Buying new clothes



  • I got to the point where my regular pants could be put on or taken off without unbuttoning and they hung very loosely around the waist. These are dress pants, as I work in a professional environment. Some of my old jeans are still fitting albeit looser but the dress pants definately had to be put in the too big to continue wearing bag. I was amazed at the difference between how I looked in the new pants as opposed to the old pants. I got new at about 45 lbs lost. Go try some on see the difference. Thirft stores or good sales are the best bet especially if you have a ways to go in your weight loss journey.
  • I didn't buy new clothes until all the clothes in my closet were too big. I still have 22 lbs to go so I decided not to pay retail for my transitional clothing and went instead to sales and places like goodwill . I am actually surprised how many perfect condition tops and slacks and jackets that i have found to add to my closet.
  • Punkin7411
    Punkin7411 Posts: 45 Member
    Yes, thrift stores and Goodwill. I have had the same feeling as I came down from larger sizes and while weight is still coming off, I can't get out of 16's, although I've gone from 16W to 16R to 16 petite. I hope I'm almost in a 14 but it's taking so long! Are you exercising? You will see changes more quickly if you do. The same thrift store I purchased from is getting my clothes and they have already gotten some of their clothes back!! I'm with you, I want to get out of my current size! We will get there!! Keep up the good work!
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    I am right with you at 29.5 pounds & a bunch of inches!! :bigsmile:

    I'm still wearing most of the same clothes, but they hang on me quite a bit.

    I went to Old Navy this weekend & found some XL tops for $3.49 (I always wore XXL before) also a pair of pants for under $10 that were a size 18 they were not loose, but not tight either so I bought them...hubby joked that they would be falling off me in a couple months.
    Other than that I am trying to hold off on buying a bunch of stuff since my goal is to drop 55 more pounds.

    BUT being able to buy clothes in "regular" sizes for the 1st time in forever made me so HAPPY!! :bigsmile:

    Also I did put the word out to some of my friends that if they had any hand-me-downs I would gladly take them!
  • agrant85
    agrant85 Posts: 92 Member
    Thrift stores! I refuse to buy brand new clothes that will only fit me for a few months. (Unless it's something super cute and I feel like I can't live without it.) I went to 2 thrift stores the other day and got 4 pairs of shorts, 1 pair of capris and 3 tank tops that are brand new, still have the tags on them! All that for less than $25. Thrift stores are your friend when you're losing weight. You might have to dig to find the good stuff, but it's worth it.

    This is what I told my husband I will be doing!! I refuse to spend money on clothes that I won't be wearing long. It's also a good thing that I'm a stay at home mom....I don't have to worry about a work wardrobe. Summer time is coming up, the kids will be out of school, we have a pool....I plan to be in my ugly/fat swim suit since it will still fit and hopefully not have to buy anything until I absolutely have to. :)
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 562 Member
    I was wearing elastic waist scrub pants at work, which were tight and really too small at my highest weight. Until they practically fell off, I just continued to wear them since they didn't look too bad; then, about 40-50 lbs. down, I picked up some nice fitting ones at a thrift store that lasted until I retired. I did buy a couple of pairs of thrift store slacks and jeans when I hit size 12-14 and didn't need the elastic waist stuff anymore. I highly recommend getting at least one pair of zip-up jeans once you can wear them comfortably--you can't imagine the mental boost that gives you!
  • artex1024
    artex1024 Posts: 119 Member
    At New Years, I was 205 and a size 14. I just had to buy new work pants last Saturday in a 11/12 at 179. My weight loss hasn't been distributed evenly. I went down two shirt sizes, but barely one pants size.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I think it depends on how you lose your weight. For me, it started from the top down - I lost it in my face, upper chest, belly then finally lost in my hips, bum and legs. It felt like I was never going to go down a pant size and then all of a sudden my pants were falling off me. Weird!

    Anyway, I'll ditto thrift stores and also check out consignment shops as they're also reasonably priced and tend to have a more strict policy about the condition of the clothing. For instance, I'll find stretched out or even stained clothes at Goodwill or Salvation Army (aka Sally's Boutique) but I never see these types of flaws at the consignment shop.
  • mindygeske
    mindygeske Posts: 120 Member
    Defiantly thrift stores all the way!
  • Defren
    Defren Posts: 216 Member
    I have lost over 100 pounds with around 14-20 to go. Initially the weight on the scales fell really easily, but I was still fitting into my old clothes easily. I think I was around 40 pounds down before I had to buy smaller and now I have loads and loads of new clothes. I also have some target clothes, a complete outfit, a top and a jacket. I just need to slim my way into those now. :-)
  • Those old pants, where you wearing them tight?? If so, now they are lose, that's why you can still fit them..... Keep up the good work...

    This made me laugh out loud :O) My boyfriend is always telling me how my jeans dont fit because I wear a belt with them. I tell him if they can stay up and not fall down til I walk around a bit, that means they still fit! lol
  • i'm at 20 lbs, and I feel not much different. maybe it's a good thing. if they last past the 50 lbs mark I'll probably just do belts and look ridiculous till I get to 80. it'll save me money at least. and the time/hassle of shopping twice. try to look at the bright side of things. less money to spend, less time in front of those horrible flourescent mirrors.:flowerforyou:

    ETA: I'm not sure anyone else here really understood what you were saying. unless i'm the one who is reading your post wrong? I think you are frustrated that your clothes still fit you and were hoping to "need" new clothes by this point in your weight loss? which is what i've been feeling lately so it could just be my personal bias, but i think i'm reading you right.

    Yes u did answer me correct :O) thanks~
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    I am also wondering when I should go shopping for new clothes, I want to once I get to 230 pounds, but my goal weight is 200 pounds!
  • backincontrol
    backincontrol Posts: 6 Member
    Has anyone tried Gwynnie Bee? I have and I have loved them. Its on the same premise as Netflix. You pay a monthly fee, depending on what option you chose (1-10 garments) out at a time. They send clothes out to you, you wear them and then send them back in a self addressed and paid for package that they provide when you are done with them. I am wearing a dress now that I have been complimented on all day long. I wouldn't spend this amount on the dress ($169.00) but I will wear it a month or so and then get something new. I am currently trying to lose weight but my main reason for trying this site out was to freshen up my closet. I just started the gym and am hoping to change my size 18's in for 16 soon enough. It's not necessarily inexpensive but they have trendy current clothes. I think its a cool option.

    Here's a link that they sent me, just copy and paste. You can try it out for 30 days free
  • jsbieniek
    jsbieniek Posts: 76 Member
    I dropped 32 pounds and went from a 16/18 to a size 12. I went the is weekend and bought just a couple pairs of dress pants for work. Skirts I'm just wearing lower on my hips! But my pants were so saggy in the butt it looked like I didn't have one!!! lol
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    THRIFT STORES!!!! :)

    ^^^^^ this!
  • Curleycue0314
    Curleycue0314 Posts: 245 Member
    You might also try a good taylor! You will feel so much different in a pair of pants or a great outfit that properly fits you. Dont forget about the undergarments as well! For all the Ladies out there you will know what I mean! You have the girls in the right place and suddlenly you can look 10 LB lighter as well!