Can't fit in enough cals for 1200, forget the roadmap!



  • Kristina661
    Kristina661 Posts: 32 Member
    1200 is pretty not "hard" I should say...but aggrivating. Sure we can eat fast food and hit that in one meal haha But when your trying to be healthy its harder plus whats the point of all the hard work exercising to put that junk in our bodies. Im on 1200 and the eaisest way for me is to pre log before I eat, so I can play around with food and numbers and figure out what I need for the day to reach that and still keep all the macros in check. Im just not a big I understand how 1200 can be hard..even when all these other people look at you like your crazy. I got your back :)
  • The 1500 or 1336 or whatever it is the MAXIMUM you will have to eat while losing weight, as you'll be recalculating every 10lb or so. In fact, you'll probably find that your maintenance calories at goal are on the low side.

    If you go for it, I would suggest looking at your weight loss monthly, rather than weekly. If you have a lowish TDEE, you will have a lowish deficit. I'm quite used to losing slowly, but I find it's very steady and consistent.

    Best of luck, and do add me if you like - I'm a bit shorter and older than most people here, and I think it can be a little bit different for us (even though the maths is the same!).

    Thank you for such a helpful reply. how do i do the 'add' thing?
    I'm thinking I will will return to the 1200 calories that I am comfortable with, I haven't felt at all uncomfortable, even with increased cardio effort exercise. Still waiting on my errant kettle bells, the blasted things seem to have gone astray, and I do remember that in the past when I did weights I needed to eat more due to fatigue. that's not the issue at the moment.
    Your advice is excellent.
  • melindanew
    melindanew Posts: 150 Member
    In my experience this is a hostile forum, we should be supporting each other not being so nasty. But some seem to want to tell everyone what to do and not support and help.
    Let's agree to disagree. In my experience, this forum is by no means hostile. Some people, however, confuse truth with hostility. Yes, some offer the horse golden bits in their replies, but that doesn't necessarily make it any better.

    We will as ypu say have to agree to differ as I have seen people chased away from the forum, supportive forum would never allow that to happen.

    And how is this helpful to the original poster?
  • In my experience this is a hostile forum, we should be supporting each other not being so nasty. But some seem to want to tell everyone what to do and not support and help.
    Let's agree to disagree. In my experience, this forum is by no means hostile. Some people, however, confuse truth with hostility. Yes, some offer the horse golden bits in their replies, but that doesn't necessarily make it any better.

    We will as ypu say have to agree to differ as I have seen people chased away from the forum, supportive forum would never allow that to happen.

    And how is this helpful to the original poster?

    The question was why are some answers so hostile, the comments followed that. It may be helpful to the OP to realise they are not alone others have encountered hostility too.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    For people who are just active, small, and do not lift, this is a concern for most of us. Many of us have not been big eaters our whole lives, so it may have taken less of an overage for us to gain to begin with?

    Most people have always said, "You've obviously been blessed with a very fast metabolism". I sometimes wonder if the opposite is actually true...I eat less, have a slower metabolism, and burn less throughout my life? Who knows. I just have to watch what's happening now and adjust accordingly.

    As I'm increasing my fitness level, I'm hungrier and can eat more without gaining. If I drop off exercising, I need to adjust my calories accordingly...which I did not do after an injury last year.

    Most research I've found do not show loss of muscle mass unless people are not working out and drop below 800 calories a day.

    I personally don't worry if I'm off 100 calories one way or the other. It averages out.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    Thank you all for taking the time to reply. i just kind of gradually crept up into being overweight over about 10 years, kids moving out and dogs dying meant less need to move, and i didn't change my eating habits.
    LJ cannon thankyou, I think you have made a good pointn re nutrient rich foods. I think I have made my food diary public now, i am under on cals but nearly always over on carbs - i have food allergies so no nuts, eggs, avocado, shellfish, fish, most meat and i have to limit dairy to yoghurt and skim or light milk. I think by decades of conditioning I have tended to eat a lot of carbs so I guess now on 1200 cals that is filling me up too quickly.
    I'll get baked beans tomorrow and see how I go.
    Is there a reason for the hostility in some of the responses?

    Since the thread went sideways. I think its best to get back on subject.

    Being 52 y/o and have around 40kg to lose, don't worry so much about Macros (Carbs/Protein/Fat) yes they are important but in order for you to stay focused and committed, it might be best just to give all of your attention to caloric intake. Once you hit that and have no problems making daily/weekly caloric goals, then you can move on to macros.

    If you really having trouble hitting caloric goals here are a few tips (some already mentioned)

    1. Eat calorie dense foods (nuts, avocados, fruit- couple of servings a day) you can google calorie rich foods and probably get an incredible list

    2. Stop buying fat free, low fat, diet foods.
    3. Eat snacks in between 3 meals a day. Have some nuts or a piece of fruit or yogurt something.
    4. Get 7-8 hours of sleep
    5. weight train for 30-45 mins per wk (this will also help sleep)
    6. cardio a couple times includes (brisk walk, light jogging, biking, whatever you preference)

    Since your having such a hard time hitting 1200 cal/day....start there and add 50 cal/wk (seriously that like eating one extra clementine orange) until you get up to 1500/wk. In a month, you'll be at 1400 and in six weeks you'll be at 1500 still losing while

    Good luck!
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    You sound like someone who isn't enjoying what you're all. I mean...rice cakes to fill out calories when you could be enjoying real food...some peanut butter, a deviled egg, even a luscious piece of dark chocolate. Eating healthier doesn't mean punishing yourself! I lost this much weight eating more than 1600 calories a day...and enjoying good food....and I am older than you, so that's not a factor. Please look at your approach to your food and your body with a little more optimism and'll be happier!
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Maybe try buying some foods that have calories in them that are actually food.. Not dried out rice cakes.. Its really easy to eat 1200, Posts like this will get a bashing cause its a ridiculous question thats been asked numerous times.. Go to the grocery store, buy food, eat food.. =1200+ calories.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Thank you all for taking the time to reply. i just kind of gradually crept up into being overweight over about 10 years, kids moving out and dogs dying meant less need to move, and i didn't change my eating habits.
    LJ cannon thankyou, I think you have made a good pointn re nutrient rich foods. I think I have made my food diary public now, i am under on cals but nearly always over on carbs - i have food allergies so no nuts, eggs, avocado, shellfish, fish, most meat and i have to limit dairy to yoghurt and skim or light milk. I think by decades of conditioning I have tended to eat a lot of carbs so I guess now on 1200 cals that is filling me up too quickly.
    I'll get baked beans tomorrow and see how I go.
    Is there a reason for the hostility in some of the responses?

    In my experience this is a hostile forum, we should be supporting each other not being so nasty. But some seem to want to tell everyone what to do and not support and help.

    In my experience, people that don't receive the answers they wanted perceive the truth as hostility. An objective view would show that everyone who has responded has volunteered their advice. People do this to be nice. No one was hostile in the least.
  • And how is this helpful to the original poster?

    Melindadew, I was wondering the same thing, [eye roll]
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    1) Undereating is bad.

    2) Eat more food. Foods rich in healthy fats (avocados, eggs, peanut butter, cheese, milk, nuts, and so on.)

    You can eat more. 1200 and under is what toddlers eat. You are a grown adult. You can and should eat more.

    EDIT: I just saw that you have food allergies. It might be a good time to pose a "What are good foods I can eat that are higher in satiating calories" in the food and nutrition forum.
  • dimsumkitty
    dimsumkitty Posts: 120 Member
    i have food allergies so no nuts, eggs, avocado, shellfish, fish, most meat and i have to limit dairy to yoghurt and skim or light milk

    No wonder you're eating so many carbs! That's so many high protein things you can't eat. :frown:

    Maybe drink more milk? I have friends who get most of their protein from just drinking pints and pints of milk, and they seem to be fine. Also you didn't mention soy, so you could try soy milk and tofu?
  • nikkohli
    nikkohli Posts: 311 Member
    Just an anecdote, take it for what it is worth, but I started at 1200 cals with basically the same stats as you.I lost 5 lbs right away (water weight?), felt full all the time and thought I could live on 1200 cals forever happily. Fast forward to 3 weeks later, I had only lost 1 more lb, was exercising my butt off and annoyed that 2 beers at HH was basically my dinner allowance.
    I read the road map, slowly upped my cals to about 1600 (lightly active but I eat back some when I have a super active day) and have been dropping 1-2lbs consistently a week. I am now 10lbs from goal in about 3 months time. I am SOOOOO much happier eating more cals!!

    Try it slowly.....You'll find it can be easier than you think!

    ETA--just saw your allergies :( SO I deleted suggestions.
    It might be a little more difficult but I think you could do it--but if you are happy where you are....ride it out and make changes as needed!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    i have food allergies so no nuts, eggs, avocado, shellfish, fish, most meat and i have to limit dairy to yoghurt and skim or light milk

    No wonder you're eating so many carbs! That's so many high protein things you can't eat. :frown:

    Maybe drink more milk? I have friends who get most of their protein from just drinking pints and pints of milk, and they seem to be fine. Also you didn't mention soy, so you could try soy milk and tofu?

    Apparently meat allergy is extremely rare. Did you get tested for this and how does the fat content of dairy affect your allergies?
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    NOT getting sucked into this one....... *backs out quickly*
  • I didn't know that they still made rice cakes - much less that anybody still ate them.
    I suspect you didn't become overweight from a constant calorie deficit. So, while we are reluctant to add foods to our diets, I'd vote for adding something other than ricecakes.
    Get a blood allergy test. I find it's strange to be allergic to meat but not low-fat dairy products. Chicken? Alligator? Quail?
    IE, what is the common denominator?
    I'm not sure, I'm not a certified nutritionist. I read your post about general slow-down in life. I get that, too.
    But eating ricecakes isn't going to lead to proper nutrition. :/
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I think you've gotten some great suggestions here (better than dry rice cakes! :)

    Given your age, I think starting a kettlebell routine and/or body weight resistance exercises would be good to preserve muscle mass and could also help with bone density--especially if you have allergies and can't consume a decent amount of dairy (unless your doctor recommends a supplement.)

    I don't think you've received hostile comments...some people do tend to be very blunt, and it seems like many people like yourself who cannot "reach" 1200 calories (once they've revamped their eating habits, or they're eating "diet" foods) are back on the forums a few weeks later complaining that their weight loss has stalled even though they're eating very little, or they've lost muscle mass (this can be determined by body fat testing/DEXA scans). So...I think people are overall trying to be helpful.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I really don't get how people can't eat, my calories are set at 1900 I eat healthily (usually don't look at last weeks diary really bad) and struggle to stay under. Add in olive oil, peanut butter and natural yoghurt you will eat your calorie goal. Maybe I just like food too much.
  • Are you sure you're logging everything correctly? Do you log everything? (Like oil used during cooking and sweetened beverages?) If you're really having a hard time eating more maybe you're eating more than you think you're eating, and you're really getting enough food. It's just something to think about.

    If you're logging everything correctly and you're really on getting 1200 calories a day I would suggest maybe adding more fats to your diet (Healthy fats!- like avocado, nuts, REAL peanut butter, olive oil) because they are more calorie dense. But always be sure to measure them out and log them.

    Good luck!
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    Too much hostility toward rice cakes in this thread! OM nom nom...

    Also: put cream cheese on them.