Determined to Change!!

Hello! I joined MFP today, and I am ready to begin my journey.

I have been heavy most of my life. I remember getting picked on in 6th grade for being bigger than the other kids. In high school, in a size 12, I was the "fat" friend. Despite many many diets, I have never successfully taken off the weight and kept it off. Fast forward about 20 years, 2 kids, many life experiences... and here I sit today. 286 pounds. Tight clothes. Achy knees. Short of breath going up a flight of stairs. Today, though...I am finally ready to kick some but and get a handle on this once and for all. I hit my rock bottom, and now I am looking for solutions, support, and friendship in this journey.

If you are in my shoes, if you have been in my shoes, or if you just want a supportive friend, please friend me! I am looking forward to building my network on here! :)



  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    So glad you are ready to Committ to YOU!
    I havent' been in your shoes but I would Love to help you!

    One day at a time!
  • SassyMom23
    SassyMom23 Posts: 112 Member
    Welcome!! Sending a request! You can do this!
  • 130mestar
    130mestar Posts: 7 Member
    I have been in your shoes! At 163lbs I finally hit my rock bottom. I started in MFP in January and to date have lost just under 30lbs. My biggest tip is take pictures of yourself along the way, you will be amazed that even if the scale hasn't moved for a period of time (cause you will hit plateaus) you can see it in the pictures and that is very motivating.

    Good for you for starting your journey and I would be happy to be support buddies along the journey!
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    Slow and steady! Make good choices and you will be rewarded. It is hard work at first and then it will all become natural. I started at 250lbs and am currently 174. It is duable....just with exercise and calorie counting!
  • mmmelissah
    mmmelissah Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome...would love to be a friend!