Buying new clothes

When did you buy new clothes? I am almost at a 30 lb weight loss and am super frusterated. Everyone can see the weight loss and I can feel it...but when I put on my old pants, they are still fitting, they are a little looser but not much :O( HELP???


  • medeamama
    medeamama Posts: 47 Member
    Spring is coming! Get yourself some nice capris or other pants in a flattering style. Good fitting clothes will make you look and feel better!
    All you need are one or two classic pieces to wear, then maybe a nice skirt and few tops.

    They seem like they fit, but try on the next size down, and you will see the difference!

    I can still wear my old tops, but they look baggy and frumpy. You deserve something fresh!
  • DanaHerro
    DanaHerro Posts: 186 Member
    THRIFT STORES!!!! :)
  • FitToFifty
    FitToFifty Posts: 164 Member
    I could have written that post a couple of weeks ago! I have jeans 2 sizes too big that I can wear and they don't look bad or feel too big. I saw some on clearance and thought - I will try these on to see how much I have to lose -- they fit! You will be amazed at how much better you feel when you get a couple of things that fit well. ALSO -- try on a few different cuts because it is amazing how different sizes run - even in the same brand.
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    Those old pants, where you wearing them tight?? If so, now they are lose, that's why you can still fit them..... Keep up the good work...
  • chellie47
    chellie47 Posts: 97 Member
    Just got a great deal on Jeans - I ordered 2 different sizes...and I had to send the larger size back!
  • nekoface
    nekoface Posts: 149 Member
    THRIFT STORES!!!! :)
  • taylorckt1
    taylorckt1 Posts: 263 Member
    I understand your pain/frustration...I am down 40 lbs and really need some new clothes as my stuff I really loose...I use belts and safety pins are my new best freinds...I made the decision that I would put off buying anything new til I get to my halfway will be a small celebration.

    Thrit stores are a great suggestion.

    Also, you can get together with ppl in your area and have a clothes exchange...each person can bring about 10 outifts that are too small or big an the others pick an outift (everyone will leave with the same number of outfits they came with) bring 5, you pick 5.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    When did you buy new clothes? I am almost at a 30 lb weight loss and am super frusterated. Everyone can see the weight loss and I can feel it...but when I put on my old pants, they are still fitting, they are a little looser but not much :O( HELP???

    i'm at 20 lbs, and I feel not much different. maybe it's a good thing. if they last past the 50 lbs mark I'll probably just do belts and look ridiculous till I get to 80. it'll save me money at least. and the time/hassle of shopping twice. try to look at the bright side of things. less money to spend, less time in front of those horrible flourescent mirrors.:flowerforyou:

    ETA: I'm not sure anyone else here really understood what you were saying. unless i'm the one who is reading your post wrong? I think you are frustrated that your clothes still fit you and were hoping to "need" new clothes by this point in your weight loss? which is what i've been feeling lately so it could just be my personal bias, but i think i'm reading you right.
  • Seaglass1123
    Seaglass1123 Posts: 500 Member
    THRIFT STORES!!!! :)

    This or a clothes swap til you get closer to goal.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I'm a bit tight-fisted, so hang on to "fat" clothes until they are so big they're falling off, or look really weird. I'm the biggest fan of belts you'll ever meet. LOL
  • The first time I was prompted to buy new clothes after losing some weight was when I had gone to work. I was taking the stairs, and I knew my pants were loose. I wasn't wearing a belt. I stepped on my pants, and they almost completely fell off! At that point, I decided that my comfort with my loose clothes was ridiculous, and I headed to Goodwill that night.

    It's so easy when you lose weight to cling to the clothes you have been in forever. They now fit and are comfortable. However, you are not showing off the progress you have made. You are hiding it. Reward yourself with those new clothes. You deserve them!
  • kistockman
    kistockman Posts: 80 Member
    I buy clothes soon after losing weight or else I'll just grow right back into my larger clothes.

    I posted this elsewhere but I went shopping for a new swimsuit since I lost a few pounds and the old one, was just old. My old one fit okay but was not so flattering. When I went to the store I tried on a bunch of swimsuits the same size or just a bit smaller. All fit, but so unflattering...but mostly, I felt dumpy. It wasn't until a salsperson insisted I try on swimsuits much juniors instead of women that I found one that fit. In fact, all of those fit much better!

    Your weight loss may have moved you to a size and/or style that is different from what you are used to wearing. I know it seems frightening to try on clothes you may be convinced would never fit....that's what happened to me. I was terrified of trying on such small swimsuits when I looked so heavy in the larger ones. It just never occurred to me that I was the one smaller and lighter and the clothes were too big!

    I'm in the process of getting rid of my larger clothes just in time for spring so I can better maintain this weight loss.
  • janahcarter
    janahcarter Posts: 42 Member
    Thrift stores! I refuse to buy brand new clothes that will only fit me for a few months. (Unless it's something super cute and I feel like I can't live without it.) I went to 2 thrift stores the other day and got 4 pairs of shorts, 1 pair of capris and 3 tank tops that are brand new, still have the tags on them! All that for less than $25. Thrift stores are your friend when you're losing weight. You might have to dig to find the good stuff, but it's worth it.
  • tatd_820
    tatd_820 Posts: 573 Member
    What are your stats?
    I am 5'9"
    SW 250
    GW 1 200
    GW2 180
    GW3 165
    CW 174.

    I didn't really see a difference in myself or my clothes till I lost about 40lbs. Then all the sudden NOTHING fit overnight, it seemed. I bought all new panties, bras, workout clothes and a few regular clothes in smaller sizes. Now, those are all too big. I wore my clothes too big for a while because I was just trying to get through the season before buying new. A lot of my shirts, that I still like but are too big for me...I have sewn up the sides to make them fit again. Also, some of them became too long so I cut the bottoms off, sewed up to make smaller. Can't really afford to go out and buy all new make do.
    Hope you start to notice soon! Don't give up!
  • nitrogen_widget
    nitrogen_widget Posts: 92 Member
    THRIFT STORES!!!! :)


    I dropped 100lbs, shopped at thrift stores, re-donated, claimed on my taxes. Profit.
    Lots of good high quality hardly worn stuff on those racks.

    Also OP, women tend to store fat on their backside so that is the last place it will fall off so don't get discouraged.
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    For me, it was last week @ about 58lbs down.

    I was down 4 clothing sizes and things were falling off me. My wardrobe now consists of:

    4 t'shirts
    2 business suits
    5 work tops
    1 pair jeans
    1 fleece
    1 coat

    Figure it will stay that way for a little while yet... or at least until I lose more weight. No point in spending money on clothes right now.

    Makes getting dressed in the morning a no brainer :)
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I feel like this is the same thing that happened to me in reverse... I didn't know that I was gaining much weight because my clothes still fit. Then, all of a sudden, I couldn't squeeze into a single thing I own! That happened at about 30 or 35 pounds above my normal weight. I'm hoping if I can lose just a little, I can get back into me regular clothes and ditch the cheapy replacements I bought.

    I say, celebrate your weight loss and get some adorable, motivating new clothes!
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I also was concerned when I was losing weight but my clothes still fit me (although loose). Then I realized I had just been wearing them way too tight before heheheh

    Anyway, I put off buying clothes for as long as I could. My weight has gone up and down so much that I had three different sizes in my closet so I had some things to wear. It was at about 30-35lbs lost that I had to get some new things. I was starting to look like a bag lady.
  • lbesaw
    lbesaw Posts: 267 Member
    Me too---though they are loose--I have bought a few new things just to get me through then I will transition to dresses for the spring and summer. Didn't want to buy a whole new wardrobe until I reach my goal. I find that if my undergarments fit correctly the loose pants and shirts don't bother me as much.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Thrift store. Turns out most of my 'newish' clothes are a lot nicer than my existing wardrobe - I didn't like shopping when nothing looked/fit right. Thrift shop allowed me to replace a lot of baggy stuff with nicer label stuff that fit!

    Plus when I was still losing, it let me buy stuff on the cheap, and after 2-3 weeks I redonated them because they were too big & buy other stuff that fit, wait 2-3 weeks and redonate and buy. This went on for about 3 months. So it was actually more like renting clothes rather than buying them.