5'3 258 lbs :(



  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Drink lots of water.
    Log your food accurately.
    Eat back your exercise calories.
    Shoot for 1 pound loss per week.

    Lastly, remember you are trying to cut 3500 calories either though diet, exercise, or a combination of both over the course of a week, so if you mess up, just make the next day better.
  • Take it one day at the time....it is possible. :)
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    It's ok dear! You have come to the right place.My starting weight was 241 maybe higher a little under a year ago. My advice to you is prayer, consistency and not to ever give up. It may not take you a year to do it, but if it does, it will be well worth it in the end. I want you to keep your head up! I will help you if you want. Send a friend request. I have participated in many challenges on MFP and have had great success on my journey. I know you will have the same. Believe in yourself and just don't become discouraged. I'll go through it with you.

  • mechelemc
    mechelemc Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 5ft on a good day I have over 100lbs to loose. I have a ling journey ahead too . We can do this together feel free to add me need ALL the help I can get!
  • txs78746
    txs78746 Posts: 24
    You can do it! I'm only half way through my journey, but getting a kitchen scale really helped. I bought one at Target for six bucks. It weighs in grams and ounces up to a pound. I really had no idea how much food I was eating and wondered why I had steady weight gain.. A lot of the food on MFP, and most labels, will tell you how many calories per gram. With some simple math you can log your day and see what you are actually eating. For me it was an unhappy surprise.
    The second thing I would suggest is make small, ongoing changes. Too much change and you may get frustrated by the culture shock and go back. 500 less calories then what your body needs (not wants) every day will start your slow, gentle, lower-stress loss of the weight. Less weight and you'll want to be more active. As you find yourself being more and more active the weight will continue to come off. There will be ups and downs, there sure have for me. Plan for your weight loss to take two years. If you think of it, that's 104 weeks. If you only loose a pound a week that's 104 pounds! 500 calories less then what it takes to breath and exercise every day is a pound a week. You can do it!
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    Do your homework - research food and learn everything you can about it. If you can afford it, see a registered dietician regularly until you have a good understanding of what different foods do for and to your body. If you can't afford it, use the internet or buy some good books about healthy eating. You have to make a decision, every minute of every day to stick with it. Be patient. You will have days, even weeks, where it feels like you are getting nowhere, or that no one is supporting you, or that you can't see a difference but if you stick with it you will learn that this is a process, only you can do this and that it takes time to see a difference.

    Everyone that has said log everything is absolutely right. It helps to have someone that you are close to help to hold you accountable but you have to agree to be completely honest with them and they have to agree to really hold you accountable, not sympathize with you when you fail. You will fail but you have to get right back up and start again. DO NOT let one bad day ruin this for you!

    You've taken the first step - admitting you have a problem and asking for help. Now take the next step and start living a healthier lifestyle. That's the real secret - this isn't a diet, it's a change in lifestyle. If you treat it as temporary, the weight loss will be temporary too.