Alcohol Consumption

The big question is how much does alcohol consumption impact weight loss and maintaining your results if you are consuming below your caloric limit? I eat healthy and workout often, so I want to know if drinking will limit my results in terms of overall physique? I know its extra calories, but if I'm at my desired weight does it matter?


  • micheleb15
    micheleb15 Posts: 1,418 Member
    I treat alcohol the same way I treat sugar, since they are about the same. All in moderation. I usually don't drink m-th because I wake up at 545 to workout. However, on the weekends I keep it within my calories. Some people cut it out completely to help with weight loss, but I know that is not sustainable for me.
  • scooterWien
    scooterWien Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Chris,

    Honestly that depends. Beer has only empty calories whereas wine and cocktail are pure sugar boosts that will have an adverse impact on weight loss if consumed excessively. Hard liquors such as Scotch and Whiskey are okay if consumed in moderation (say 5 to 6 oz). However, I would abstain from any hard stuff during the weight loss process and stick with beer and some wine.

    The weird thing though (to come think of it) I have never met alcoholics who are fat especially those in Europe.But yet again food isn't of importance when one goes for the bottle.
  • chrisvinci

    'working for an Investment Bank has its days and runs a toll on you. If you work at one also you will understand what I mean. so sometimes when I am home, I like to drink a nice Scotch to help relax and sleep. And its just 1 or 2 drinks so its nothing excessive and will give me better rest so I can hit the gym at 6:00am like I usually do.
  • SabrinaLily
    SabrinaLily Posts: 121
    As I just posted on a few other topics, I'm not giving up my booze. No way. No how. If incorporate it into my diet and stick to my calories, I still lose weight. At a mere 1,200 calories a day, I still get my nutritional requirements AND beer in! My drink of choice is Crispin's hard cider. It's about 7% alcohol and only 257 calories for 22 ounces!!! It has no fat, 15 grams of carbs, 13 grams of sugars and a healthy 7.3% of my daily iron! LOL
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    I can't speak for "you". But for me...including my beer in caloric intake hasn't affected my weightloss.