Celebrating a weight in without eating.....

Okay so before when I did something great in my life or any of my friends and family did we would....go out to eat, or have cakes, or pretty much eat eat eat lol Well the first thing I thought after my weigh in today was ...OMFG I can believe it, then holy hell I am going to celebrate. First thing popped in mind was going out to eat lol Just curious as to what some of you veterans do when you want to celebrate things in your lives. I am trying to replace old bad habits with new ones. Mind you I am kinda broke atm so free ones first along with not free so I can use in the future.


  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    victory lap around the block? lol
  • feistymoon
    feistymoon Posts: 152
    Pack a healthy picnic and have an enjoyable eating experience with a friend or significant other that doesn't involve going overboard on the cals? Or a sushi night with the girls? You can still celebrate with food, just make good lifestyle choices about the kind of food you celebrate with!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    Hmm. Well it depends on what you like! You could celebrate by doing a little dance, blasting some music and going to town. Window shop to find things to reward yourself with for meeting larger goals (I have ones planned for every 30 lbs gone)...it all depends on what you like! Not free ones - concert tickets, new CD, DVD, book, shoes (you'll go through them faster exercising! lol). Congrats to you on that first week loss!
  • BlackEyedPanda
    BlackEyedPanda Posts: 86 Member
    Theatre or cinema and a glass of wine afterwards?

    Some kind of a work shop?

    Massage, manicure, pedicure? spa?

    I really like going for a manipedi with a friend to catch up. It's so relaxing and gives plenty of time to chat.
  • MrsK20141004
    MrsK20141004 Posts: 489 Member
    Its a great feeling to have a loss show, eh?

    My celebration would be updating my stats on MFP so my ticker updates a message goes out to my friends list. Once they see the loss I get lots of positive comments. I love reading those and it keeps me going!

    I don't reward myself with food often (if ever) but sometimes may buy a coffee (an Americano, not a latte) if I feel like I'd like a small reward.

    An Americano has very little calories and tastes great with a splash of milk/low-fat cream and I always enjoy it while walking :)
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    Take a picture, start a weight loss scrapbook to show your progress!
  • hottiebikerchick
    hottiebikerchick Posts: 187 Member
    I buy meself something new in a smaller size or new things to help me in my fitness journey, like a new sport bottle, a new fitness app, or new fitness equipment, new running shoes.....anything BUT FOOD!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • kariannmbc
    kariannmbc Posts: 144
    Pick a healthy food that you don't have as often. For me, when I hit mini goals, I get some fresh cherries or raspberries. I don't normally buy these, because they are rather expensive per pound.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I know what you mean by celebrating with food. My mom and I were weight watchers regulars. We would weigh in each week, then go celebrate our success by the biggest meal we could stuff down our bellies. No wonder WW never worked for us. :laugh:

    I am on a budget also, so each of my purchases are $10 or less, and I usually do something once a month. However, I try to treat myself weekly, by painting my toenails, giving myself a facial, something that I can do at home without spending extra money. It helps me feel pretty after working so hard, and keeps my spirits up.

    Now, when I have a big success I try to do something that will progress me toward my goals. A few times, I took a long walk by myself instead of chasing the kids the whole time. When I finished one work out DVD, my hubby helped me pick a new one. I upgraded my weight set to real weights instead of soup cans.
  • doctorwhome
    I give myself extra "me" time as rewards. Like I get to ready for an extra hour during the week or I can watch a movie.
  • Absonthebrain
    Absonthebrain Posts: 587 Member
    I like to buy myself something new like clothes, a book, etc or spend time at a park with friends, thats my fav!!!
  • dogo187
    dogo187 Posts: 376
    my favorite reward is always shopping...whether it be for new workout gear, workout shoes, or shoes and clothes...
  • jazpurita
    jazpurita Posts: 71 Member
    Shopping for clothes or a new purse even some earrings and congrats on your weightloss keep it up
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Humans have been celebrating with food since the dawn of time. There's nothing wrong with it. Don't feel guilty about eating.
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    Spa day? or buy yourself something nice?
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I resisted chocolate cupcakes all weekend and stuck to my eating plan. I treated myself to an issue of Clean Eating magazine. If that type of small reward isn't in your budget, maybe treat yourself to a couple of hours at your local library reading magazines, a nice long bubble bath, painting your nails a pretty color, a "spa" day at home (you can make lots of masks and the like with kitchen ingredients or even buy a sample size at the store), or even treat yourself to a workout class you've never tried.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    Humans have been celebrating with food since the dawn of time. There's nothing wrong with it. Don't feel guilty about eating.

    Food is NOT a celebration I dont care if it has been celebrated since the dinosaurs walked the earth. Food is a means to sustain life so you do not keel over and die. Sorry guys but my claws just came out reading this comment....so turn you eyes away I am going to get loud and crude.....

    It is this kind of thinking that got me fat. I celebrated a little too much with food and totally abused it by intaking when I didnt need it or intaking things that werent good for me and worked with my body instead of against. How dare you make such a stupid comment using the excuse of ppl's actions that were so clearly wrong. Maybe you meant it in a different way IDK all I do know is how I read it and comprehended it and it is F'n BS. I NEVER feel guilty now when I eat my meals and if you ever do then you arent eating right but to say dont feel guilty...pfft.....I will refrain from name calling but I am sure you know what I am thinking...FFS do it because it has always been done and dont feel guilty HA!

    Okay I am done so sorry but that really just rubbed me wrong in so many ways lol You can uncover your eyes its done and over and I am back to pleasant lol
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    Here are some of my "way to go you" rewards:
    work out clothes
    new piece of equiptment
    a new ____ (whatever you collect)
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    Humans have been celebrating with food since the dawn of time. There's nothing wrong with it. Don't feel guilty about eating.

    I strongly disagree with this statement, as did the clinic that I went to for help with my mental issues surrounding eating. Celebrating with food (and self medicating with food, drowning my sorrows with food, curing boredom with food etc) is what caused me, and a lot of people who are emtional eaters, to get where they are, which is an unhealthy place. Emotional eating isn't just for people who are sad, it covers all spectrums of emotions, including happy occasions.

    Food is a big part of culture and certain celebrations but that isn't to say those focuses should be the food and they should generally be about the company being kept. Not to mention, this isn't a holiday the poster is talking about, this is an accomplishment for changing her lifestyle, one of which previously included too much food.

    And that's just me weighing in with my .02.

    edited after reading a previous commenter: I do agree that food shouldn't make you feel guilty though. It shouldn't evoke any sort of DEEP emotion in you that would alter your day in anyway (example, eating a slice of cake and then beating yourself up all day). It is just a way to stay alive and a means of getting nutrients into your body.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Humans have been celebrating with food since the dawn of time. There's nothing wrong with it. Don't feel guilty about eating.

    Food is NOT a celebration I dont care if it has been celebrated since the dinosaurs walked the earth. Food is a means to sustain life so you do not keel over and die. Sorry guys but my claws just came out reading this comment....so turn you eyes away I am going to get loud and crude.....

    It is this kind of thinking that got me fat. I celebrated a little too much with food and totally abused it by intaking when I didnt need it or intaking things that werent good for me and worked with my body instead of against. How dare you make such a stupid comment using the excuse of ppl's actions that were so clearly wrong. Maybe you meant it in a different way IDK all I do know is how I read it and comprehended it and it is F'n BS. I NEVER feel guilty now when I eat my meals and if you ever do then you arent eating right but to say dont feel guilty...pfft.....I will refrain from name calling but I am sure you know what I am thinking...FFS do it because it has always been done and dont feel guilty HA!

    Okay I am done so sorry but that really just rubbed me wrong in so many ways lol You can uncover your eyes its done and over and I am back to pleasant lol

    So, if I understand you correctly, because YOU personally don't have self control, and because something caused YOU distress, then it should be banned for everyone?

    I for one didn't' get fat because I "celebrated" too much, I got fat because I enjoyed eat a box of mac and cheese instead of a serving. I got fat because as a kid I would sneak cookies while my mom was watching tv. I got fat because I ate more than I moved, and I didn't really care.

    How dare you assume that because you had problems with "celebrations" that I should feel as though celebration with food is a bad thing! If the OP, or another poster, or Big Foot wants to drop a 500 lb deer carcass on the kitchen table and go at it like a swarm of crazed Justin Beiber fans, then that's their personal choice. You have your opinion and they have theirs.

    IF you don't celebrate with food, GREAT!!! That's good for YOU!!! However, on the same note, don't try to tell me I can't go have a pizza with some friend to celebrate something, even reaching some weightloss goal.

    I do, I have, and I ALWAYS will celebrate the victories in my life, and almost all the time, there is some sort of food involved in the celebration...whether it be cake, or buffet, or pizza, or a pack of twizzlers I grabbed for my road trip.

    OP...do what you feel is best for you. Do what you feel is going to make you happier and keep you focused on your goal. If you choose to go without something until you drop 5 or 10 lbs, then treat yourself to whatever it was you set up as a goal. You deserve it.

    Ok...now I'm going to go back to my normal grouchy monday morning usual person. You can open your eyes now.