whats wrong with me!!!!

So i did great all day...worked hard around the house (unpacking from a move)...ate healthy all day...made a great dinner for the family...and then went to run an errand and while I was gone I have about 15 donut holes...and a butterfinger...i'm so tired of being fat...why do I do stupid things like this....i feel horrible


  • paulabarnes
    Well, if it's any consolation, it happens to a lot of us. In the past, behavior like that was always my downfall. I'd have one slip-up, even a minor one like the one you described, and then I'd be filled with self-loathing. I would allow the slip-up to sabotage all my hard work from the days/weeks/months prior. Now I'm trying to roll with it. Maybe it's a good thing to occasionally indulge a craving. It's a good thing to not be perfect all the time. Maybe it's OK, because the sense of deprivation doesn't build up to such a degree that you crash and burn and give up forever. Anyway, that's the internal dialogue I'm working on these days as I transition from yo-yo dieting to attempting to live a healthy lifestyle. Don't beat yourself up! :-)
  • Angelgranny2007
    We all fall off the wagon... just tuck an' roll, then jump back on!
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    Not unlike the rest of us - You are human. Stock up on yummy, healthful treats that you CAN have. Sometimes when we restrict ourselves too much, it gets the best of us. Tomorrow is another day!
  • alittlebird
    alittlebird Posts: 18 Member
  • bambee2013
    bambee2013 Posts: 49 Member
    Your start weight & goal weight is the same as mine, and I get those cravings too. Just make sure to keep like a Fiber (One) Bar
    for when you get those cravings, for me it's better than eating a candy bar. The chocolate one's have less calories than the peaunut butter ones. We can do this, you are not alone!!