How do you cook your fish?

My husband and I have decided to incorporate fish into our weekly dinners at least twice a week. I need some ideas of how to cook fish that is good but does not increase the calorie/fat content a ton.

Usually I buy Tilapia and cook it with lemon and a squirt of butter spray or I marinade it in FF Zesty Italian Dressing for the time it takes the oven to warm up.

How do you cook your fish and what kind of fish do you use?


  • maa59115
    maa59115 Posts: 29 Member
    Olive oil on both sides, season with Old Bay or some blackened seasoning. Oven bake it for 14 min.
  • deviantcupcake
    deviantcupcake Posts: 136 Member
    I usually buy salmon or white fish, generally frozen because I have to be mindful of my finances.
    The salmon I'll just wrap loosely in a foil parcel and pop into the oven for 25ish minutes, until it's nicely cooked through. I tend to do the same with white fish, but I have been known to steam that in the microwave, too. Usually I serve those with veggies and some kind of chilli or orange sauce.

    I also love tuna, when I can get bags of frozen steaks. Then I'll either pan fry it with a bit of spray oil and black pepper, or put in the food processor with a tablespoon or so of English mustard and turn it into a burger, again pan fried with a little spray.
  • artsycella
    artsycella Posts: 121 Member
    I found a recipe I really liked last week that involved very lightly breading fish with just a touch of cornmeal and some spices, then broiling them. They came out super tasty, crispy and flaky and good, and only about 247 calories per serving. Here's my blog with suggestions and tweaks:

    And here's the original recipe:

    Good luck!
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Grill or bake almost any kind of fish

    Pan fry any panfish (bluegill, perch, crappie) or walleye

    Smoke salmon and trout
  • rllewell
    rllewell Posts: 234
    I eat a lot of salmon on the grill with a sauce more like teriyaki Sometimes we blacken it with cajun spices and coconut oil in an iron skillet. Tilapia we also grill with cajun spices.
  • beadpimp
    beadpimp Posts: 8 Member
    I steam all my fish, no added calories! and yummy too!
  • BeckyD1105
    BeckyD1105 Posts: 444 Member
    Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice and then make a spice rub out of minced garlic, salt, pepper, paprika and thyme.
  • bgelliott
    bgelliott Posts: 610 Member
    Lemon Juice and dry seasoning so there are no added calories. Bake 425 for 16 minutes
    Another way is seer in pan with 1/4 inch of water and dry seasoning. Takes about 4 minutes each side and water will evaporate by the time it's done. Once again, no added calories.

    OMG - had to edit typos
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    Lemon Pepper and a splash of olive oil, bake 20ish minutes. Yummmmm.
  • tattedlady75
    tattedlady75 Posts: 185 Member
    I love making a steam pack and putting it on the grill. Large piece of foil some slices of orange and lemon lay the fish on top and load on the veggies(brocolli, asparagus, green beans, sweet pepper, garlic), a touch of pepper and then close it up and place on the grill for about 20 minutes.
  • mommytoaiden
    mommytoaiden Posts: 75 Member
    We eat whatever my husband catches, usually rockfish. We also have had whiting and some wahoo. We usually make aluminum foil packets and coat the fish with onion, a squeeze of lemon and old bay and bake in the oven.
  • SunOfMan
    SunOfMan Posts: 67 Member
    I eat salmon once a week.

    1. Put the fillets in a dish.

    2. Mix freshly squeezed lemon juice, olive oil, black pepper and dill.

    3. Pour the mix over the fish, cover in foil and cook for ~20 mins in the oven.

    I serve with veg and potatoes/pasta and I love it!
  • JenniferMary_9169
    Thx for all of the fabu ideas :love:
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I eat mine raw.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    I buy a whole fish, butterfly the bottom a little so it stands up straight, rub it with a blend of ground chives, salt, pepper, parsley, thyme and marjoram and bake it in the oven at 450. This method almost makes tilapia taste good, but I usually go with snapper.
  • cicisiam
    cicisiam Posts: 491 Member
  • staciedee10
    staciedee10 Posts: 90 Member
    I eat tilapia 4-5 days a week. I buy it frozen at either Publix or Sams. Remove thawed tilapia from bag, rinse it, pat it dry & season both sides LIGHTLY with Tony Chacherie Creole Seasoning. Add 1 tsp. extra virgin coconut oil (or you can use EVOO) in medium heated pan & fry 2-3 minutes on each side. Do NOT overcook - should be a little crispy on the ends but flaky in the middle. YUM! ;-)
  • pghlulu
    pghlulu Posts: 42
    I love tilapia....I cook it in many different ways, but "almond crusted" is a house favorite:

    Mix about 1/4 cup breadcrumbs (seasoned or plain), 1/4 cup flour (any kind), and 1/8 cup or so crushed almonds (I take slivered almonds and pound them out a bit). Pat the tilapia in the mixture to coat - you can dip in egg first if you want. I then pan fry in a bit of olive oil or coconut oil for a few minutes on each side.

    If you like the taste of toasted almonds, it's very yummy!
  • wiltl
    wiltl Posts: 188 Member
    pan fry blackened catfish - looked up a seasoning recipe online to mix my own seasoning

    salmon with lemon, bit of olive oil and foil packet method. Also just did a soy/brown sugar marinade. The olive oil added more calories than I expected, but it was soo good! Grill or foil packet.

    shrimp with parmesan garlic seasoning (Johnny's Great Ceasar)

    sea scallops with a bit of butter spray, garlic powder, salt and pepper. Pan fry about 4-5 min on each side or until firm. I also add a tiny bit of truffle butter to the pan.

    Use the leftover salmon on a big salad with leafy greens and favorite fixings for a cold dinner.
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    Olive oil spray, Old Bay seasoning & some sauteed shallots is delicious.