Starting Over....Need Some Buddies!



  • cassy30
    cassy30 Posts: 18
    Okay, i got one already some how, and apparently i want to loose 20 so im sticking with the 20. I didnt know i still had that! It didnt show in my group message lol!
  • GracefulDancer4Christ
    GracefulDancer4Christ Posts: 419 Member
    I am starting over to as well. I am 37 years old and a single mom to an 11 year old daughter. I need to lose 37 pounds
  • I will be your buddy! Counting calories is so hard for me, and I'm always looking for some motivation for myself, and to give others. Feel free to add me!
  • I am starting over today too after a couple week break. I sent you a friend request. Let's motivate each other! :flowerforyou:
  • brsquared
    brsquared Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I've been on MFP for a while, but I've been lazy lately. I got a new job and have been working alot which has kept me from excercising...excuses!!! I'm starting over today. I have gained weight because I have been eating bad and not more excuses...hitting the gym today! I also need friends to help me stay motivated!!!
  • Beccalizz1
    Beccalizz1 Posts: 34 Member
    I am 32 and have 2 children. I have been on my weight loss journey since January and am down 32 lbs so far but have a long way to go still. I am always looking for more support and friends. I will send you a friend request.
  • pja1130
    pja1130 Posts: 1
    Hey all! I am starting over again, too. I am 34, single, 5'10" and a compulsive over-eater. I began the weight loss journey three years ago weighing in at 336 lbs. I lost 45 lbs using MFP and then I fell off the wagon in May of last year. I did a weigh in a few days ago and was back up to 332.5 lbs. So it begins again and I know it will be frustrating to have to re-lose the weight I gained this year while indulging bad habits. I need reminders to be accountable. This go around, I will be less focused on food and more focused on exercise.

    What can I do for y'all to help you?
  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    you can add me if you want i'll be supportive ;)
  • Always looking to add new friends to help support each other! It's a journey and always helps to have motivation from others!!! I have lost 37lbs and still going for a few more! Would love to encourage you! :D
  • llgorski
    llgorski Posts: 2
    Could use some support as well. I'm the neverending, "Tomorrow, tomorrow," person. I'm getting older and need to start monitoring my health--cholesteral, gluclose, etc. I need to lose 20 pounds to feel great, and I start out every Monday saying I'm going to do it, and I'm good until Wednesday or Thursday, sometimes even the weekend. Then, "boom," I lose it and eat, eat, eat.

    Also need to get motivated about exercise again, too. Can't seem to find the time, but just joined a new health club with my daugher (who's 14). Makes it easier to go vs. leaving her at home alone.
  • Well I'm totally new. I have NEVER been on a diet or exercised. I used to take it for granite how good I looked. Yeah I am so good with keeping myself look good no matter how fat I am but this is out of control. I went to the doctors last week and I knew I probably gained a couple pounds in the past few months but when he told me I gained 25 in the past few months I was speachless and felt so gross. I was like that is it. I have hit rock bottom. I used to be SO hot and now I can still wear my clothes to hide the bad and accentuate the good, I m very good at that. Get complimented and people even say wow you lose weight and inside Im like if you only knew! Meanwhile I have to lose at least 80 pounds! This is insane. How do I suddenly figure out what to eat. I work so many hours and have to think about my kids to. I have long commute too and rush through the door to make dinner. I dont know how I am going to do this! So frustrated and hoping I can do it :(
  • I started mfp a while ago, but have not posted on the message boards a lot I am in need of some motivation today. I did a LONG hard work out today... and I'm feelin discouraged again... I started in January at 302 and am at 274 today. I was at 257 the firs week of March, then, decided one day that I would quit smoking. Which I have, I'm 6weeks out, but I went on a chocolate fiend for a while... and didn't really gain anything, but I just stopped loosing. I also got diagnosed with PCOS and as put on new meds, but still held on to 275 and today I finally broke the 274 mark, but I am still discouraged that I don't feel like I look any different. I was in a 24 when I started an now I'm in an 18 (and finally it the GAP size 18) pants I bought on clearance, but I'm still looking at myself in the mirror and I see no change... I have little motivation today...
    I am full time college student, and full time mother. My son is a Type ONE diabetic and avid soccer player. He plays indoor, rec, and select soccer, which means LOTS of running around and games and practices all year long.... My HUBS works full time, and is working out with me he has lost 22 lbs Since Jan 1 2013.
    I know that this post got rather long, but I think it works as an introduction to me.

    Oh I'm also an artist so I do spend some time in my studio... I'm working on rather large painting right now, and I have two little ones.... and I'm painting some Silk for a dress I'm making.

    I could use some friends on here too... I your interested send me request.
  • jdekost81
    jdekost81 Posts: 12
    WOW. Thanks for all the adds, friends! We got this. :)