This is REALLY embarrassing, but I want to know!



  • happydayzz
    happydayzz Posts: 64 Member
    Yay! I guess I will join this society! But if anyone still has any ideas.... :)
  • me too lol. ive offered to a few of my friends that i wouldnt mind sharing. more than once. i like having boobs, but i wish they were smaller.
  • dandandee
    dandandee Posts: 301 Member
    There are times that I wish I had more in the boob department, but I've come to accepting my tiny boobs. Like many others have said small means you can more easily go around without a bra (meaning you can wear cute dresses and tops without worry), no back pain, and never will they sag!

    My one problem with what some people are saying thought are push up bras... push up bras DO NOT help if you have nothing to push up! I wear a 36A (but if this existed in my price range and country I would buy 36AA) and push up bras do nothing for me. If anything, they exaggerate the fact that I have nothing there. So I just wear the thinly padded ones. at least, in this way I'm not doing false advertising to any men :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    I would love to have my boobs shrink! Here's hoping!

    However, I think since I've had boobs since I was eight that is not likely to happen... boo hiss.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    Padded bras from VS. Only way I can get anything back.

  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    in fairness most guys wish their junk would grow. thankfully when you lose weight and have a lot to lose, it sorta does grow. its like puberty only not having your voice crack or having to change your sheets every night
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Get pregnant.

    of course then you'll have other issues... like a kid... but you know...

    Lol...temporary boob job without the surgery, unless you need a c-section, like I had. Lol. Chest fly's with free weights may help, so I've been told, but I can't vouch for them. Padded bras are your friend. I know they are mine. :)
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    two step process:

    1. get prego
    2. breastfeed! :)

    I should have taken pictures. It was impressive to see what a busload of milk could do...
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    I figure when I reach my goal weight and maintain it for 2-3 years I'll have a tummy tuck and while I'm at it get me some porn star boobs!
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    If you haven't had kids already, you may have larger breasts once you get pregnant. I gained two cup sizes almost overnight and they haven't gone away (and I've lost/gained weight since then and no change). For now, or if not having kids, you can get some lovely padded bras.
  • SkinneyGirl28
    SkinneyGirl28 Posts: 145 Member
    I had a 36 almost B when I got pregnant. Then things went south with the 2nd pregnancy and she ate everything I had and I wish I could fill a 36 A. But what I need is a 36AAA padded to look like a 36A. My trouble is that when I do wear a bra, there is nothing to hold it up. It always slides up halfway over my boob. I am 60 so do not suggest another child. That would take a miracle. I work those muscles under them, but so far nothing has happened. What I feel I need is a training bra, but they don't come in a 36. I am not overweight, either, so the 36 can't shrink! I am willing to pay for a Good bra. I've though about going to Victoria Secrets and see if she has any secrets for me?

    ND :sad:
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    And my fav...when im won't be able to tell just by lookin at my boobs!!

    Awesome! You've just made me feel a million times better with that :D:D:D
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    There are some pro-hormone options that can re-activate the growth since it's glandular, but it's probably something you have to just deal with.

    Fit proportioned bodies are good looking.
  • Guinevere117
    Guinevere117 Posts: 148 Member
    I went from a 36C to a 34B. I was a borderline B/A-cup until I started doing weight training focusing on the chest area and found that after a little bit of time, they now nicely fill a full B-cup. Building muscles in the chest area creates an illusion of being bigger, but not really by much. You also have to keep it up, because if you lose the muscle mass, you lose your size.
    This purely in my experience of course, it probably works differently for different people.
  • Tamstar1985
    Tamstar1985 Posts: 334 Member
    i used to be a 36C... i'm a 34B now, though i no longer fill out those bras and am in the awkward limbo between an A cup and B cup ^_^;;;

    i actually LOVE that i am small-breasted now (though i was never gigantic before). camisoles! strapless dresses! adorable push-up bras! teenie bikinis! i don't have to worry about anything falling out and if i go on a long run, a simple (and very cheap) sports bra is all i need.
  • xaMErica
    xaMErica Posts: 284 Member
    You can tighten up the muscle behind them =) That'll help but it wont put the fat back in 'em.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    Fit proportioned bodies are good looking.

    Yes, let's all keep re-reading that. I like the sound of it. : )
  • Nightterror218
    Nightterror218 Posts: 375 Member
    The down side to weight loss. RIP boobs
  • I am pretty small .... 5 ft nothing and I am a C cup. It doesn't change whether I lose weight or not!! I would love to have smaller boobs!!
  • vlmay1955
    vlmay1955 Posts: 100 Member
    Yep, this happens. Mine were already small and now they are smaller. You just have to look at all the other positive aspects of lossing weight.