Weight Loss Questionnaire



  • ECR1989
    ECR1989 Posts: 158
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 24

    • Starting weight: 168lbs
    • Current weight: 142lbs
    • Goal weight: 135 lbs

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose weight? - To feel better about myself, be healthy and fit back into my old wardrobe

    • Tell me a bit about your past… - I lose weight once before but it was more puppy fat than anything else. Was in a long term relationship with a guy who needed to eat lots just to sustain his weight, so I thought I could do the same. No exercise and the weight just crept on over 4 years or so.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? Absolutely not

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) no

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) Yes but I try not to let it effect me so much. I would like to have the body of certain celebrities but I'm fully aware that their job is to look that way and they have all the time/resources to achieve that - so i don't beat myself up about it.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Probably somebody like Jessica Alba or Bar Rafaeli - slim but still with curves.

    • Why do you want to look that way? I want to keep my femininity. I have no wish to be thin, I just want to look slimmer whilst still maintaining my curves.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) I'm doing the Insanity program - currently on day 12, so not far in. I joined a gym 6 months ago, did a few workouts from 30 day shred, and tried to moderate my eating habits. I'm not cutting anything out, just learning moderation.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? I'd like a more slender appearance everywhere really. Lean and strong.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) Most of the time I feel really motivated and positive, I can see how far I've come. And mentally I've got a lot stronger too. But there are days when I feel fat and want to give up.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) MFP members have been great, really instrumental to my success. i've learnt so much from the people here. My friends also have been very supportive - they encourage me to have a good time so i don't get too obsessed but they also come to the gym with me and we work out together.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) I don't think so. I've not really had to endure jibes about my weight or appearance

    • What motivates you? Feeling that my ideal body is now within my grasp and that i have nothing to gain by giving up. Before it used to feel so hopeless but now I'm nearly there I feel really motivated.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) I actually feel really bad about it, which I'm working on. I don't even want to look at it like falling off the wagon, those days are normal and needed as well. I just make sure I make up for it later.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) With Insanity I really feel like it's possible and within my grasp which is so exciting :)

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? I think I'll still have a way to go mentally until i've caught up with my body's changes. Learning to love yourself takes a lot longer than losing a few pounds at the gym. But I think I'll be really proud of myself

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? Work on myself mentally, whilst still keeping up with my fitness regime.

    • What is your biggest worry? That I'll be disatisfied when I reach my goal weight...

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? That you should take it one day at a time and that it's a marathon not a sprint. I'm trying to encorporate all these changes so that I don't have to do it again. I'm making fitness a part of my lifestyle rather than a chore.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? It doesn't get easier, you just get better
  • indygal76
    indygal76 Posts: 283 Member
    Gender: Female
    • Age: 36

    • Starting weight: 191
    • Current weight: 136
    • Goal weight: 125

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) I want to lose weight to feel better about myself. I want to be healthy and stay healthy as I age!

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I have always been unhappy with my weight. I was a chubby kid that was quickly becoming a fat teenager. My family ate bad while I was growing up. There was no such thing as "dieting" in our house. I was active but not active enough. My grandma had goodies and we were allowed to have as much as we like. I remember eating brownies from a bakery, doritos and drinking Big Red for breakfast. I would probably eat that 2 to 3 times a week!

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? I sometimes think I do. I feel "uncomfortable" in my own skin.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) I was anoxeria my 8th & 9th grade year. I would only eat a jolly rancher all day long. I had zero energy. My uncle saw a magazine with Tracy Gold on it and read the article. He brought it to my parent's attention and they realized I had a problem. They took me to my ped who helped me ge back on track to somewhat normal eating.

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) Not really

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Beyonce

    • Why do you want to look that way? I think she looks great. She isn't stick skinny but is lean & healthy.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) I am trying to eat more protein and hit my macros. I love working out, which I do daily if possible. I enjoy walking, boot camp and anything that makes me move & burn calories.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? My stomach has a lot of loose skin on it from so much "yo yo" dieting over the years. My thighs & butt are saggy!

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) I feel positive most days but a negative day can creep up every once in a while too.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) My family & friends support me with their compliments & suggestions.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) I have a coworker who stopped talking to me as much as she used too. I wonder sometimes if she is "jealous" over my weight loss. I think the public is kinder to me now that I have lost weight. I noticed people smile more.

    • What motivates you? My husband & daughter! I want to be healthy & around a long time for them!

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) I feel upset some days but always realize tomorrow is another day to start fresh.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) I feel like it's possible if I put the effort & work towards it!

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Ecstatic & relieved

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? I will go on and be happy that I made my goal!

    • What is your biggest worry? That I will gain back the weight I have lost!

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? That a lifestyle change isn't always easy!

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay awhile and leave footprints on ou hearts, and we are never, ever the same" Flavia Weedn
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,636 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 25

    • Starting weight: 180
    • Current weight: 155-160
    • Goal weight: 125-130

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)
    I want to be in the Healthy BMI category instead of Overweight, I want to look sexier and have more confidence. I also want to fit into some of my old clothes that I outgrew.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)
    I've never had a weight problem until a few years ago. I think my metabolism just slowed down. I have never had to watch what I ate or exercise. I used to hate physical activity and would eat anything I wanted (fast food, candy, etc) as much as I wanted. I grew up drinking soda and eating frozen meals.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)
    Yes, a lot of women in the media have big boobs and small waists and wear a lot of make up. I used to feel like I should look that way but being with my boyfriend has made me realize that he thinks I look good the way I am so I don't feel like I have to change anymore. He does want me to lose weight and get healthier so I am trying to do that.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?
    Don't have anyone in particular but I am aiming to be slender with a little muslce tone.

    • Why do you want to look that way?
    I think that is the best combination of sexy/womanly + strong/healthy.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)
    I am eating at TDEE-15% and trying to eat as many clean foods as possible (fruits/veggies/protein) while limiting my carbs and sodium. In general I am trying to slowly incorporate more clean/whole foods into my diet while phasing out the fast food/junky foods etc. My exercise plan includes workout DVDs such as Jillian Michael's and Insanity, running (training for a 10k right now), zumba, and walking my dog. I sometimes do body weight exercises also. I try to run 3x a week, dvd 1x or 2x, zumba 1x, and walk my dog maybe 4x.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?
    All over but my upper arms and thighs are trouble spots.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)
    I feel positive about it because I have lost 25 pounds so far and I'm happy to be doing something new that is good for my body and will make my body healthy. Sometimes I get frustrated because the results are slow and I mess up frequently (by binging on alcohol/fast food etc).

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)
    All of my family/friends support me and MFPals :)

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)
    Yeah several friends/family members have complimented me on how I look and stated they are proud of me for training for some of the competitions I am doing (obstacle courses/races).

    • What motivates you?
    The results I see in the mirror and the feeling I get from having a good workout. Also I sign up for online challenges and races/obstacle courses that I have to train for which keeps me accountable.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)
    I feel disapointed in myself but I realize that it is normal because no one is perfect and I can't eat perfect every day. I get upset but then I think "I have to do better tomorrow."

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)
    I feel like once I reach my "goal" I will have to continue to maintain so there really isn't any stopping. I think it seems far away since my progress has been slow.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?
    I think I will feel really good about myself and confident to show off my body.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    I guess I will keep working on it.

    • What is your biggest worry?
    That I won't ever make my goal. I could get pregnant and then just keep getting fatter and fatter. Won't lose the pregnancy weight and I'll just get totally fat.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    I have learned so much about working out and eating right. I can't even put down all the stuff I've learned. A lot.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
    "No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everybody on the couch."
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 21

    • Starting weight: 135
    • Current weight: 132
    • Goal weight: 119

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) to look sexy naked

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) normal childhood, normal weight - nothing to see here

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? no

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) no

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) yes, everybody looks so dam tight!

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Charlize Theron, Candice Swanepoel.

    • Why do you want to look that way? because they are lean, long and slender

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) eating 1500 calories, high protein, working out 5 days a week (running 3x, weights 2x) training for lots of 10K races.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? KNEES...oh god they are hideous and fatty and they fold over themselves.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) motivated

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) Yes, my husband

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) yes, they think I know everything there is to know about losing weight, which I don't.

    • What motivates you? dresses, skirts - anything I can have my knees on display

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) Tomorrow's a new day :)

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) its far away, but its possible

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Happy

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? Eat loads of crap

    • What is your biggest worry? that even when I lose all the weight and drop my body fat my knees will still look the same.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? to eat less and move more

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? Those who indulge, bulge.
  • NRLMMeynendonckx
    • Gender: F
    • Age: 21

    • Starting weight: 178.5
    • Current weight: 166.4
    • Goal weight: 130 - 143

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose weight? (Please state which)
    Being healthier, being skinny, feeling comfortable in my own body, feel better about my body

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)
    I have always been called fat/big. But if pictures are an indication, it wasn't true. I was not skinny, but I wasn't fat either. Just a regular kid. When I was 16 y I changed school and developed some unhealthy eating habits (lot's of junk), by the time I entered college I drank alcohol on a weekly basis, eat irregular, ... I gained a lot of weight and I am trying to 1) change my eating habits and 2) lose all the weight again.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)
    Yes, I do feel like it's easier to be skinny. You don't have to be healthy. People judge bigger people. Everyone assumes they're unhealthy. A skinny/thin person can be unhealthy/lazy/... too.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?

    • Why do you want to look that way?

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) I count calories. I try not to drink (diet) soda, I eat fruit and vegetables everyday. I ride 2 - 3 hours a week on our horse and I go running for 20 -25 min everyday.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?
    I want to change all over.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)
    I sometimes feel like it isn't going fast enough.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)
    Yes, my mom and boyfriend are very supportive.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)

    • What motivates you?
    Seeing/feeling positive changes.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)
    I want to punish myself but I try to think/act: "Tomorrow is a new day. I can do this."

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)
    It feels impossible. I don't know what I'll do when I reach it.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?
    No idea.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?

    • What is your biggest worry?
    That I won't like how I look. That I'll still feel fat and ugly.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
  • 3rdxacharm
    3rdxacharm Posts: 377 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 42

    • Starting weight: 237
    • Current weight: 211.8
    • Goal weight: 175

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? I want to lose weight to be healthy and to feel better in my own skin. And because my awesome BF deserves a good looking woman at his side.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I have been over weight all my life. I have lost 60 lbs or more twice but life got in the way and here we are again.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) probably a little, but that lessens with age(maturity).

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Myself - when I was 165.

    • Why do you want to look that way? Healthy and happier!

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) I am currently following the primal way of eating. I have found that I have gluten sensitivities and I don't really miss wheat at all. I enjoy eating this way. I just recently went to the farmers market to purchase groceries for a meal plan I got from Primal Blueprint and it was liberating to buy only fresh produce and meat. I dont workout as much as I should but I try to take a walk at lunch everyday that the sun is shining.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? I am overweight enough to have a problem all over. Looking forward to just having A problem area.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) I feel very goo dabout losing weight. Some days are better than others.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) My BF is a great motivator and he eats the same plan I do. I also have a group on here that have been very supportive for over 6 years.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) No, not really

    • What motivates you? The way I feel on those successful days - I want to feel that way all the time.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) I have gotten better at rebounding pretty quickly. It would sometimes take a week or more to get back on track. I guess the more I try the easier it gets.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) It will happen.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Successful!

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? I will - i've been there.

    • What is your biggest worry? To maintain. I have been there twice before and let it get away from me. I am hoping now that I avoid gluten, it will not be as problematic.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? I think my newest realization is that when you get derailed, you dont have to wait for monday or the first of the month or next year. I can get back on track the same day. I am worth it.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
  • koootenay
    koootenay Posts: 126 Member

    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 21

    • Starting weight: 206
    • Current weight: 200
    • Goal weight: 140

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? I want to lose weight to be a healthier me and to look/feel better bout myself. Ultimately my goal is to lower my body fat %

    • Tell me a bit about your past… I was always bigger growing up, I was allowed to eat whenever and whatever I wanted (as I remember anyways) It wasn't until I got into high school that I got diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes and then it all got worse. I didn't take care of myself and went into hospital for diabetic ketoasidosis several times over my whole teen years. Then I moved away and felt I needed to start over. I still didn't do well, but this year, something happened and the way I saw the world changed. I began controlling my diabetes and with that came my energy and motivation to be healthier. So here I am now, the healthiest I've ever been and loving myself : )

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? I was diagnosed with diabulimia 3 years ago. It will always be apart of me now. But it's how I deal with it that makes me a better person.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? See above

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? I used to, until I started to take care over myself and I sort of just began loving myself for who I was.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? My future self.

    • Why do you want to look that way? See first question.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible....... I follow no specific diet. I have my macros set at 50c/25p/25f. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. Cardio plus strength training. I supplement with whey protein every so often. No surgery

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? I don't believe in problem areas.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? I feel proud of myself for taking the right steps into a healthier lifestyle.

    • Have you got people who support you? Online, here, for sure! And I have my boyfriend who takes pleasure in forcing me to the gym when I don't feel like going : )

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? Sometimes my boyfriend thinks I'm some sort of health nut, but I guess I kind of am compared to his one XL Slurpee a day routine.

    • What motivates you? Anticipation.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? I haven't felt like giving up yet and I don't plan on it. If I go way over calorie goal I go to bed on time and sleep it off because it's a new day and one fall won't break me.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? I'm excited to feel sexy for myself, even though my boyfriend says I already am.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? I think I will be a much happier person.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? I think if I don't feel happy at my goal weight, I must have terrible brain damage and everything I've said is bull****.

    • What is your biggest worry? People I know changing their opinion of me negatively.

    • What have you learned on your journey so far? Exercise if fun and something I can look forward too.

    • What is your favorite (relevant) quote? Wow, I really regret that workout - No One. Ever.
  • snowbike
    snowbike Posts: 153 Member
    • Gender: male
    • Age: 46

    • Starting weight: 277
    • Current weight: 177
    • Goal weight: 168

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) Avoid premature death and ride bikes up hill quicker.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)
    Working as a consultant living in hotels and eat out of garages.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) no

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) no

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Bradly wiggins

    • Why do you want to look that way? He can ride bikes up hills quickly

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) riding bikes, calorie monitoring and lifting weights

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? all over

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) Positive

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) Both.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) yes, women talk to me, Bikers fear me on hill climbs.

    • What motivates you? Getting to the top of the hill

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)
    there is no "wagon", there is a journey... but Ive fell off my bike a few times.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) I reached my goal last summer, I will again this summer.but with more muscle. its inevitable.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?
    Job done, now FIND ME SOME HILLS!

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    I wont

    • What is your biggest worry?
    Getting injured or being forced to live in the Maldives (Flattest Country In The World).

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    Pace yourself in everything.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
    You cant out train a bad diet. But you can out ride a calorie surplus.
  • ljmiller11
    ljmiller11 Posts: 67 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 25

    • Starting weight: 154lbs
    • Current weight: 135lbs
    • Goal weight: 133 lbs

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose weight? - To improve my overall health, feel good when I look in the mirror & in a bikini and be able to buy size 10 jeans again :)

    • Tell me a bit about your past… - I have always loved food. I don't just mean junk food, food in general. I grew up with a family who all have healthy appetites, I love to cook and eat out. We were always taught about which foods were healthy and I've never been one to eat a lot of sweet stuff but if I let myself, it would be portions that I struggle with. I am not very good at stopping when I am full which ultimately leads to over eating.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No. Although, I do find it stressful if I know I am going out for an unhealthy meal and it's going to be hard to stay within my calorie goal.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) Yes but I also understand that what we see is not real. Or certainly not real for anyone holding down a full time job, running a house and leading a normal life! It's important to remember the celebs and models we see all have personal chefs, trainers and cash to spend on looking that perfect!

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Kate Upton. She still have great curves but is gorgeous!

    • Why do you want to look that way? My boyfriend loves her! Haha, no, it's because she is slim but still femine. I do not strive to have boney hips an elbows. I strive to be toned but curvy. I'd hate to lose my boobs and bum!

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) I'm doing mainly Jillian Michaels DVD'S at home plus one circuit class a week and 2 gym sessions including cross trainer and stationary bike. I also walk where possible.With regards to diet, I am trying to eat 1,500 cals a day plus eating back some exercise cals. Food is mainly lean meat, veg, fruit and good fats like dairy and nuts. I still have some treats though, I could not give up chocolate altogether!

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? I'm trying to tone everywhere but mainly my stomach and arms. I like my legs :)

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) Most of the time I feel really motivated and positive but there are days I just want to eat and give up for a bit. I guess that's the problem with being close to goal weight, you start to get comfortable and lazy!

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) Yes although I do get the odd 'you don't need to lose anymore' comments which are not helpful although said with the best intentions I am sure. My other half is naturally very slim and so he sometimes says I am being obsessive and that one takeaway won't hurt. That can be tough to deal with.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) No.

    • What motivates you? Thinking about my summer holiday and feeling good in my swimwear! Also, knowing I can put on anything in my wardrobe and it'll look good and not too tight!

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) Really bad! This is an area I need to work on as when I get to maintenance, I am bound to have good and bad days. I really struggle to let go and find myself cutting back to make up for it which is not helpful. It also makes me feel like I might aswell just keep eating crap now which is obviously not the right thing to do!

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) Excited but scared. Kind of like, what's next? I've lost it and put it back on before, I will not do that again!

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Probably like it's still not enough. I still feel like I look the same. Losing weight and changing how you see yourself are two different things. I'm sure I'll be happy but I'm also sure I'll want to keep going and just tighten up that, or firm up that!

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? Go workout..?

    • What is your biggest worry? That it'll never be enough or that I'll put it back on.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? That bad days happen! That I do have good will power. That change can happen. Keeping motivated and not eating cake is hard!

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? No pain, no gain!
  • lcv915
    lcv915 Posts: 15 Member
    Gender: Female
    • Age: 51

    • Starting weight: 187.5
    • Current weight: 180.5
    • Goal weight: 132

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)
    My weight has gone up and down for my entire adult life. When I'm at a healthy weight, I feel more energetic, optimistic, and confident. When I'm hiding behind my weight, I just want to disappear. I'm tired of hiding. I want to regain my personal sense of power by connecting with and loving my body and all it can (still) do.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)
    My emotional eating started at age 11, following a week of sexual abuse (while I was hospitalized). I grew up in a military family and we moved at least every two years (often, every summer). I have ALWAYS felt as if I were on the outside, looking in. I've always wanted to be invisible. Packing on the pounds pretty much does that...

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)
    I'm sure I have been but -- at the moment, I'm feeling the pressure of time...and how little I might have left (my Mom just passed away from complications of Alzheimer's; she (and her mother, aunt, uncle, and sister) was diagnosed at age 70. I've got 19 good years left and I want to LIVE them!

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?
    Ha! I used to play this game, decades ago, with other women in my office. "If you had were told your body would disintegrate in 30 seconds but, you could choose someone else's body to clone and inhabit beforehand...whose would you choose?" My answer was (usually) Sandra Bullock. Just your "girl next door" healthy, confident, and casual.

    • Why do you want to look that way?
    I want to FEEL healthy, confident, and casual! I want to feel powerful and competent in the world.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)
    This time, I'm doing it right. I found a good therapist to help me work through the emotional angst and panic I feel when I start to lose weight. That, counting calories, and exercising a couple times a week. Eventually, I'll shoot for exercising 6 days/week...

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?
    All over. But, I carry most of my excess weight in my stomach/waist.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)
    It's slow going (as usual). But, if I just perservere, I'll get there.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)
    My husband is also using myfitnesspal.com and is very supportive.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)
    No one has noticed because I've only lost 7 pounds so far...

    • What motivates you?
    The realization that, if I don't do it now, I never will. I'm running out of time and I want to be able to feel good about myself...to inhabit my body...to feel energized and connected...to feel confident when I walk into a room. I'm to damn old to hide anymore. I intend to make my last 20 years the absolute best of my life. It's time to get my **** together!

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)
    I'm pretty hard on myself. I have so little self discipline and, when I mess up, I berate (and hate) myself for days.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)
    It's far far away so, I try not to think about it. I've been setting mini goals, instead. My first one was, "just do it until your birthday (12 days) and then reassess." My birthday was 3 days ago so, my new one is "just hang in there until the end of April and see how you feel then." I try not to make my mini goals weight related but to simply continue keeping my calories under my limit and increase my physical activity. Perimenopause makes my weight fluctuate too much to make that a good gauge of "success" in the short run. I just need to hang in there and keep on doing this...

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?
    Healthier. More confident. I'll be able to grab something to wear in the morning and not agonize over whether it hides me well enough.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    Exercise more.

    • What is your biggest worry?
    That I'll give up (again) and go back into hiding.

    • What have you learnED on your journey so far?
    That it only takes two weeks to start feeling a whole lot better.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
    Just one? I have quite a few I like to re-read from time to time!

    "Don't give up what you want most for what you want now."
    "Don't stop until you're proud."
    "You're far to smart to be the only thing standing in your way." (Jennifer Freeman)
    "Fitness to me isn't about a crunch or a push up, it's about taking your power back." (Jillian Michaels)
    "A year from now, you will wish you had started today." (Karen Lamb)
    "When you feel like quitting, think about why you started."
    "I may not be there yet but, I'm closer than I was yesterday."
    "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." (Kate Moss)
    "It's never too late to be what you might have been."
  • Cockney365
    Cockney365 Posts: 52 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 31

    • Starting weight: 197
    • Current weight: 180
    • Goal weight: 160

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)
    Honestly? Because I don't like the way I look and nobody else seems to either!

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)
    I've always been larger, mum and dad are a fan of large portions and very 'if it's on your plate you must eat it all' which I am only just getting over!

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)
    Yes and no. I don't look at magazines and say 'Oooh life's not fair, I should look like Britney Spears, boohoo' but at the same time I do want to look like someone else. A better version of me, and when I am struggling on the treadmill and some pop video comes on, I think 'Come on, that's what you are aiming for, keep going!' (I am realistic and know I will never look like some sort of pop star)

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?

    • Why do you want to look that way?
    She seems to have everything in proportion, obviously works hard but looks great to me.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)
    Eating around 1700 calories (above my BMR and about 20% below my TDEE). I play netball, do weights and cardio at the gym, kettlebell classes and run the odd race here and there. I try and keep my food to sensible choices with the odd extravagance, mainly aiming for 45% carbs, 30% protein, 25% fat

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?
    Everywhere is a problem area but my thighs are the first thing to change (overall getting bigger but with muscle rather than fat). Inner thighs and stomach will be the last to change I expect, but would like an overall reduction (except on my boobs which are disappearing at a rate of knots)

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)
    Positive. I know I can do this!

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)
    A few, but I don't tend to tell everyone about my weightloss/fitness efforts. It bores people and I don't want everyone to ask me how much I've lost every 5 minutes, so no Facebook posts and no bragging on here

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)
    Not really.

    • What motivates you?
    Knowing that one day I'll be happy with myself and eventually a man out there might feel the same way. Knowing that I am making positive changes and not waiting for a surgeon (although if I could afford one, I might give it a shot!)

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)
    I feel like an idiot but also like a human and I pretty much give myself that day off. Write it off as a bad day and start again tomorrow

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)
    I'm just under half way now and I feel good about that. I know I have a way to go until I am not only at my preferred weight but also body fat percentage, size and fitness level but I will get there. I'm a work in progress

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?
    Ecstatic and confused. What will I do with my life when this is no longer influencing every decision I make about when, where and what to eat?

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    Find a new focus/obsession

    • What is your biggest worry?
    That I'll be in the shape I want to be in and still not be happy

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    That it takes time, patience and willpower to get this to work and it won't happen overnight

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
    If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got
  • javajinny
    javajinny Posts: 78
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 32

    • Starting weight: 346
    • Current weight: 268
    • Goal weight: 180

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) I want to lose weight because at 29 my cholesterol was a little high and that’s just not right for a 29 year old. I also have always been pretty athletic and wanted to be able to do awesome stuff without getting so winded (embarrassing).

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) My brother and I both starting putting on weight shortly after our parents’ divorce. I didn’t even notice that until I was in my 20’s and someone asked when I started getting heavy. Food was comforting.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? Sort of but not really. I think I have an unhealthy relationship with food; I view it as something it’s not. Food is not comfort or something to do when I’m bored. Food is fuel and I should view it as such.

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) Yes. TV and movies show us that size 6 and under is normal and anything larger is weird and somehow less than. There are so many beautiful 14’s and 16’s out there, sexy 18’s. I wish there were more plus sizes on TV because size doesn’t equal health. I know size 8’s that have worse cholesterol/blood pressure/sugar levels than I do.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) I simply started paying attention to what I was putting in my mouth. I am not dieting; I will have icecream if I want it. I will simply not eat icecream and a steak dinner with potatoes and a sweet tea. I’ll have a salad and icecream. I also started paying attention to how much time I spent sitting on the couch. So I got moving because I realized that I rarely purposefully exercised. I’m not really eating less, just eating smarter, and walking and going to a super fun dance class that is really sweaty and lifting weights and kayaking. Keeping a lot of variety and involving my friends keeps me motivated to work out.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? All over, there’s just too much of me.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) There are ups and downs, but overall very positive and have kept mostly motivated.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) Yes. I have some wonderful girlfriends. After I dropped about 30 pounds, about 4 of them wanted to get fit, too, said I inspired them so we work out a lot together now and hold one another accountable about food.

    • What motivates you? It’s easier and easier to be active; I’m winded less and it feels good to use my body now. That keeps me going.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) It’s not a big deal. This is a life style change, not some diet. In real life, there will be weekends when I eat like I mean it. It’s ok; it’s not the end of the world.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) It seems pretty far away. I’m a little over half way there, but it still seems quite far. That’s a little disheartening at times.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? Sexy is not a size. Skinny does not equal healthy.
  • jdub224
    jdub224 Posts: 120
    • Gender: M
    • Age: 46

    • Starting weight: 371 (361 "official MFP" start)
    • Current weight: 264.8
    • Goal weight: 230-240

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) I finally got tired of being fat. My health. The fact that purposely destroying my body was sinful.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I was always "big boned", but I always athletic. My weight always seemed to play into the fact that I could move it almost as quickly as smaller guys and performed really well in sports.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No. I'm simply a glutton. A sinful nature and selfish.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) Nope.

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) Perhaps in advertising. I love running, the people in running ads don't look anything like me. But, how I look is my fault. As is what I choose to look at.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Not sure I admire anyone famous. I have friends who inspire me to keep working on things, but no "ideal".

    • Why do you want to look that way?

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) I drink a supplement each day from Nu Tek (Nature's Greens, Nature's Fruits, Nature's Fuel and Nature's EPA) and I drink Protein Synthesis Vanilla shakes 2 to 3 times a day. As of July 1st, 2012 I stopped eating red meats and logging into Facebook. This was mainly to give me certain things to focus on to show that I had control over my actions. I have done 2 full rounds of Insanity! and just started a 3rd last Monday. I run. I think running has been a HUGE step in my weight loss. You don't truly comprehend how much your weight affects you until you need to move it around for great distances for a long duration. I am conscious of what I eat. Trying to log daily into MFP. I work at a gym 5 times a week doing weights or cardio plans that I get from Men's Health magazine. Drink lots of water. I try to drink a minimum of 64 ounces a day.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? My stomach is much larger than I would prefer, but I don't really target it. I'm much more concerned in overall fitness

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) I feel a great sense of accomplishment. I feel a sense of community from all the people who've helped me. My wife and my family who have really gotten behind me. I am motivated to keep going as I see it starting to motive others around me. I try not to be prideful when people approach me about my weight loss, because if I hadn't been lazy and unconcerned in the first place I wouldn't have had weight to lose.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) My wife is awesome. I feel like she has been behind me 110%. My friend who runs with me. My friend who did Insanity! with me last year, and now we have a group of guys doing it. My church that motivates with their support. Most of my online friends rarely have any interaction with me, other than maybe an occasional "way to go".

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) I think people react to you more positively when you are thinner/healthier. Part of this is probably that I feel better and I am in a more positive mood. I'm not as self conscious and I don't see ulterior motives when I see someone looking at me.

    • What motivates you? Definitely my wife and kids. I feel like I cheated them out of like 15 years of the "real me" because I was fat and miserable. Jesus motivates me to be ready to "go into the World" like he's called me.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) I don't see this as something to get on or get off. It's my life. I have had a few times of shame/guilt. Mostly when I get on the scale and I KNOW that what I've chosen to eat has caused poor results. However, there's a benefit to enjoying life once in a while. I know that I before I enjoyed like constantly (i.e. gluttony).

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) It seems very far away
    right now. Like the finish line in a race when you first see it and think "THAT is not 1 mile, no way". I know the goal will be reached if I just keep moving forward.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Well, judging by my prior goals reached. I will probably think "wow, what now?" and set a new goal.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? Probably set a new goal and get to work.

    • What is your biggest worry? Probably discouraging my wife. She has worked harder and more consistently than me. I don't want to do anything to cause her to become discouraged.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? That it's a journey. I didn't get fat in a few months and it can't be undone any quicker. I've learned that most people don't want to go on the journey, for whatever reason. I've come to learn it can be a fun journey, it isn't all about what I "can't do" or "can't eat", it's about the million awesome choices I have out there and making them work for me. I've also learned that most people don't get there simply because they quit. They let themselves down.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? Probably "dig deeper" - Shawn T. A lot of the time I look to Phil. 4:13 and Heb 12:1 for inspiration, too.
  • Kaasie1
    Kaasie1 Posts: 25
    • Gender: female
    • Age: 21

    • Starting weight: 52kg
    • Current weight:46 kg
    • Goal weight: maintaining weight (I have trouble staying at a healthy weight since I'm usually underweight.)

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)

    I have to gain to staying in a healthy weight zone and I have blood sugar problems

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)

    Not much of a story, I was always thin as a child but then at 13 puberty set in and I gained weight. I was never really fat but I was chubby and was bigger than my super skinny friends. When I was 18 I was diagnosed with depression, my depression curbed my appetite and as a result I lost a lot of weight. I was cured from my depression but my appetite never returned. I also started working at am a lot on my feet so I burn a lot of cals and lose weight like it's nothing. Now I'm still struggling meeting my calorie goals. basically I eat too little and exercise way too much.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?

    Maybe, I eat too little, exercise too much. I panic If I eat "too much" and I go insane if I cant go do exercise after I've eaten. I currently weigh 46kg (101 pounds). I'm always thinking about food and how much I need to exercise to burn ALL the food I've eaten. Also the thought of gaining weigh terrifies me to no end.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)

    No, but I started having unhealthy eating and exercise patterns recently and as a result have lost 5kg (11 pounds)

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)


    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?

    I don't have a specific person I look up too, I don't want to look like a specific person. I just don't want to be fat.

    • Why do you want to look that way?

    I dont want to be fat and ugly

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)

    - Eat less
    -avoid junk food or high cal foods
    -exercise more than I eat
    - drink lots of water
    - weigh myself daily
    -get enough sleep

    These things work for me. Nothing fancy needed

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?

    I have a tiny bulge on my tummy and my hips needs to be toned more

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)

    It's hard work but I'm positive.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)


    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)

    Yes, I'm often called new nicknames like "tiny", "thiny", "lil sparrow" or "the walking nazi". Also people are more likely to engage with me socially

    • What motivates you?

    Overweight people. I never, EVER want to be overweight....EVER!

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)

    I think death is a better feeling than the hatred I feel when I over indulge.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)

    I dont have a specific goal but I never thought looking back that I could lose weight. I always thought I'd be the same weight forever.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?

    Make a new goal. There is always room for improvement.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    Remind myself of my higher goals in life and get my *kitten* in gear

    • What is your biggest worry?
    Failure. Need I say more?

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    Anything is possible as long as you put your head to it and dont take no for an answer!

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
    1% natural ability 99% hard work
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 33 3/4 (hahah)

    • Starting weight: 288.6
    • Current weight: 243.8
    • Goal weight: 170

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) I want to lose weight to be more healthy, lower my cholesterol, and try to prevent the family cycle of having heartattacks at a young age. (Grandmother died at 40, father started having them around then, sister had one last year at 38)

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I've been overweight the vast majority of my life. We never ate super healthily, and both of my parents were also overweight. I am an emotional eater and turned to food for comfort through bullying and emotional abuse, as well as attempted incest.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) I actually don't. I know it's BS because it's all photoshop and ridiculousness.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? Whitney Thompson, winner of Cycle 10 of America's Next Top Model. She's considered a "plus size model" (size 12) and we're built similarly.

    • Why do you want to look that way? She has a healthy body for her frame.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) Eating at a caloric deficit of 1000-1200/day (sometimes I just can't eat as much as my monitor would like me to), exercising 4-6 days a week (either in the gym or walking). No supplements other than vitamins.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? All over really but my stomach is a problem area. Since you can't spot reduce, I'm just trying to reduce my body fat percentage overall!

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) I feel incredible about how far I've come!

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) I have a large group of MFP friends who are amazing and also have my fiancee who is on this journey with me.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) Not that I've noticed. I've gotten compliments but no one's treated me differently.

    • What motivates you? Wanting to grow old with the love of my life.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) I haven't fallen off yet. I allow myself everything in moderation and have one meal a week to eat anything I want regardless of whether or not it fits my calorie goals.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) I feel that I can do it, or get darn close. The scale doesn't tell you everything, and if I am at a healthy fat percentage but above the goal weight, so be it.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? I think I will feel really good.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? I have no idea. I have a long way to go before I need to worry about that! :)

    • What is your biggest worry? That too much damage has already been done by the years of poor eating habits.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? Patience! And that weight training is just as important as cardio.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ~Robert J Collier
  • GemskiB
    GemskiB Posts: 95 Member
    • Gender: F
    • Age: 29

    • Starting weight: 100.8kg
    • Current weight: 84.2kg
    • Goal weight: 69.7kg

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose weight? to live a healthier lifestyle and be happier in myself

    • Tell me a bit about your past… weight gain probably began as a child when my parents marriage began to fall apart, and for the following 20+ years food became an emothional support and we didn't have the best relationship

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? no

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) n/a

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) i suppose there is an expectation to look a ceretain way and part of my journey is vanity - I want to look better. But not really.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? n/a - I don;t really aspire to look a particular way, I just want to be smaller!

    • Why do you want to look that way? I was fed up of looking in the mirror and feeling disappointed.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) calorie controlled diet, tracking all calories, less snacking, healthier snacking, exercising where possible including zumba and pump classes and walking, easting back approx 2/3 of exercise calories.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? change all over, but upper arms are my least fave thing

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) feel very motivated. I've never taken something like this on and stuck to it properly!

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) bgoyfriend is amazing at encouraging me and eating healthy meals with me, work colleagues are great too. Online support from MFP is immense.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) people are proud of me, and at about 8kg loss people started to comment. Only positive comments so far.

    • What motivates you? the numbers going down on the scale, buying clothes in smaller sizes.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)I can feel a bit down but I only tend to fall off the wagon in socailly busy times, ie when there are work events or birthdays etc. I just get back on it as I don;t want to see the numbers go up!!

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) It seemed impossible to start wiuth, but I am over half way and I have found the easiest way for me to look at it is setting small targets. EG at the moment I have new jeans but I won't let myself wear them until I get to 83kg, it's like I make a bargain with myself.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? elated, but at the same time a bit anxious

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? I will have to learn how to eat on maintenence and not slip back into my old ways!

    • What is your biggest worry? that I slip up and fall off the wagon completely

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? so much - about my emotional eating, about nutrition, how many calories are in a mars bar!!

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? ELMAM - eat less move about more. Couldn't be more true!
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    • Gender: F
    • Age: 23

    • Starting weight: 183lbs
    • Current weight: 127.8lbs
    • Goal weight: 126lbs

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which) Lose weight to improve self esteem and self worth.

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?) I was a skinny child, very active. When I settled down and became happy I just ate what I wanted and sat on my butt alot.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate) No

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration? No one really. I want the best body I can have to be happy.

    • Why do you want to look that way?

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…) MFP - you know how it goes!

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over? My stomach. But you cannot spot reduce so the weight had to go from everywhere!

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated) Positive

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online) My entire family, partner, MFP pals

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public) Probably self esteem issues but felt treated better.

    • What motivates you? Feeling good

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset) a little disappointed with myself but stronger because I know I can pick it up the next day.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible) So close! Feel so proud.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal? Just better with myself. More comfortable. I just want to live life without having to worry about my weight.

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next? Reassess goals and what I would like to improve and do something about it.

    • What is your biggest worry? Nothing, only positives have come from this.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far? Food is not the be all and end all. It gives you fuel to live. It doesn't hurt to treat yourself.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? Do not reward yourself with treats; you are not a dog.
  • alglenn2013
    alglenn2013 Posts: 97 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 37

    • Starting weight: 195lbs
    • Current weight: 191lgs
    • Goal weight: 140 lbs

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)
    Be more active, keep up with my 5 year old!

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)
    Forever unhappy with my body. I think it started with puberty. I can't remember a time where I didn't feel heavier than my peers.

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder? No

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered) No

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)
    Absolutely! We hear every day (from social media to the news) about the "obesity epidemic" and about how obesity is the "cause for skyrocketing" health care costs. It is in our face all the time. Every new actress or music artist (especially female) gets criticized if her weight doesn't conform to some strange ideal. As if we can all squeeze into the same model of body type.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?
    Nobody. I don't really have an ideal in mind. This is probably because I can't imagine being any other way than how I am right now.

    • Why do you want to look that way? N/A

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)
    Exercise 4-5 days per week. Watching my caloric intake.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?
    Stomach. I seem to hold a ton of weight above my belly button.

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)
    So far I am staying pretty positive. I have dropped a few pounds in the first couple weeks, and the increase exercise helps me feel happier and more energetic.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)
    My husband is great! He doesn't care what I weight, but has noticed the increased energy and better mood and is always ready to give me a pat on the back and an encouraging word.

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)
    So far I've kept it pretty low key. Too many false starts in t he past. This is a personal trial I am overcoming and I am trying to avoid too much "peanut gallery" commentary.

    • What motivates you?
    Results. Knowing that I am finally figuring out how to eat to see results.

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)
    Usually I feel really guilty, but I make sure to put it behind me and focus on the next meal/workout as if it didn't happen.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)
    Hopeful, especially seeing so many success stories on MFP, but it seems like it is an eternity away.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?
    I hope I will feel proud of myself, but secretly I want to feel sexy. I don't know what it's like to feel that way and I am very curious!

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    I will probably set myself another goal. My goal weight isn't as low as it could be, but I wanted to keep it realistic. I didn't want to set the bar so high that I gave up.

    • What is your biggest worry?
    That I will become apathetic and give up.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    I wasn't eating as bad as I though I was. I actually do make a lot of healthy choices already. I mostly needed to learn portion control and how to curb snacking. Seeing my daily intake on MFP helped me to pinpoint my weak spots and try to avoid them.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote? N/a
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    Gender: Female
    • Age: 22

    • Starting weight: 168
    • Current weight: 139
    • Goal weight: 133-135

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)
    Lose Weight
    I was borderline overweight and disgusted with myself.. I still am but I'm working on eating better and being more active. My family medical history isn't so great and I'm afraid of inheriting a lot of it if I'm not healthy. and I just want to be fit and looking good will be a plus ;)

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)
    I have ALWAYS been unhappy with my weight. It began in childhood. I was always a slim kid, VERY active.. always outside and running around. But for some reason when I got into the 4th grade, about 9-10 years old I think.. I started to realize that I was getting tubby and actually started to call myself "fat'. I had a friend that did the same so there was a negative influence on me.. there was no one that encouraged me to look at myself any different. I began softball when I was 10 years old and 125 lbs.. I grew up in the South and drank sweet tea every day, all day long.. ate everything the rest of my family ate and there was no portion control so I'm pretty sure this is what caused my weight gain.
    With growing older, I played outside less and less but continued to eat the same. By the time I hit 8th grade, around 13 yrs old, I was at the highest weight I have ever been in my life.. 186 lbs. This was a major "aha!" moment. I remember always crying at myself in the mirror wondering how I could have ever let myself get like that. And that's when I started eating less and being more active.. I tried out for basketball and softball (didn't make the teams but got good workouts from conditioning for try outs lol) and I was involved in Track and Field. I got down to 176 lbs by the time I was in 9th grade, 15 yrs old. I started marching band in 10th grade, 16 yrs old and got down into the 150's. I continued marching band throughout high school and my lowest weight then was 148 lbs when I graduated at 18 yrs old.
    I then went to college, my first time around, continued marching band for 3 years but I ate like a college kid and drank like a college kid.. back up I went.. I weighed 168 lbs in November 2011, 21 years old. This was my second "aha!" moment. I was ONE pound from being classified as "overweight" :( I started working out and watching what I ate.. I lost 6 lbs on my own before coming across MFP which helped me out more. My last weigh in on Friday, I was 139.0 lbs. But sadly last night I had a binge and I know it's not "real" weight but I was 142 this morning.
    The fight will always continue...

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?
    As of right now, I feel like I do have an eating disorder. I don't know when I'm "full" and when to stop. I feel like I eat ALL the time and am never satisfied. I've noticed myself turning to treats when I get stressed. It's comforting in a way and I hate that. I also think that I eat even when I'm not even hungry. It's something I'm working on.

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)
    I've never had an eating disorder in the past.. this is just something that has very recently developed. I have to recognize these habits and break them!

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)
    Yes but no. My boyfriend loves the way Mila Kunez looks... I look nothing like Mila.. and I don't think it's even possible for me to ever be as small as her. My body frame isn't even that small. I'm tall and have a med-large frame and I have lots of muscle.. and a layer of fat lol. I hate that he's attracted to something I can't be.. but he hasn't said that he wants me to look like her, it's just that I know that's what he likes.

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?
    Jillian Michaels. I think I have a similar body structure as her.. even though she's 7" shorter than me.. hmm.

    • Why do you want to look that way?
    Because I know she's fit and healthy. She's strong and that's what I want to be.

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)
    I'm trying to have a calorie deficit to lose 1 lb/week. I'm eating about 1470 cals/day. But this is hard for me since I have a terrible relationship with food.
    I try to workout to one of Jillian's dvds 5X/wk.
    I drink a protein powder drink after hard workouts.
    I try to always get a lot of protein and fiber, and get a less amount of carbs.
    That's it. It works if I can actually stick to it. I've been struggling lately though.

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?
    Change all over but certain areas I hate... tummy/low back ("love handles")

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)
    Right now.. NEGATIVE and motivated!! I hate the whole process because I keep getting off track but motivated to get things right.. ask me in a few days and I'll probably be positive again.

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)
    Online, yes.. some people on here help me out but not much. In real life.. kinda.. I think everyone is tired of me talking about eating better and working out. They're "over it".

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)

    • What motivates you?
    Myself and wanting to be fit and healthy. I don't want to keep letting myself down. Food shouldn't have this much control over me, it's controling my life because it's all I ever think about :(

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)
    All of the above.

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)
    Seems impossible even though it's so close. I guess that's because it's been so close for so long now and I keep messing up and getting further away.

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?
    Incredible! Accomplished! Content with life and able to LIVE!!

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    ....I'll set another goal until I do feel that way.

    • What is your biggest worry?
    That I won't be able to get my eating under control, I'll gain back all my weight plus some and I'll never reach my goal.

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    It's hard work and definitely takes discipline. DISCIPLINE is the number one key to it all... You have to be able to tell yourself no.

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
    "If it doesn't CHALLENGE you, It doesn't CHANGE you."
  • Emmielia
    Emmielia Posts: 75 Member
    • Gender: Female
    • Age: 20

    • Starting weight: 229lbs
    • Current weight: 196.5lbs
    • Goal weight: 148lbs

    • What are your reasons for wanting to lose/gain weight? (Please state which)
    I am wanting to lose weight to feel healthy.. be active me my family. Mainly my son, and feel good about myself

    • Tell me a bit about your past… (Were you always unhappy with your weight? Did it begin in childhood? Did a specific event trigger unnatural eating habits?)
    I have always yo-yoed between 160-180 since being a child. And when i feel pregnant 18 months ago I piled on the pounds

    • Would you consider yourself as having an eating disorder?

    • Have you ever had an eating disorder in the past? (If you are now recovered)

    • Do you feel pressure from the media to look a certain way? (If so please elaborate)
    Yes. I could ramble for hours. I once watched a viral video on how much social media changed and lifted and shaded a models face, that is after her makeup had been done

    • Who has your ideal body/Who is your body inspiration?
    I want abs!!!

    • Why do you want to look that way?
    Because they look amazing!

    • What are you doing to change your weight? Please give as much info as possible (Specific diet/workout plan/taking supplements/surgery…)
    Im doing Slimming world w/ MFP and Insanity Workout Program

    • Do you have ‘problem areas’ (please specify) or are you trying to change all over?
    Change allover.. Although my thighs have got huge since being pregnant

    • How do you feel about your weight loss/gain? (Positive/negative/motivated)
    Fantastic I am proud to have lost what I have and cannot wait to lose more.. in time :)

    • Have you got people who support you? (In real life/Online)
    Yes.. My family, partner, buddy on here

    • Has dieting changed how people see/treat you now? (Friends/family/public)
    No. But I am much more confident now

    • What motivates you?
    My stomach overhang lol, Insanity, My partner

    • If/when you ‘fall off the wagon’ how do you feel? (Like giving up/motivated to do better/like punishing yourself/upset)
    Motivated to do better. No point in un-doing what great work you have already put in. I have fallen in love with exercise now

    • How do you feel about reaching your goal? (Is it close/far away/does it seem impossible)
    It will come when ever. When i got into a UK size 12 I will be happy (8/10 US i think)

    • How do you think you will feel when you reach your goal?
    I hope to feel more confident. I will feel proud to have achieved so much!

    • What if you don’t feel that way? What will you do next?
    I think that could be because i wouldnt be used to my new body.. I would give myself time

    • What is your biggest worry?
    Getting injured.. Staying safe with every exercise you do

    • What have you learnt on your journey so far?
    Eat when you are hungry. Dont starve yourself. Allow treats every now and again. Eating healthy is fantastic and I feel sooo much better already

    • What is your favourite (relevant) quote?
    Dig deeper.