aspartame poisoning?



  • professorRAT
    professorRAT Posts: 690 Member

    Yes! Thanks for posting the link!
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    As referenced by several other posters, in order to drink enough diet soda to reach levels of poisoning, you'd have to drink several hundred cans per day. You'd likely die from an electrolyte imbalance from processing all of the liquids (even diet soda is still 99% water) before you died of aspartame poisoning.

    That being said, if you believe you have a sensitivity to it (and certainly if you have PKU or another medical condition), then don't consume it. If it doesn't bother you, however, there's no reason to avoid it in moderation.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Artificial sweeteners are not good. If they were they would be able to prove it. I believe you can get too much of anything. Moderation is a concept that many are against.
  • Lmullaney79
    Lmullaney79 Posts: 21 Member
    I went through this a year or so ago... I personally decided to cut way back and i *did* get headaches, etc. for a few days. Also, it HAS been shown to work with your body and create more of a spike/ crash.

    I am DEFINITELY more hungry when I drink diet coke throughout the day than when I drink water and tea, so while I do have one occaisionally, I have noticed that I do go through better weight-loss periods when I swear it off.
  • doomspark
    doomspark Posts: 228 Member
    Aspartame gives me a splitting headache. I wouldn't necessarily call it poisoning, but it definitely affects me.

    Diet drinks made with Splenda don't give me a headache.
  • cidalia73
    cidalia73 Posts: 107 Member
    There are some sodas that use Splenda now instead of Aspartame. Orange Crush is one, but I am in Canada, so I don't know if you have it where you are. I have found "rainbow" packs of Orange, Grape, Creme Soda, and Rootbeer that use Splenda instead of Aspartame. I try to avoid it, but if all they have is a diet drink with it, one once in a while won't hurt.

    I avoid Splenda. Bad for my IBS.
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    I've been using aspartame sweeteners in my hot drinks for more than 10 years and no ill effects
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    It can certainly have bad health effects. How many kilos of it are you eating in a day?
  • kdoty0305
    kdoty0305 Posts: 15
    About 3 years ago I suddenly started having issued digesting foods. I would eat, and be in the bathroom 15 minutes later. Took me a while, but I figured I must have suddenly developed an allergy to foods cooked in oils such as canola, vegetable, etc. I could only tolerate Olive Oils in small doses. Then I started having some other issues...I couldn't sit in a car for more than 20 - 40 minutes w/o having to stop for a pee break. At 33 y/o, this isn't normal. So I went to see the doc. He ran a ton of blood tests and found out that my gall bladder doesn't seem to be functioning any its not properly breaking down the oils, and nutrients in foods, etc. that are being ingested. The doctor said he feels this is from prolonged use of NSAIDs (Ibuprofen, etc.), caffeine (diuretic), and ingesting artifically sweetened foods, including all soda products. He said, especially soda and artificially sweetened beverages, are just as harmful for the gall bladder and liver as alcohol. I was given strict orders to drink no soda, only one cup of coffee or iced tea per day, and any sweetener that I might use in the coffee/tea, needed to be a natural sweetener. I followed his orders, changed my diet to more fruits and veggies, and wah-la...I rarely have an issue any longer either of my two problems.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I don't like the taste of aspartame. If I did, I would probably have a diet soda from time to time. I'm not a huge fan of soda, either, though.
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Yes it is real. My husband who grew up diabetic and therefore used aspartame from the time it came on the market suffered from it. He nearly died before it was figured out and doctors were of no help because most still do not believe it is a possible problem.

    He could not gain weight, problems with all his joints and was having days he could not walk at all. Problems with his sugar levels for no reason whatsoever. Problems sleeping, could not taste food normally. Problems with his eyes. Little to no immunity. A grown man should never weight 85 lbs.

    My daughter also had migraines and I as well.

    You may think this may have been many other problems. However the fact is he has now been all aspartame and other artificial sweetners and suffers none of those problems. In fact he started to improve in less than a week of quiting all aspartame and within a 2 more weeks he was gaining weight and able to taste things again. His eyes improved and he didn't have days when he couldn't work or walk anymore. His blood sugars stablized. Nothing else changed during this time.

    Aspartame is addictive and poison. Regardless of any other opinions this is one thing I have no doubt in. I have seen it first hand. Yes it is true that many do not have these reactions but one thing to remember is that it does not come out of your system immediately. It builds up. You may not even realize you have a reaction or poisioning until you are at that point.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Artificial sweeteners are not good. If they were they would be able to prove it. I believe you can get too much of anything. Moderation is a concept that many are against.

    Sorry what? :huh:

    They haven't produced any studies saying it is bad either. The only studies saying artificial sweeteners are bad are in doses you just couldn't ingest. And while you all argue about the big companies having power in the states - it isn't banned in other countries, and they haven't produced research saying its bad.

    I wouldn't say many people are against moderation - just a small few. For most moderation is just sensible.

    If it affects you then stop ingesting it - but for most people it isn't a problem.
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Some people (myself included) have an "intolerance" or "allergy", whatever you wanna call it, to aspartame. I get a migraine, I get bloated, I stay away from it :) But I have no idea if poisoning is real, but I'd go out on a limb and say you'd have to be drinking your body weight in aspartame daily...o.O
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Artificial sweeteners are not good. If they were they would be able to prove it. I believe you can get too much of anything. Moderation is a concept that many are against.

    Sorry what? :huh:

    They haven't produced any studies saying it is bad either. The only studies saying artificial sweeteners are bad are in doses you just couldn't ingest. And while you all argue about the big companies having power in the states - it isn't banned in other countries, and they haven't produced research saying its bad.

    I wouldn't say many people are against moderation - just a small few. For most moderation is just sensible.

    If it affects you then stop ingesting it - but for most people it isn't a problem.
    Here. You can take whatever you like from this.
  • now I have a sudden urge to run out to grab a 6-pack of TAB....remember TAB? And the warning label on the side about the sacharrin causing cancer in lab rats? I love TAB, buy up the stuff whenever I can...its been a guilty pleasure since the 70's :flowerforyou:
  • chercee
    chercee Posts: 120 Member
    Personally, I stay away from artificial sweeteners, period. I'd rather have a little bit of honey, agave, brown sugar, than deal with artifical sweeteners. I find artificial sweeteners make me feel unwell - headaches, indigestion, bloating, etc. I don't think it "poisons" me, but it certainly doesn't make me feel good. Everyone is different though, and we all have to make our choices.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    Artificial sweeteners are not good. If they were they would be able to prove it. I believe you can get too much of anything. Moderation is a concept that many are against.

    Sorry what? :huh:

    They haven't produced any studies saying it is bad either. The only studies saying artificial sweeteners are bad are in doses you just couldn't ingest. And while you all argue about the big companies having power in the states - it isn't banned in other countries, and they haven't produced research saying its bad.

    I wouldn't say many people are against moderation - just a small few. For most moderation is just sensible.

    If it affects you then stop ingesting it - but for most people it isn't a problem.
    Here. You can take whatever you like from this.

    the bold one isn't even research - its a list of article and letters cherry picked by someone with an agenda. Oh reading more, it's a conspiracy website. Excellent choice.

    I'm guessing you didn't read the studies from the second one (also not a great choice for scientific evidence without bias) - from the first one I looked at


    Although our findings preserve the possibility of a detrimental effect of a constituent of diet soda, such as aspartame, on select cancers, the inconsistent sex effects and occurrence of an apparent cancer risk in individuals who consume regular soda do not permit the ruling out of chance as an explanation."

    I'm going to bed. Feel free to insult me for disagreeing with you. Night.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Artificial sweeteners are not good. If they were they would be able to prove it. I believe you can get too much of anything. Moderation is a concept that many are against.

    Sorry what? :huh:

    They haven't produced any studies saying it is bad either. The only studies saying artificial sweeteners are bad are in doses you just couldn't ingest. And while you all argue about the big companies having power in the states - it isn't banned in other countries, and they haven't produced research saying its bad.

    I wouldn't say many people are against moderation - just a small few. For most moderation is just sensible.

    If it affects you then stop ingesting it - but for most people it isn't a problem.
    Here. You can take whatever you like from this.

    the bold one isn't even research - its a list of article and letters cherry picked by someone with an agenda. Oh reading more, it's a conspiracy website. Excellent choice.

    I'm guessing you didn't read the studies from the second one (also not a great choice for scientific evidence without bias) - from the first one I looked at


    Although our findings preserve the possibility of a detrimental effect of a constituent of diet soda, such as aspartame, on select cancers, the inconsistent sex effects and occurrence of an apparent cancer risk in individuals who consume regular soda do not permit the ruling out of chance as an explanation."

    I'm going to bed. Feel free to insult me for disagreeing with you. Night.

    Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't play the "You suck because we don't agree" game. I am only saying, here are a couple of links, take form them what you will. And yes, the first one was a page with links to other articles. It was good because it had them all on one page. Anyhoo, that's just my position. Again, sorry for not putting up a fight. Arguing isn't really my style. I speak my mind and move on much to the frustration of others.