Type 2 Diabetic newbie

I was recommended this from a dietitian to help on getting my weight loss down. I had tried other online food and fitness diaries before, but they kept changing formats and got confusing. That won't happen here, will it?

Also does anyone know any diabetic groups here that I can join up on?

Other than that, I can't wait to see the results.


  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    I had insulin dependent gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy. I would highly suggest using MFP along with http://www.fitday.com/

    It helped me tremendously with my carb count
  • bdubya55
    bdubya55 Posts: 506 Member
    I was recommended this from a dietitian to help on getting my weight loss down. I had tried other online food and fitness diaries before, but they kept changing formats and got confusing. That won't happen here, will it?

    Also does anyone know any diabetic groups here that I can join up on?

    Other than that, I can't wait to see the results.

    Hi there,

    I too came here on a recommendation too, to achieve a weight loss goal. I'm an insulin dependent type 2 diabetic, and have been for 27+years.

    By working the program as intended, I'm well on my way to my goal weight. Additionally, I've been able to reduce my diabetes meds significantly as a result of logging everything I eat, tracking my carbs, exercising to lose the weight.

    MFP has a very supportive, encouraging and helpful T2 diabetic support group.


    I hope you have as much success working this program as I've enjoyed.

    Good Luck!
  • heatherweber735
    MFP? What is that exactly?
    Never mind, I just can't read someday.
    But I thank you for the help.
  • Daymon_W
    Daymon_W Posts: 9 Member
    Just diagnosed with type 2 this app/site has really helped me get with my program and hit my numbers.
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal (MFP)!!! I have Type 2 diabetes also, been dealing with it for about 7 years. However, just finally taking care of myself since the first of the year. Glad to have you join us.

    With exercise (and I can't stress this enough) and a healthier diet, you will begin to see better control in your blood sugars and will lose weight. I was told for 7 years to get moving and I wouldn't do it. Finally, it clicked!!! Also, join the Type 2 support group (as already mentioned) and start making friends that also have Type 2. You will begin to see results if you put the effort in!

    I am sending you a friend request. We can do this!!!
  • heatherweber735
    Wow, two days and the feedback is making me smile. Thanks for the encouragement guys.
  • Nnsabel
    Nnsabel Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, I'm not diabetic but need to lose about 20lbs. So many in my husbands family are diabetic or pre diabetic that I thought I should look into it more as that may be our future too. I just read. Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution. I have it on loan from the library. He has been diabetic over 60 years so I guess he knows a thing or two. His book makes so much sense and the principles could be applied to a non diabetic like me. Someone out there may enjoy reading it as well.