 months or more I have been working out in the A.M. If I don't then I don't do it..... You will get use to it after a few days!!!! Good luck!
  • ElizabethKG1983
    ElizabethKG1983 Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks so much for the replies! I am planning on getting up tomorrow at 5:20am! Wish me luck! I know I will need to make myself get up right when my alarm goes off because if I hit snooze it is over and I will lose my will power! I am hoping that it will get easier and easier to get up early and soon I will be used to it.
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    Butt crack of dawn. 6AM.
    Noooo. I was definitely a night owl and slept through my mornings. Skipped breakfast.
    But, I started setting up early alarms and going to bed early. It was hard at first.
    It became a habit. I feel so much more energized. I do eat breakfast now!
  • aaassshhhhh
    I work out after work... I would prefer to work out in the morning but because of where my gym is located, it's quite the long ride there and back, and then I have to pass there to go to work anyway.. so I usually just change into my gym clothes before I leave for work and head right there. Although, with warm weather finally around the corner, I may become a morning work out person because I'll be able to run outside. But I also love sleep, so who knows. haha
  • Teri0329
    Teri0329 Posts: 12
    I work out in the early morning - because if I don't - I can find a million other things that need to be done in the afternoon.

    Plus - I love the feeling that it is DONE for the day - and working out in the morning gets my blood pumping for the day and makes me more energetic for the remainder of the day?

    Do I like morning workouts? NO! Do I like the results? Yes. So - I force myself up - chug down 2 cups of coffee and off I go!
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I just do it. I was sort of used to getting up early because at the time I started working out, I had a two year old who was just beginning to sleep decently through the night. I don't love it, but it works best for me to get in a good workout. I'm tired a lot, I go to bed fairly early. (I'm talking I don't stay up later than 10:30 pm more than five or six times a year, and I'm typically asleep before 10.)

    Ii just tell myself this is the only way I can guarantee it gets done, and I need to do it to be healthy and strong. Now I just do it out of habit, it feels wrong to miss a workout.
  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I work out at 545am. I never thought I could do it, but I kept having things come up that messed with my evening workouts. My things is that I have to get up as soon as it goes off. No snoozing, no resting, throw off the covers and go. I have my shoes, shorts, bra and top by the bathroom and I am ready to go. If I stop for one minute and think about laying back down I will, so that can't even be a thought in my head.

    To be honest, there are still days where it sucks, but I love being able to come home and know that I don't have to workout. I can just relax. It's a great feeling at 4pm knowing that I can run errands, meet a friend for drinks, cook dinner, etc and I don't have to feel guilty because I am missing a workout.