99% Honest, 1% Ridiculous. (And pictures to prove it).

People seem to enjoy honesty, so here we go!

I’m Jessi (clearly). I’m 28, have a 10 year old son and an amazing man to call husband. Quite obviously I fall on the “not necessary” side of the Oxford Comma debate. (Yes, I am also a bit of a grammar queen.) I joined MFP last year, dabbled with it, left it, gained 3 pounds and then looked in the mirror 5 weeks ago and said NO MORE. In 5 weeks, I’ve dropped 25 pounds, began walking more frequently and have changed my family’s eating habits. Now with that out of the way, here’s why I’ve joined MFP:

I am the heaviest that I have ever been in my life. I remember being young, thin and fit – as a competitive swimmer, I really had no choice. Granted, I’ve never had thigh gap, but I didn’t need it to know that I was healthy and so assuredly fit. Back then, I was the only Freshman to make it to the big, Varsity Invitational for my region, and actually placed in the 100m Butterfly. Proud moment, and also one of the last where weight and fitness are concerned.

(I’m the Hansen-Looking chick on the right…)

(Also on the right…)

(In the middle…)

And then this, the most amazing thing in my life, happened:


Yup, that’s a whole 75 pounds in 9 months. Don’t be fooled, though, I ate healthy through my entire pregnancy; salads, fruits, veggies, no fast food, no soda, limited caffeine… I just gained a ton of weight. And it never, ever went away. In fact, it multiplied.

I gained weight through an emotionally, and only one time physically, abusive marriage. And then I gained weight through a stressful divorce, and a stressful long distance relationship (with my amazing, current husband). The damage of not handling life in a conducive, positive way was done. Five weeks ago, my heaviest weight ever, looked like this:


With a face like this:


Oh, no, wait… that’s Sir Nicholas de Mimsy Puppington. Sorry… the actual face of mine (I’m the one with the red, curly hair…):


But then, five weeks ago, MFP became an obsession. I researched and got frustrated that I couldn’t lose weight and also eat all of the Taco Bell. I began tracking and reading more about health and fitness, I started pinning healthy recipes on Pinterest. I made my family eat broccoli (I know, I’m so evil). I updated all my Facebook statuses to “HEY I LOST MORE WEIGHT LOOK!” And now, five weeks later, I have no desire for Taco Bell, soda, horrible nasty not-really-food-food. And, I’m starting to see the change…


Especially in my face…


I’ve resisted posting an introduction thread until now because I needed to make sure that I wasn’t going to quit. I needed to assure myself that I’m in this to lose it all, to get healthy and stay that way. 25 pounds down, 5 weeks in, completely personal transformation… I’m ready now. I’d like to have motivation to keep going, friends to laugh with and to damn the slow weeks and plateaus. I’d like to be mutually encouraging, whether you’re trying to drop 5 or 100 pounds.

So, if you have a sense of humor (definitely a requirement) and want mutual motivation, support and encouragement, go ahead and send a request. :)

(Also, as an extra added bonus, you’ll get nerd and geek culture references quite frequently… I mean, even my food diary is Hobbit style.) :happy:


  • Enjoyed reading this. You go guuurlllll!!!!! :):) I'll be following your transformation.
  • jsimler1
    jsimler1 Posts: 168 Member
    bump to read at home :happy:
  • slw0107
    slw0107 Posts: 15 Member
    Loved reading this - I am just on week 4 myself and would love to be friends :smile:
  • sancach
    sancach Posts: 20
    Thanks for sharing this with us!
  • JonnaM0916
    JonnaM0916 Posts: 113
    Lol love your humor that is important for overall heath! You're doing such a great job. I can't wait to see the end results!! :smile:
  • Great job! Congrats! You're doing great and you're hilarious!
    (we're sort of similar in our histories btw, so feel free to add me if you'd like!)
  • fitnessbugg
    fitnessbugg Posts: 141 Member
    Love your post. It sounds like you have the eye of the tiger right now. Milk it for all it's worth! Good luck.
  • MIM49
    MIM49 Posts: 255 Member
    You are so cute (your face is, too) 25 pounds though in 5 weeks!!?? 5 pounds/ week!!? How have you done this? I am so jealous. The Biggest Loser has nothing on you. Congratulations on the fantastic start. I know you can succeed in your goals.
  • newjojie
    newjojie Posts: 291 Member
    Loved reading this, just the sense of humor that I like. I wish you well.:smile:
  • geminside
    geminside Posts: 51 Member
    You can do this!!! Attitude and will power, sounds like you have both!!! ;)
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    what an incredible story, thanks for your honest story!!!! I am so proud of you.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member

    OMG. I'm so excited to meet you!

    And, good start! Keep it up!
  • Love it.
  • jessiwebb
    jessiwebb Posts: 31 Member
    Haha, thanks everyone! The encouragement is astounding and you've all made me smile quite a bit since posting this. So glad to have you as friends and support. :flowerforyou:
    You are so cute (your face is, too) 25 pounds though in 5 weeks!!?? 5 pounds/ week!!? How have you done this? I am so jealous. The Biggest Loser has nothing on you. Congratulations on the fantastic start. I know you can succeed in your goals.

    I think the 25 pounds to start is mostly water weight, body getting adjusted to the new regime and giving up a lot of the crap I was eating before. I guess I can take some credit for the portion control and calorie counting. Right now (and only for a little while longer) I'm on the 1200 calorie intake with nutrient dense foods (most of the time, I'll be honest :P), eating 7 times a day, cardio and eating back the calories I burned (seriously, that's my favorite part), and drinking water, water, water, water.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Loved this! Love your positive attitude and especially love your sense of humor!

    I would wish you luck on your weight loss... but I don't think you need it. You got this! :drinker:
  • traceytwink
    traceytwink Posts: 538 Member
    Fab story your doing great sending a friend request xx
  • Ummm YOU ARE AWESOME AND I KINDA LIKE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well done on the lifestyle change and we are here to help! :)
  • syrevitch
    syrevitch Posts: 8 Member
    You are doing awesome!!!
  • rosea1985
    rosea1985 Posts: 19
    wow loving all you nice ladies out there supporting each other and hun you are doing soo well, 25 pounds is an amazing amount in such a short time. keep it up x
  • pestopoli
    pestopoli Posts: 111 Member
    Nicholas de Mimsey Puppington! Get out! I am inspired to death! - thanks for this injection of humor into what has been a stale, plateua-y week for me :D