Very out of shape...need some encouragement

Hi everyone! I'm on week 6 of my weight loss/fitness journey. I am 33 years old, 5'4 and 207 lbs (was 215 when I started).

I am very out of shape. I haven't done any significant amount of exercise since I was in college. I want to live a healthier lifestyle. I am counting calories and incorporating exercise into my daily routine.

I have been doing the Biggest Loser Power Walk DVD and the Biggest Loser Power Sculpt DVD. I have tried others but these two seem to be the best fit for me. I feel like I'm getting a good workout but it's not so hard that I give up. I haven't done Mile 3 of the power walk yet and I'm not quite ready for level 2 of power sculpt. I've been using 2 lb weights but plan on getting 3 lb weights this week.

I feel like I'm expecting too much too soon and it can be frustrating and embarrassing. I tried another Biggest Loser DVD that had a 10 minute cardio routine and I had to modify it and stop to rest a couple times. I hate any exercises that involve jumping because I feel like I feel my whole body jiggle.

I just need some reassurance that it's ok to start slow and that it will still make a difference. Logically I know it takes time to undo 15 years of sitting on my *kitten* but I'd love to hear your experience.


  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    It's actually best if you start out slow and build upon your successes as you go forward. If you go all out right out of the gate, you will get tired, may get injured, and you are more prone to giving up and relapsing back into unhealthy habits.

    Start out slow. Do more later. Do more after that. Then do more. And before you know it, you will be doing so much more than you ever thought you could as reach your goals.
  • falcon367
    falcon367 Posts: 116
    You are on the right track. It's not a matter of keeping up with the DVD .. it's that you put it in and get moving at any speed or intensity.

    If you keep doing what you're doing and maintain a calorie deficit, you'll keep seeing results. Just the fact that you've made the decision to start, is a huge plus. Don't give up!
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I would just start with whatever you have the most "fun" doing excercise wise.Even if its going for a walk every day outside, or bowling,or hula hooping even. then when your body gets used to doing excercises and wants a bit more then add harder ones and add weights and more on the floor type excercises. I can tell you I love all the Billy Blanks Jr workouts,they are fun to start cuz they are standing not on the ground ones for when you are first starting out...... you can get a really good workout and he makes the dances really fun he goes over them enough times they are easy to catch onto and he's really upbeat energetic and funny also so if you start there you have enough fun that it doesn't seem like you're sweating so bad when you are.I love his Dance Party Bootcamp one. My kids like doing his ones cuz they are so fun. Or if you like Gospel Music the Sweatin in the Spirit with Donna Richardson Joyner with Kirk Franklin,Shirley Murdock,and Yolanda Adams is a fun one. My mom likes that one and she has very very bad knees and can still do that one and thinks its fun and it has great gospel music. A good starter type weight one that is a good total body one is the Crunch Total Resculpt one with Kendall Hogan you might like that one if you have some weights already.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Like you, I started out very out of shape. Im over weight, a smoker, ate nothing but crap most of the time. There was many times i tried to lose weight, and I would quickly fall out of it a few days later after mcd's was in front of me.

    I started with just focusing on food as 80% of it is about food, and if you don't start eating healthy, no matter what amount of exercise a person does - won't make a difference long term in terms of a lifestyle change. My goal was to make sure at least 50% of every meal I had was fruits and/or veggies. I did this for about 2 months. Focused on logging, finding new healthy meal ideas. I lost 20 lbs.

    Exercise...well, I have always disliked. I started doing Leslie Sansone's dvds. These videos taught me so much...especially to "go at a comfortable pace, modify if needed". Over the next few months, I went on to lose a ton of inches and another 20lbs. As the days went on, I got better at doing the moves without modification and my endurance went up - i started off by doing 1 mile (by the end, i felt like i was going to die!) I do 3 miles, no problem. It took time - definitely not an over night trip.

    Now, there were bad days, sick days, and everything in between. Some days, I ate crap - some days I ate well. Some days I did 1 mile, some days I pushed and did 4. I have just got Turbo Jam and I am pretty much addicted. :) I found something I can do for the rest of my life, maintain and most of all - enjoy.

    Take some time - someone said to schedule your exercise like it is the most important appointment of the day. :) It won't happen over night, but if you give up - you will only get bigger and bigger. As long as if you keep trying, you will eventually get to your goal.
  • k8ecakes
    k8ecakes Posts: 51
    Hey soxgirl :) like you, I am also 5'4 (but heavier than you). I tore my acl and that sort of left me out of the game for a while. I healed, but didn't modify my exercise habits. By the time I finally got my head out of a book and graduated grad school, I didn't realize it, but I had gained 40 lbs (eww). It's been a slow start for me also. Something that keeps me motivated is having the mindset of doing 10 minutes of activity a day. Even if you feel crappy, 10 minutes is definitely attainable and anyone can do 10 minutes.

    Sometimes I try to convince myself I'm only going to walk for 10 minutes, but I end up doing half-hour to hour gym bouts and went from a u.s. size 18 to a 14 as of today (started jan 7th). I'm powerwalking, cycling and doing the elliptical. Eating 1200 cals/day.

    Just keep moving! If you need a friend with similar goals, feel free to add me. :) good luck!!
  • catbyrd
    catbyrd Posts: 87 Member

    It is perfectly acceptable to start slow. I started with the same Biggest Loser DVD's that you are. I LOVE the walking DVD. I think mile 3 is the hardest, even more so than mile 4. I also have the power sculpt DVD also and it really gives you a workout. I am glad that it is broken out into smaller intervals. I have trouble with the jumping part also. Instead of jumping I do my own modified version of the walking DVD and just keep moving. As long as you are moving you are burning calories.

    Keep up the good work, you are doing AWESOME!!!!!
  • kat_singer
    kat_singer Posts: 4 Member
    Just weighed in yesterday and I have officially lost 50 pounds!!! It took since the beginning of last August. We are close in age, had the same amount to lose, and I was pretty out of shape too. I feel AMAZING now. Don't give up. I did it by staying on a 1200 calorie diet the entire time, even during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Just work towards your goal and maybe in 8 months you can look back and say... wow... I did it! :) That is where I am. I still would like to lose, but I am out of plus size clothing and not embarrassed to get my picture taken. That's huge! Honestly, exercise just didn't work for me. I had to reduce my calorie intake. I exercise when I can and the way I want to. Whereas two summers (or was it last summer) ago I actually jogged... uck! For weeks! I only lost 7 pounds.
  • Soxgirl97
    Soxgirl97 Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks everyone! I will keep on plugging away at it. I have noticed I feel better about myself and I have more energy. I actually like doing the DVDs which makes a big difference. I have my calories set at 1450. That's an amount I can stick to. I'm ok if it takes a long time to lose the weight. I didn't gain all the weight in a year do I don't need to lose it all in a year either. I'm committed to living a healthier lifestyle.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Of course you are going to start slow, in fact that's even better! Don't push yourself and get injured... that would a screeching halt on everything.

    You'll get there, keep at it!
  • schaskes
    schaskes Posts: 103 Member
    How great that you have already lost weight! Don't get discouraged. Try searching in the forum for people who have lost over 100 pounds...there are people who lost 200-300 who could barely get out of a chair when they started! Get inspired and keep working slowly and steadily. You can do it!
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    Yes, slow & steady does win the race.

    I started out last year about March/April at 230+ lbs. Thank God, am still here -- 165lbs or so at the moment. Still have some losing to do, but it can be done!

    All the best.
  • tanzz9
    tanzz9 Posts: 37
    Absolutely start off slow. Even 5 minutes of exercise is better than no exercise.

    When i started (7wks ago) i did 11minutes on the crosstrainer and thought i.would.die! DIE! I was huffing and puffing and it was awful (and embarrassing to discover how unfit i was!). I just built on that - 10mins the first day, 15minutes the next etc etc. This morning i did a 90minute workout.

    Slow and steady wins the race ;).
  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member
    Good on you for doing something! Starting slow is fine especially if you haven't exercised in ages. Get your body used to the movement, and your heart used to the effort. You will improve over time. Don't give up!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,634 Member
    The good news is that anyone who starts out of shape then tries to go all out will usually fail within a few minutes. That means you're not odd. So yes starting slow and progressively getting better is the correct way.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I feel like I'm expecting too much too soon and it can be frustrating and embarrassing. I tried another Biggest Loser DVD that had a 10 minute cardio routine and I had to modify it and stop to rest a couple times. I hate any exercises that involve jumping because I feel like I feel my whole body jiggle.
    I have had some health problems that have set me on the path to getting in shape twice in the last 5 years. This second time, I hit 194 lbs before I started to take the weight off. I know what you mean about the jiggling!!! I am not at the point where I enjoy being on the treadmill and feeling everything just holding in place. You're going to love it when you get there! Just keep your expectations in check (as it sounds like you're trying to do). It takes time to build up strength to do more. Starting off slow is fine! I've been almost to where you are now and I ran my first 5K last June. I'm planning on losing more (I'm hovering in the low 150s now) and I'm doing another 5K in a month, but it took time.

    I'm just saying this so you know I've been in the same boat and it's possible to really change your life going slow like you're doing now. That's how I got to where I am now - not the end goal, but good progress on the way.
  • Soxgirl97
    Soxgirl97 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm so glad I found this forum. It's great to be able to talk to other people who have gone through this. Thanks for all the input!
  • 1980karen
    1980karen Posts: 92 Member
    like you im 33 years old, 5'4 and weigh 211. im really struggling with the food aspect. im really good for a few days and the fall off the waggon. i exercise when i can at the gym but am trying home workout dvd's.

    ill add you and try to give you some encourgement!
  • Soxgirl97
    Soxgirl97 Posts: 44 Member
    like you im 33 years old, 5'4 and weigh 211. im really struggling with the food aspect. im really good for a few days and the fall off the waggon. i exercise when i can at the gym but am trying home workout dvd's.

    ill add you and try to give you some encourgement!

    The biggest thing that's helped me with food is making sure I don't have junk food in my house. If it's there I will eat it. It's like I have no self control. The other thing that's really helped is meal planning. I'm still trying to get into the habit but I do much better if I plan my meals ahead of time. I try to make a dinner plan for the next week on Friday night and then go to the store and buy what I need for those meals. It's really helpful when I make something and can freeze what I don't eat. I'm working on building a stash of freezer meals.

    We'll encourage each other!!!
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Hi Soxgirl, it's good you're moving!

    After years of not exercising I've started off slow too as I know if I get disheartened I'll find it a real chore to keep going.

    I mix it up a bit to keep my interest plus if I think 'Oh I can't be bothered doing 30DS today' I don't do it, I do some cycling or something else instead so I'm not a slave to the programs but I'm still moving a hell of a lot more than I was 7weeks ago.

    Good luck and keep going - we're in this together :)
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Hi Soxgirl, I'm the same age as you, however, much shorter and heavier. In January I started out with walking, then decided to set a miles goal for myself in February (original goal was 55, upped to 65, total miles in Feb was 67). So I guess what I'm trying to say is, 1) see if you can push yourself, just a little bit more, each day. Just not so much as to cause injury or other trouble. And 2) having a mini goal for yourself is very motivating! Besides my Feb miles goal, I also did 50 miles in March, plus 4 days week of 30DS. And this month is C25K & Zumba (which I totally suck at but since I do it at home, I don't care, I'm just moving!)