AM Workout tips?

I am looking to start doing cardio in the morning before work. Any tips? Should I eat before or after? What should I eat? I generally have either a protein shake or eggs and meat scramble. Anything I should do in the evening before bedtime? The idea is here that I would break up my cardio into two sessions, once in the morning and once in the evening. I am starting out slow, 30 minutes walking each session (I am over 250 lbs and a bad knee so I have to be a bit cautious). I am breaking it up because my doctor recommended an hour a day and said it was ok to break up the work out so long as I got my hour in.


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    I don't eat before I workout in the am, simply because I don't like working out on a full stomach. I already get up at 4:30, if I wanted to eat, but have time for it to digest, I'd be looking at getting up probably before 4! Plus, I like to have a nice breakfast. If I'm extra hungry or weak feeling, I'll have a protein shake or fruit or something prior to a workout.
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    I like to do 30 minute yoga routines in the morning and at night

    I usually eat after I work out because my schedule is very tight and to be honest I cant shove food in my face as soon as i wake up.

    my advice to you is be sure especially in the morning regardless of the type of cardio you do (walking elliptical whatever) be sure to get a good stretch in first, in the morning I am super stiff that morning yoga kinda limbers me up for the whole day
  • msmr53
    msmr53 Posts: 1
    I too am starting back slowly. I can tell you that in the past, splitting up my exercise sessions and keeping everything manageable really worked the best and the weight dropped off. I have health issues so I can't tell you it stayed off because I am confined to bed for days at a time, but your program should work well for you. The trick is not to be too obsessive, slow and steady really does win the race. The diet portion of this program should also help you to choose your foods well. When you scan in your favorite bread and realize it is almost 200 calories of nutrient stripped calories you will surely look for better alternatives! Good luck
  • NikkiSixGuns
    NikkiSixGuns Posts: 630 Member
    Good for you for getting started!

    I do cardio early in the morning, and I don't eat anything beforehand. I do eat breakfast within an hour afterward. You could try this, and see if it works for you. If you feel weak during your workout, you could try grabbing an apple, a glass of milk, or something similar before you head out for your walk.

    Good luck!
  • sateliteofluv
    sateliteofluv Posts: 19 Member
    I work out in the mornings, but I do eat breakfast and have coffee before. I eat the same thing for breakfast every morning - 1/4 oats, with cinnamon, 1 Tbsp ground flax seed,1 packet Splenda, blueberries, a few almonds and made with Silk Light Vanilla. Lately I've been adding an egg white to boost my protein. And I drink about a cup of coffee. I get up at 4:45, make breakfast, eat and watch The Daily Show from the night before, and I am at the gym by 6:00.

    I don't think I would get in nearly as good of a workout if I didn't have something in my stomach. But I feel like what I eat is pretty light and doesn't weigh me down. I also have really come to enjoy the quiet time I have that early in the morning.
  • wibblewobblekaz
    wibblewobblekaz Posts: 25 Member
    I have a banana 20 mins before my work out and porridge with 30 mins of finishing, helps me feel really good
  • blkpag1
    blkpag1 Posts: 34 Member
    I like to do coffee/espresso only before my morning cardio, and water during. I will eat before evening weight training for maximum gains.
  • healthy_juls
    healthy_juls Posts: 36 Member
    I drink some water before my spinning classes in the morning but never eat until i am done. I find it slows me down and makes me feel like im lagging. Then afterwards i have a protien rich breakfast. :-)