What's your strategy?

One of the struggles I've had in the process of losing weight is conquering the...WEEKEND.

We all tend to do great through the week--we hit our calorie goals, get our work outs in, drink all our water--but then the weekend comes along and BAM, it all goes out the door. Once we're thrown off our routine...we get off track a bit.

So...being the determined person I'd like to think I am...I wanted to figure out a way to not let my weekends screw it up for me. What I decided was that Monday mornings would be my weigh-in day/time. First thing. This has totally helped me in getting through my weekends without going off the deep end. Knowing that I have to weigh myself Monday morning, I am way more inclined to get my work outs in and stay under my calorie goals on the weekend because I want to see that number on the scale go DOWN come Monday morning. It mentally puts me in a place where I'm being conscious of what foods I choose while on the go and it forces me to find the time to exercise.

I noticed that many others have the same struggle, so I wanted to share that little tip--maybe it might work for someone else.

With that being said -- What are some tips or awesome strategies that you all use to help you get through this process? Or any weight loss tips in general. All advice welcome, we all have room to learn much more than we already know. :)


  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    Oh wow! That's a great strategy because the weekends are so cruel to me. I have no strategy , but I will try that. Thanks so much!
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I have to avoid going anywhere with my husband and kids. It's always ice cream or some other evil. I am not one who can just splurge one day and get back on track. I tend to fall right off the wagon.
  • prettynotpretty
    I have to avoid going anywhere with my husband and kids. It's always ice cream or some other evil. I am not one who can just splurge one day and get back on track. I tend to fall right off the wagon.

    Oh, honey I know! Ice cream is a tough one. Do you have frozen yogurt places? Those can be better options. Kids size w/ a fruit topping? It's really good, and while it's not REAL ice cream, it tends to hit the spot for me.
  • thelastseneschal
    Good strategy! Keep it up your doin great and will continue to do so. I just dont get hungry anymore, I have had to bump up 300 calories because I was only eating 900 calories a day. This has also caused a complication with my vitamins because my extra calories come from leafy greens and its taking my iron too high. ill figure it out after today just gotta get through this damn speech! Keep up the great work. you are already beautiful inside and out, once you get where your comfortable you will undoubtly shine brighter than the stars (not the fake hollywood ones)
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I have to avoid going anywhere with my husband and kids. It's always ice cream or some other evil. I am not one who can just splurge one day and get back on track. I tend to fall right off the wagon.

    Oh, honey I know! Ice cream is a tough one. Do you have frozen yogurt places? Those can be better options. Kids size w/ a fruit topping? It's really good, and while it's not REAL ice cream, it tends to hit the spot for me.
    We have frozen yogurt places here. But they still ruin me. I am totally weak. I can't say I am not ashamed of how easily I can ruin my whole effort.
  • nycgirlie87
    I so struggle with the weekends. It seems like all my hard work during the week is completely negated by my poor weekend decisions.

    I recently started running so doing my long runs on sunday gives me the motivation to stay on track on friday and saturday. Setting a fitness goal on the weekend helps me fight the urges so that run isn't so hard.

    I like the idea of doing a weigh in. Mighy incorporate those into a monday night routine! thanks
  • prettynotpretty
    Good strategy! Keep it up your doin great and will continue to do so. I just dont get hungry anymore, I have had to bump up 300 calories because I was only eating 900 calories a day. This has also caused a complication with my vitamins because my extra calories come from leafy greens and its taking my iron too high. ill figure it out after today just gotta get through this damn speech! Keep up the great work. you are already beautiful inside and out, once you get where your comfortable you will undoubtly shine brighter than the stars (not the fake hollywood ones)

    Thank you, you're very sweet! Get enough calories to fuel your body my dear :)
  • prettynotpretty
    I so struggle with the weekends. It seems like all my hard work during the week is completely negated by my poor weekend decisions.

    I recently started running so doing my long runs on sunday gives me the motivation to stay on track on friday and saturday. Setting a fitness goal on the weekend helps me fight the urges so that run isn't so hard.

    I like the idea of doing a weigh in. Mighy incorporate those into a monday night routine! thanks

    I so struggled with them too--before I decided to use the Monday weigh-in strategy. It might not work for everyone, but it did for me. We can handle those weekends!! Psshh they don't have any power anymore!! Good luck girl!
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    I joined a group on here and their weigh in's are mondays, so this strategy was happily forced on me. It does work!!!

    On a related note, it helped me resist temptation all weekend. I actually sat next to my daughter as she ate a foot long coney, fries and cherry vanilla Dr Pepper.
  • prettynotpretty
    I have to avoid going anywhere with my husband and kids. It's always ice cream or some other evil. I am not one who can just splurge one day and get back on track. I tend to fall right off the wagon.

    Oh, honey I know! Ice cream is a tough one. Do you have frozen yogurt places? Those can be better options. Kids size w/ a fruit topping? It's really good, and while it's not REAL ice cream, it tends to hit the spot for me.
    We have frozen yogurt places here. But they still ruin me. I am totally weak. I can't say I am not ashamed of how easily I can ruin my whole effort.

    It's so easy to do! For example..I have this problem with peanut butter. I can't even have a little, because I will devour large amounts of it. It's inevitable. I love it--and it rules me. Sometimes, it's better to not have any at all, as sad as that can be. Just keep your goal in mind and remember that the ice cream is only in front of your face temporarily. It will be eaten up in a few minutes, and gone. Choosing not to eat it only adds to your strength. You can do it! :)
  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    I joined a group on here and their weigh in's are mondays, so this strategy was happily forced on me. It does work!!!

    On a related note, it helped me resist temptation all weekend. I actually sat next to my daughter as she ate a foot long coney, fries and cherry vanilla Dr Pepper.

    Great Idea! I gain everything I lose during the week on the weekends.
  • prettynotpretty
    I joined a group on here and their weigh in's are mondays, so this strategy was happily forced on me. It does work!!!

    On a related note, it helped me resist temptation all weekend. I actually sat next to my daughter as she ate a foot long coney, fries and cherry vanilla Dr Pepper.

    WOW! Impressive! You rock! Hmm..maybe I need to join this group?
  • Queenofthezoo
    Queenofthezoo Posts: 69 Member
    It seems like there is always some kind of "special" occasion that I could use to justify eating a ton. Holidays, bridal showers, family outings, a date with my husband, or dinner guests, it all seems to happen on the weekend. And our family has had a Friday Night pizza and movie night for so long, and no one else wants to say good bye to that.

    So I try to log my weekend ahead of time, planning on not being perfect. I log the treats I want ahead of time, as well as the meals I think I might have. Sometimes, we end up having different treats, but if I plan for them ahead of time, I can usually adjust portions of everything to make it not as bad as it would have been had I not been recording. And often times, when the treat that I already logged and gave myself permission to eat is in front of me, I realize I no longer want it the way I did when I "couldn't" have it. So I make a slightly better choice, or skip the treat, and by the end of the day my food diary shows me under on calories instead of the overage that showed at the start of the day.

    I am not perfect by any means, and definitely still have treats on the weekend, and pizza on Friday night. But I almost wish I had a second diary going, the food diary of what would have been had I eaten every bite of food and treat that I would have justified in the past. That would show that even if I don't lose weight on the weekend, I maintained instead of gaining, and that is on the right track (even if it slow).
  • vickydubuis
    vickydubuis Posts: 59 Member
    That's such a great strategy. I am so bad on the weekends because that's usually when I see my family and friends. The week is mostly dedicated to schoolwork and gym time so it's much easier to stay on track! Being around people who work out and try to eat healthy helps though. If I'm with my sister on the weekends, I do worse since we are celebrating being together, but since she is a health freak too, I don't do nearly as badly as I would with my friends (who are all not health conscious whatsoever.) It's definitely a "surround yourself with positive influences" kind of thing for me.
  • Debby0904
    Debby0904 Posts: 151 Member
    That is really a good idea. Thanks for posting this!
  • prettynotpretty
    It seems like there is always some kind of "special" occasion that I could use to justify eating a ton. Holidays, bridal showers, family outings, a date with my husband, or dinner guests, it all seems to happen on the weekend. And our family has had a Friday Night pizza and movie night for so long, and no one else wants to say good bye to that.

    So I try to log my weekend ahead of time, planning on not being perfect. I log the treats I want ahead of time, as well as the meals I think I might have. Sometimes, we end up having different treats, but if I plan for them ahead of time, I can usually adjust portions of everything to make it not as bad as it would have been had I not been recording. And often times, when the treat that I already logged and gave myself permission to eat is in front of me, I realize I no longer want it the way I did when I "couldn't" have it. So I make a slightly better choice, or skip the treat, and by the end of the day my food diary shows me under on calories instead of the overage that showed at the start of the day.

    I am not perfect by any means, and definitely still have treats on the weekend, and pizza on Friday night. But I almost wish I had a second diary going, the food diary of what would have been had I eaten every bite of food and treat that I would have justified in the past. That would show that even if I don't lose weight on the weekend, I maintained instead of gaining, and that is on the right track (even if it slow).

    I like your strategy of planning ahead. I think the appeal of things is much greater when we cannot have them. So, I believe you when you say, once it's in front of you you end up not wanting it or eating less of it. Great way of thinking, and awesome job on being able to incorporate foods you love within your calorie limits!! You go girl!
  • prettynotpretty
    That's such a great strategy. I am so bad on the weekends because that's usually when I see my family and friends. The week is mostly dedicated to schoolwork and gym time so it's much easier to stay on track! Being around people who work out and try to eat healthy helps though. If I'm with my sister on the weekends, I do worse since we are celebrating being together, but since she is a health freak too, I don't do nearly as badly as I would with my friends (who are all not health conscious whatsoever.) It's definitely a "surround yourself with positive influences" kind of thing for me.

    You hit it on the nose! You are who you surround yourself with! If you're around someone who eats healthy, you will too. If you're around people who eat crap, you'll be more inclined to join them. I DEFINITELY agree with you--surround yourself with positive influences! Brilliant!
  • mdraper60
    mdraper60 Posts: 101 Member
    Thanks for the tip!! Monday weigh ins might work for me. I need to do something to keep myself on track on the weekends, I blow all the hard work I do during the week out the window on the weekend. Going to try doing Monday weigh ins!
  • mbelle97
    mbelle97 Posts: 37 Member
    Weekends are hard. I love the Monday morning weigh in. I just try and modify. If I know I'm going out for lunch I make sure my breakfast and dinner are normal weekday meals. I skip the frys, the sodas etc. That being said I'm not perfect but I don't expect my life to be perfect. I do my best. And I try to get good workouts in and some walking too.
  • prettynotpretty
    Thanks for the tip!! Monday weigh ins might work for me. I need to do something to keep myself on track on the weekends, I blow all the hard work I do during the week out the window on the weekend. Going to try doing Monday weigh ins!

    Good luck girl!! I hope it helps :) Weight loss is totally mental (in my opinion), you can do it!