Juice Master Delivered

Hello Everyone! :)

Just wondering if anyone had tried this? Thinking about doing it the week before my summer holiday (beginning of June).

I'm less concerned with the actual weight loss from this, and more if it leans you out, flushes out the bad stuff! Although please post your lb loss if you achieved any too!

Here's the link for more info: http://www.juicemasterdelivered.com/



  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    What bad stuff? You have a liver and kidneys for that - living off juice will flush out your lean muscle too....:sad:
    From the website;
    •Headaches (usually from caffeine withdrawal)
    •Spots (toxins being eliminated through the skin)
    •Furry tongue (a sign that the body is adjusting to a juice only diet, combated by cleaning teeth more regularly, however, please leave at least ½ hour after your juice before brushing)

    What goes into a 3 day juice diet: Carrots, 25 Apples, 1 Yellow Bell Pepper, 1 1/2 Cucumbers, 3 Celery sticks, 3 Broccoli stems, 1 large raw Beetroot, 2 pieces of fresh Ginger, A handful of Parsley, 5 large ripe Avocados, 1/4 cup of Blackberries, 1/4 cup of Blueberries, 1 medium Pineapple, 1lb of Spinach, 250g Kale & 150ml raw Almond Nut Milk.
    And that is what you live on for three days????
    What a waste of money and a sure path to malnutrition...Good luck...
  • Katieloula
    What bad stuff? You have a liver and kidneys for that - living off juice will flush out your lean muscle too....:sad:
    From the website;
    •Headaches (usually from caffeine withdrawal)
    •Spots (toxins being eliminated through the skin)
    •Furry tongue (a sign that the body is adjusting to a juice only diet, combated by cleaning teeth more regularly, however, please leave at least ½ hour after your juice before brushing)

    What goes into a 3 day juice diet: Carrots, 25 Apples, 1 Yellow Bell Pepper, 1 1/2 Cucumbers, 3 Celery sticks, 3 Broccoli stems, 1 large raw Beetroot, 2 pieces of fresh Ginger, A handful of Parsley, 5 large ripe Avocados, 1/4 cup of Blackberries, 1/4 cup of Blueberries, 1 medium Pineapple, 1lb of Spinach, 250g Kale & 150ml raw Almond Nut Milk.
    And that is what you live on for three days????
    What a waste of money and a sure path to malnutrition...Good luck...

    Thanks for your input. I wasn't looking for sarcasm or judgement here, I was looking for examples of tangible experiences. I said I was THINKING about doing it not that I definitely will. A girl at work has done this recently and she actually loved it, she also couldn't bring herself to finish the juices most of the time because they were so filling, but I know people's experiences on here are very reliable so wanted to hear from you guys first.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Jeez....did not think I was sarcastic - as I meant everything said....

    There is no protein, barely any fats, no diary and the calorie count for three days is approximately 2700 - so around 900 per day...

    Your body does not produce any bad stuff that it cannot get rid of on a healthy diet, and paying something like 150 pounds for that sounds ridiculous....I'm not from the UK, but can imagine that you can get quite a bit of healthy food for the same amount...

    You asked for opinions - I gave you mine..Sorry if the fact that it did not tell you to run and buy it offended you...
    And yeah, I did not try it - but I do know enough about nutrition that I won't ever try something as dumb as this.....
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    The poster wasn't trying to be rude. You're going to find lots of us here who advice against pure juice diets, even for a few days. The benefits of adding juice to a healthy solid diet are indisputable. Subsisting on it solely will do little but make you hungry.

    The weakness, fatigue, headaches, etc are not toxins being purged. (Your study will not be able to name a single toxin being cleansed that is not normally cleansed from your body. None of these products can name them - namely because they don't exist.) Those symptoms are your body being hungry.

    You can get the same body-healthy affects without the hunger by simply eating properly. Add the juice as a supplement. Have a few glasses during the day. That's an awesome idea. Just don't do it solely.
  • bolotini
    bolotini Posts: 2 Member
    I'm a big fan of juicing and I believe an occasional fast is indisputably healthy (ask any nutritionist or dietician), but that is just my personal opinion. My advice to you is to solicit these boards for nothing more than anecdotal experience from other users. Anyone on here who claims to know what they are talking about should automatically be regarded with skepticism. We are all here for the same reason remember (we were or are fatter than we want to be). Just because someone has been successful in reaching their fitness goal using a web based app does not make them an expert on diet and nutrition, or anything, for that matter. PS. Be particularly skeptical of anyone who purports to "know enough about nutrition to never do something as dumb as this" while taking a selfie in bike shorts and gloves and posting on these boards over a thousand times in a year. Just sayin :)
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    PS. Be particularly skeptical of anyone who purports to "know enough about nutrition to never do something as dumb as this" while taking a selfie in bike shorts and gloves and posting on these boards over a thousand times in a year. Just sayin :)

    Those who take drink pictures don't rank on the scale of expert, either.

    Blue aliens, of course, do.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    . Anyone on here who claims to know what they are talking about should automatically be regarded with skepticism.
    LOL...too funny, but you still handed out a whole paragraph of advise....:yawn:
  • mysti77
    mysti77 Posts: 8 Member
    There is the big juice spring clean on this week but of course can be done at any time. I have heard many people say they feel fantastic after doing it so I'm giving it a try. I'm a day late starting and find I am a bit tired but I did wake up an hour earlier than usual to make the juices and my little one woke me up last night as well. Slightly hungry but actually LESS hungry than when I'm counting calories and trying to stick to 1200 a day. And I dont know if I calculated wrong or something but when I input the calories for the day the morning and evening juices came up to over 400 calories so I haven't a clue how a previous poster came up with 900 caloires for the day when two out of the 4 juices (plus 1 ginger shot) comes up to 800 calories. My full day's worth came up to just over 1200 including a banana just in case I can't last on juice alone.

    My advice though is to go and do a shop for all the fruit and veg you need, works out to just over £40. I had to buy a juicer (one recommended by Jason Vale - it's awesome, very quick to clean!) as I don't own one but thought it a good investment as we want to stop buying ready made juice anyway.

    Sometimes I wonder about people who say things about 'starving'. You really don't have a clue about starvation or malnutrition!! You won't starve or become malnourished from a few days worth of nature's own fruit and vegetables.
  • Querian
    Querian Posts: 419 Member
    I don't know about that program but you can check out my post about juicing here:
