gym newbie

i'm thinking this week (i actually have 2 days off which rarely happens) i will make a trip to a small gym in my neighbourhood.
i think i know how to use the machines, but i was wondering what i start the weights as?
sorry if this is a dumb question, i just think i'll feel a little lost.

and how long should i be on each machine for?

also, what time of the day do you think it'll be emptiest? yes, i have gym phobia, i'd rather go when not many people are there.


  • catrunsintowindow
    catrunsintowindow Posts: 77 Member
    Are you going to a gym with a circuit (like curves or planet fitness) or just a regular gym?

    A gym with a circuit, they will let you know how much to do or for how long - just ask the staff if you have any questions. A "regular" gym, I would suggest starting off with 3 sets of 8 reps (ie, do 8 lifts, rest, do another 8, rest, do a final 8) at the heaviest weight you can do 8 reps with good form for. This may require some experimenting on your part, but don't be embarrassed, everyone does it. I would also look into getting a routine for yourself (either through a trainer or off the internet) so you know what you want to work on when, and so you don't miss anything important and end up imbalanced.

    In terms of when the gym is emptiest - usually before 7am and after 7pm, at my gym. Sometimes you can get sweet spots between 9-11am and 2-4pm, too. I work out at 6am to avoid throngs of people.