What did it take to get you running?



  • Melodypharmon
    To prove to others that I could.
  • Snapper1985
    Snapper1985 Posts: 124 Member
    My sister found a color run and my family went out and did it. From that point on I was determined to not feel like I was going to die doing something that loads of other people can do in 20 minutes with no problem. And now I'm hooked!
  • beckydragonpoet
    beckydragonpoet Posts: 50 Member
    I wanted to be able to outrun Zombies. Run a 5k with my niece and nephew and spend more time with my much more active sister. It has been amazing!

    As I've gone on I just realized while it is one of the hardest things I've done, it is also one of the most rewarding too. I get to accomplish goals all the time and it feels amazing!
  • raisingemilyjune
    I was obese and I wanted to prove I could do more than just lose weight. I wanted to show my dad that I wasn't a lost cause, so I started c25k loosly (as in, I barely followed to plan). I like feeling like I've accomplished something great.
  • benum21121
    benum21121 Posts: 200
    Police testing, physical agility training, and the potential opportunity to be on the NRC Composite Adversary Force. All of the previously listed items required not only running, but a large amount of weight to be lost on my behalf. So far, running has done a good job of that.
  • amytag
    amytag Posts: 206 Member
    When I became dedicated to changing my life and got the eating under control, I wanted to add in some exercise that was efficient. I was too broke to buy a gym membership but found that running burned more calories per minute than anything else I could do for free at home. So I downloaded C25K and did it. Then sometime last year, the running became more therapeutic than efficient, and I found it was my free time each day to relax, not think about anything else but the run, and I liked the solitude and constant challenges to get better. I like that I can compete with others or purely with myself. Races are super addictive, but I like the smaller ones, not the huge events like Color Run (which I did a few weeks ago and found it to be too social for me...going against one of the things I like best about running).
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Im running a rugged maniac 5k. Hate running lovevobstacles...gotta run to get to the next obstacle lol
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    I've never met a fat runner. That's why I run.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    My grandpa had a double knee replacement and stroked out and passed. And he was in good shape.
    I'm in horrible shape, but I do it for my family so I can be around for them longer. That takes all the pain on shin splints, side stitches, not being motivated. None of that is an excuse, not ever.
  • ril0riley
    ril0riley Posts: 54 Member
    The first answer, 60 pounds ago, was that when I only had 30 minutes to spend at the gym, a workout on the treadmill earned me the most calories

    The second answer, after a few months getting used to the treadmill but still sure I "hated" running, was when I missed working out Thursday and Friday and was getting just anxious enough by the weekend to consider an outside run, which wound up being a discovery of miles of running trails through a beautiful forest right by my house

    I've loved it ever since
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    I have a very frustrating job and needed an outlet. I saw a bunch of friends running 5k's so I decided I wanted to try it. After walking my first one I wanted to be able to run it. I haven't gotten to that point yet but I will. The end goal is to do a triathalon. Also seeing my big butt on tv and knowing that it was being sent to every VW dealer as a training video helped motivate me to lose my big butt...
  • degan2011
    degan2011 Posts: 316 Member
    A zombie run that I heard about. No lie. :-)

    I also use the Zombies, run! 5k app. :-)

    ^^this^^ :)

    I ran some a few years ago (can't remember why I stopped really, but i did) then I did a run/walk with my son maybe every other weekend?? cuz he would bug me! haha! but then I found out about the Zombies, Run! app and I was intrigued... I got it and the zombies, Run! 5k app since I was fairly out of shape and thought I could use it. I love the app. I don't use it as often as I did because I am training for a 1/2 marathon in May, but for my fun runs I still use it. :)
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I run regularly, although I don't really like it. 5K seemed like a reasonable challenge and I do enjoy races. I finished C25K and now I have a weekly running partner (I run 1-2 other times per week by myself). It's just cardio I can do outdoors or inside with my own equipment (my legs). I guess it's just convenient. That aside, I think the reason I keep running is that I really don't like it and I feel like I've accomplished something if I get to my 3 miles doing something that bores the crud out of me and feels violent on my body.
  • sportzmom23
    sportzmom23 Posts: 103 Member
    7th grade pe teacher! I ran the pt course faster than everyone, she recruited me! Ran thru high school and the Navy, then fell out of it, tinkered once in a while, had hip issues, then plantar fasciitis. DH had a hip resurfacing last year, and I decided to start walking. It was taking too long for me, so my three mile walk turned into a mile walk, 2 mile run...pushed a bit too much, but remembered the great feeling, and am working back into it
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    The commitment to be a good, responsible pet owner.

    In December 2012, I lost my 8yo Rottweiler to chronic renal failure. I didn't think I wanted another dog, but the house was so empty without my four-legged baby. So I researched different breeds (after a large Rottie, I was thinking about a smaller breed). My husband and I settled on an Australian Cattle Dog. Knowing the breed is very high energy and requires lots of physical and mental stimulation/activity, I made a vow that if we got an ACD, I would HAVE to be able to run with her.

    We got Cora 6 wks ago. I started C25K for her. We walk 2x daily now, for about 25min each time. When she is ready to run (strong bones and mature enough, in about 9-10 more months), I will be ready to give her the exercise she needs. Cora is my motivation to run.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    A small stroke in Nov. 2011, never seeing fat runners around here, runner's high & setting a goal to run for St. Jude's. OH YEAH, and YOU motivating me! Thank you!
  • deanna418
    deanna418 Posts: 103 Member
    I had never been into running and I wanted to push myself. I started the C25k app on my phone. I love it now but I still have days where it's harder then ever to get through it!
  • dtdam
    dtdam Posts: 20
    My 10 year old son. He wanted to run a 5k and there is no way I will let him run by himself in a race. I found a race that is kid friendly so we signed up. The best part is training with him, its something we do together. I personally hate running, but I have never completed a 5k, its great to see my son wanting to be physically active (how can I not support that) and I am hoping my older son will jump on the band wagon.

    The 5k is in June so right now we train together 1-2x per week. I take cycling 2x per week because I clearly need additional training for the cardio and endurance.
  • mrk1185
    mrk1185 Posts: 44 Member
    I was really inspired by one of my aunts who has been through a lot, and accomplished a lot running. I also wanted to pull myself out of a pretty dark place and get back to a place of confidence... Running helped me do that, but I'm not even close to having met most of my running goals for myself.

    I also read a ton of books on running which got me very excited and interesting in marathoning and pushing my body to new limits...
  • divinenanny
    divinenanny Posts: 90 Member
    Because it is something in which I am competing against myself. I'm doing 5K runner (C25K like program) and every time I am sure that this is the day I can't do it, and then I spend the running time convincing myself to just go one more minute, one more song, one more half-minute. And it feels like such an accomplishment whenever I finish :D
    And the high calorie-count doesn't hurt either :D