Exercising with a bad back?

Hi Guys,

I have an extremely tempramental back; i mean, it will go for no reason and then i end up with minimal movement for a few days.
I need to add some exercise to my day to boost weight loss but i'm scared of doing anything that will hurt my back even more.
Any advice on what kind of stuff would be best?
I know swimming can help but i'm terrified of deep water & i've been told Yoga is good but i have no balance at all haha!
So any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    You should get checked out by a doctor or PT to see what is wrong with your back. And Yoga is great, you won't improve your balance until you start training it, so once you're medically cleared, find a beginner's yoga class and go for it. And, you can probably find a facility that has a lap pool that is all shallow water as well, if you want to give swimming a go.
  • SundayGirl1989
    Thanks for the reply.
    I've seen 3 Drs all of which say my back problems are due to being overweight and don't seem too interested in looking at other posibilites. They just give me painkillers and send me on my way. Which is one of my motivations for losing weight because then it will force them to look at other options.
    I think i will give swimming another go - last time i had a panic attack just at the sight of the pool but hopefully shallow water should be ok.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    Have you considered yoga or pilates? Yoga has really helped straighten out all of my back problems. I also have a friend whos scoliosis straightened out because of yoga and she grew an inch.
  • BullletproofPaleoman
    BullletproofPaleoman Posts: 20 Member
    Look up Qigong exercises on YouTube.

    Good luck!!
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    I hurt my back 2 yes ago at work and now I'm in the same boat as you. I always have to stretch and have a good warm up before I excecise. After stretching I warm up on the elliptical...
  • rotill
    rotill Posts: 244 Member
    I use Pilates, it strengthens the core muscles and gives me a pretty good work-out. Also: Walk on soft and uneven surfaces, like in the forest or in the field. You want to get away from the asphalt, and walk where you need to use your core to adjust your steps.
  • MarkHarris69
    MarkHarris69 Posts: 15 Member
    I've struggled with my back too for ages and is normally down to running or cycling and will just go without notice.
    I've started doing a yoga/pilates DVD at home every other day for the last couple of weeks and evrything feels so much stronger now within my core and am hoping this will do the trick. Running especially used to aggrivate it but all good so far.
    It's got to be worth a try and think you'll notice a considerable difference as I have.

    Good luck...
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Thanks for the reply.
    I've seen 3 Drs all of which say my back problems are due to being overweight and don't seem too interested in looking at other posibilites. They just give me painkillers and send me on my way. Which is one of my motivations for losing weight because then it will force them to look at other options.
    I think i will give swimming another go - last time i had a panic attack just at the sight of the pool but hopefully shallow water should be ok.

    Funnily enough I had a post about this the other day - my back is exactly the same as yours and my Doctor told me the same thing. - it's because of my weight.

    There are many exercises you can do to strengthen your back, a simple google search will give you some ideas. Also strengthening your core muscles will help as they also support your back.

    You could also try lifting. I tried it and my back flared up again for a couple of days, but back pain is very individual and it may help you.

    Above all though, I would recommend going back to your doctors and getting some proper help to diagnose and work with what you have, even if it means referring you. That's what the majority of people here told me to do, and it's better to get it looked at properly than to cause yourself permanent damage.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    I have lower back problems.. doc said was more muscle problem than anything.. They get so bad that even driving hurts...I was doing Zumba religiously but it the Zumba 3 for the wii would throw my back out when I do it daily so I had to cut it down to twice a week and started walking and riding around the neighborhood more.. also the elliptical didn't cause any pain..

    I recently have done my first week of Insanity with no issues either. I think it just a matter of trying out different things but mixing it up might help some..
  • hausofnichele
    hausofnichele Posts: 531 Member
    I hurt my back and pestered doctors so much about it that they finally agreed to an MRI. That's when they found herniated discs.

    Do NOT give up. I had one doc tell me to come back to him after I lose 80 lbs. He was awful to me. Most docs think if you complain of back pain then you're really just trying to get pain meds from them. Please be aware of the massive market for pain killers on the street. Unfortunately, the drug addicts have caused doctors to be enormously skeptical of everyone. Sad society we live in. Keep going back and tell them the pain pills aren't helping enough / at all. That may make them realize you are serious and not just there for a script.

    If I had not been so pushy about my back, I would have never received approval for my disability claim!
  • grivlis
    grivlis Posts: 1 Member
    How about a recumbent tricycle?

    I have one and it's great. No balance issues and very comfortable for my back (I have a disk degeneration disorder).
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    If it really is a matter of losing weight, focus on your diet. Do some light walking/swimming/biking/yoga, whatever doesn't hurt your back. You can lose weight without exercise if you really dial your diet in. You could also try some Pilates beginner core workouts to start to try to strengthen your back. Google "back strengthening exercises" and see what comes up as well.
  • jamiegillam69
    jamiegillam69 Posts: 7 Member
    I had back problems for the last few years. Once I started using elliptical my back has been getting better and better. It is a really great feeling to be able to finally do every day things without all the pain in my lower back.
  • PeauxPeaux
    PeauxPeaux Posts: 71 Member
    I am REALLY busty, even when I am at my fighting weight, and my poor back has a hard time! So I empathize. Halfway to goal, I am noticing a dif in my spine pain....If it is your weight, then being here, working this program, will help the pain get better as you ask your back to carry less.

    Yoga, too, has REALLY really helped me. Esp in terms of changing my posture and strengthening my core, so that my core muscles are taking over a lot of the work that used to get dumped into my spine. If your doc will clear you, a good yoga class with a really hands on teacher who can show you howe to modify so you dont; hurt your back MORE as you build core strengtth can help so much.

    and if the pool is giving you anxiety...wellllll

    Yoga helps with anxiety, too. The breathing/meditation parts of yoga has done a lot to make my crazy sit down and shut up.
  • amandaneverfails
    amandaneverfails Posts: 18 Member
    I've seen 3 Drs all of which say my back problems are due to being overweight and don't seem too interested in looking at other posibilites. They just give me painkillers and send me on my way.

    I recommend going to a chiropractor. When I was at my heaviest, I spent 6 months in excruciating pain because my family doctor and the physical therapist he sent me to insisted I had injured myself - as in, a pulled muscle or something - because of my weight. They just kept prescribing me steroids and pain killers and muscle relaxants to no effect. I was in so much pain that I couldn't even stand up straight, I had to take several weeks on medical leave, and I would curl up on our sofa I went to a chiropractor recommended by a friend and eventually it turned out that I actually had a herniated disc that needed surgery. I'm sure my weight played into the injury, but my family doctor treated me like I was an idiot for 6 months because he didn't want to consider that I had actually legitimately injured myself.

    I hope you're able to find out what's wrong and get it fixed. Best of luck to you!
  • SundayGirl1989
    Thanks so much for the responses.
    I've found a few yoga excercise classes on youtube that i'm going to give a try before making a fool out of myself in a class haha.
    I'm going to go back to the Drs too and hopefully things will go from there.
    Thanks guys! :)
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    Is swimming an option? its great for those who have injuries of any kind or as you - back issues.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I would definitely recommend Yoga. Just start off light, and avoid backbend positions until you feel confident that your back is building up strength. And don't worry about your balance! You will get better as your practice more. The great thing about Yoga is that it is a very personal practice. Be gentle with your body, and modify whatever moves you have to in order to enjoy and complete your practice.

    Here is some motivation! A man that went from being disabled, turns into a runner thanks to Yoga: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX9FSZJu448

    Good luck!
  • celticempress
    I have a HORRIBLE back. My back is so bad that it's out of alignment and I will have a permanent bruise on my spine from where it shifts funny. For me, yoga, Pilates and anything involving core work was excruciating. However, standing up exercises like cardio work on the elliptical I could do. I'm just now small enough that toning exercises are coming into play and what I do is Planks and use the yoga ball to cradle my spine whenever I try to do other things for my core. Whatever you chose to do, standing up may be the best option. Swimming is good, but even that occasionally would tweak my spine so be cautious in movement.
  • Fatbirdtalking
    I have osteoarthritis in my hips and also have a spinal problem for which I was due to have surgery, my back like yours can go and I can be laid up but since losing 42lbs the consultant has postponed my operation and the loss has certainly helped me. I had to be extremely careful with exercise and chose Pilates, it was fantastic at building my core muscles, I also did aqua aerobics and if you choose a training or shallow pool you can even just walk in water, that was brilliant for strength. We have a disabled Son and for his physio had to buy him a recumbent exercise bike which I must say has become a godsend for me too. Good luck, start very slowly and build the strength in your back first.