Stop weighing yourself everyday challenge

If you are like me then you know how addictive it is to weigh yourself everyday . While I agree that it is a good way to monitor our weight ,it can also make us very discouraged . I have been weighing myself daily since I started on the website and am slowly getting discouraged because of the fluctuating. I am looking for a group of people who are addicted to weighing everyday like i am , and who are willing to commit to only weighing once a week . Our weigh in day will be Mondays . If you are interested please let me know by replying :)


  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    yep, I'm in...I always feel the need to 'check how I'm doing', daily. Although, I only log my weight once a week, it would be nice to break the habit of get up-weigh-take PJs off-weigh-go to the loo-weigh-move scales-weigh-move scales back-weigh-go for a run-weigh-shower-weigh......!!
  • jolene_ca
    jolene_ca Posts: 91 Member
    I'm in. I need to stop weighing daily.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I find I do better if I weigh daily. It is when I stop weighing that I gain and gain fast. I will continue weighing daily. I think for some people they can do better only weighing weekly. We are all different.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    I find I do better if I weigh daily. It is when I stop weighing that I gain and gain fast. I will continue weighing daily. I think for some people they can do better only weighing weekly. We are all different.
    Agree. We all have to find what works best for us. Weighing daily does not work for everyone for sure but for me it is a must.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Just to come at it from a slightly different direction...

    How about people just understand what the number on the scale is actually reflecting, and how that number relates (or in most cases, doesn't relate) to weight loss, progress, etc?
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    I find I do better if I weigh daily. It is when I stop weighing that I gain and gain fast. I will continue weighing daily. I think for some people they can do better only weighing weekly. We are all different.

    You are right we are all different but I am getting to the point where I am weighing so much and not seeing any changes that it is making me discouraged . I've been the same weight for 3 weeks now
  • Jewles1285
    Jewles1285 Posts: 119
    Just to come at it from a slightly different direction...

    How about people just understand what the number on the scale is actually reflecting, and how that number relates (or in most cases, doesn't relate) to weight loss, progress, etc?

    i agree!!

    Although I do obsessively weigh myself on my home scale almost daily I also know that it only measures my total body weight. I go once a month to step on a scale that tells me my muscle mass, my fat mass and water weight (and much more!) and all the percentages. My first month, my scale read that i lost 7 lbs but when I got the detailed list, i actually lost 15 lbs of fat and gained 7 lbs of muscle!!!! i had gone down a BMI number and 5% of my body fat!!! But with my ordinary scale at home, I only lost 7 lbs....

    So with that being said, i think i need to weigh only once a week because YES seeing the fluctuation does indeed get me discourage (as it did this AM when i was 2lbs heavier, who knows could be muscle or water gain!).
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    There was a thread here that this takes me right back to...."from 130 to 130".
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    I actually weigh every day and like it and NEED the feedback to keep me motivated.
  • I agree, once a week for me!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Just to come at it from a slightly different direction...

    How about people just understand what the number on the scale is actually reflecting, and how that number relates (or in most cases, doesn't relate) to weight loss, progress, etc?

    i agree!!

    Although I do obsessively weigh myself on my home scale almost daily I also know that it only measures my total body weight. I go once a month to step on a scale that tells me my muscle mass, my fat mass and water weight (and much more!) and all the percentages. My first month, my scale read that i lost 7 lbs but when I got the detailed list, i actually lost 15 lbs of fat and gained 7 lbs of muscle!!!! i had gone down a BMI number and 5% of my body fat!!! But with my ordinary scale at home, I only lost 7 lbs....

    So with that being said, i think i need to weigh only once a week because YES seeing the fluctuation does indeed get me discourage (as it did this AM when i was 2lbs heavier, who knows could be muscle or water gain!).

    You're not gaining muscle that quickly. It's all (or at least 95%) water weight.
  • Melissakay1222
    Melissakay1222 Posts: 74 Member
    I find I do better if I weigh daily. It is when I stop weighing that I gain and gain fast. I will continue weighing daily. I think for some people they can do better only weighing weekly. We are all different.

    Totally agree with this gal! :)
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    I weigh every day with the realization that it is going to fluctuate. I would get discouraged if the overall trend started to go up, but it hasn't, so all is good.
  • golfdell
    golfdell Posts: 9
    and where do I find that comprehensive scale?
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Interesting challenge. I don't think I can do it because I am a data hound. Have to get my data fix. Daily, I track weight, lots of measurements, BF% (calculated 3 different ways), bowel movements, avg weekly weight loss and anything I may have done differently that day. This helps me analyze my results and control my weight loss (and especially any stalls I hit).

    I do understand the reticence to track daily. Looking back through a year's worth of data, I have had multiple 5 lbs day-over-day swings in both directions. If I didn't track it all the time, I wouldn't know that this was perfectly normal. Knowledge is power.

    Here's my daily weight since last Mar (except for a long stretch where I didn't record it).


    Blue is my weight, red is my weight loss.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I weigh every day with the realization that it is going to fluctuate. I would get discouraged if the overall trend started to go up, but it hasn't, so all is good.


    Trends are far more important than individual/daily numbers.
  • JOYOUS62
    JOYOUS62 Posts: 104 Member
    I used to be obsessed but the scales never showed me what I wanted, so it made me down and wonder why I was bothering. I dont really think I was 100% commited then though. I joined SW and seldom weigh myself in between classes and I am happy to say, although its slow and I am averaging 1lb a week, I got my 1/2st off award tonight.
  • enkennon
    enkennon Posts: 161 Member
    Yes!! I needed this thread. Will do!!
  • simplyxaddicted
    simplyxaddicted Posts: 292 Member
    Weighing daily is just not working for me besides I think seeing a bigger loss on the scale rather than a 0.2 or a 0.4 is just what I need to motivate me
  • Jewles1285
    Jewles1285 Posts: 119
    Just to come at it from a slightly different direction...

    How about people just understand what the number on the scale is actually reflecting, and how that number relates (or in most cases, doesn't relate) to weight loss, progress, etc?

    i agree!!

    Although I do obsessively weigh myself on my home scale almost daily I also know that it only measures my total body weight. I go once a month to step on a scale that tells me my muscle mass, my fat mass and water weight (and much more!) and all the percentages. My first month, my scale read that i lost 7 lbs but when I got the detailed list, i actually lost 15 lbs of fat and gained 7 lbs of muscle!!!! i had gone down a BMI number and 5% of my body fat!!! But with my ordinary scale at home, I only lost 7 lbs....

    So with that being said, i think i need to weigh only once a week because YES seeing the fluctuation does indeed get me discourage (as it did this AM when i was 2lbs heavier, who knows could be muscle or water gain!).

    You're not gaining muscle that quickly. It's all (or at least 95%) water weight.
    Actually No, its not water weight, the scale told me how much water weight as well. How would you know how much muscle mass my body was able to convert/build when you know nothing about my exercise routine? For all you know i could be lifting heavy 5 days a week and doing cardio ontop of that. So, you might feel you're right, but you're not so i respectfully disagree! thanks. :o)