I Need a Wake Up Call - Falling off the wagon

I have lost 50lbs. Then, I came back from a one week vacation (where I used to live) and I gained 6lbs. I fell back in my old habits. Drank my weight in whiskey, ate my weight in crappy food.

I'm trying to eat healthier since my return on Friday and since then have consumed ice cream, caramel corn, a burger from Boston Pizza that I cannot find nutritional info for (and thus have not logged), and more drinks.

I never had much for a sweet tooth. In fact, I generally HATE sweets. Typically, my only sugar is from my baby carrots and my weekly whiskey + diet ginger ale.

Now... Now I'm struggling. My goal was to be 150lbs by my birthday... which means I have 20lbs to lose in 6wks. I'm not afraid of the hardwork it'll take. I'm willing to find time to go an extra hour in my cardio (usually do 30-45mins)... But I'm not motivated to start. I was supposed to work out yesterday but I was too tired.
I know I sojnd extremely contradictory - so what I'm asking is SUCCESS STORIES from AFTER FALLING OFF THE WAGON. I don't wa t to think I've screwed myself over here. I want to know my goals are still attainable - I can start a diet/lifestyle change AGAIN.


  • torresl27
    torresl27 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't let that fear drive you to starve or workout like a fiend....what's your backup plan?? Funny how we can figure out what to do at work when there is a crisis but we don't have a strategy for our own life. Look at how far you have come, you got this....keep it up, you've obviously figured out what works for you don't lose sight of that.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    You haven't screwed yourself, just made it a bit harder.
    Really though, I can tell you a load of motivational quotes, I can ask you a lot of rhetorical questions, but the wake up call must ALWAYS come from within.
  • vgpeterson1984
    vgpeterson1984 Posts: 51 Member
    Think about you walking around with 50 extra lbs hanging from your body. The stress and strain on your heart and how much WORK it was to get it off. 50 lbs is an amzaing acheivement. Reset get back on here and log...its embarassing to log your binges but sometimes that what it takes.

  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    I fell off the wagon over this week. Stressful nights at work, no sleep, and being PMS= binged. :(

    I don't know about you, but I felt like crap eating all that crap. (You are what you eat!) Use that as motivation. Weight loss aside, you should be able to feel good with the foods you eat. Also, stepping on the scale and having gained 3 lbs wasn't cool either.

    But we all make mistakes. Remember all the good changes you've already made habits. (Are you making sleep a priority? Have you been exercising regularly? Drinking more water?) Don't throw it all away because you made some mistakes. We're human but we're resilient!

    Good luck!
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    As much as I've found a love of carrots and broccolli and spinach...

    ... I'm getting tired of it. I hate how everything healthy has to be cold (ie. Fresh veggies, salad) and everything not healthy is warm and comforting (burgers, pizza, pasta, etc). Having a vacation from my diet made me really miss that stuff.

    I think that's where my motivation is struggling to form. I really don't want to eat another carrot. I want stew. Thick, hearty stew, where the broth is more gravy than anything. Everytime I ask for suggestions for low cal, hot meal ideas people freak on me for other reasons about my diet, so I've kind of given up asking.
  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    Now you're just making excuses... Steam your veggies and add seasoning. Eat pizza once in a while in moderation.
  • FlannelMothman
    FlannelMothman Posts: 193 Member
    I suppose I can make carrot fries.
  • furniem
    furniem Posts: 145 Member
    Here is my story......
    I pigged out last Christmas. Three weeks of not walking, no other exercise and I ate what I wanted and when I wanted it. I drank lots of wine, beer, rum and eggnog and anything else I wanted. I then weighed in on Jan 7 and had gone up 17 lbs!!!! I nearly died but then said I knew I was doing it and now I pay the consequences.
    It took me over 2 months to get that weight back off as it was dead of winter here in Nova Scotia and walking was not possible due to the snow and icey hills. I had to lose it all by mostly dieting and getting in any small amounts of cardio I could aside from walking. I started 30 Day shred and did lots of show shovelling and stuck to a strict diet. I had my b-day and my husbands b-day during that time as well but I got right back on track the day after.
    It comes back off but you just gotta do it.
    So what! You took a break, you deserved it, you did it now move on and get back in control. Life happens! We wont be perfect all the time and we need to accept it.

    You can get back on track and lose it. You can find the healthy recipes online (skinnytaste.com is amazing) to satisfy that confort food craving. It is out there.

    Good Luck!
  • yankee_grl
    We all fall off the wagon. That's not a big deal. As long as you get back up here right now young lady. Sometimes when I get bored with eating healthy I try some new recipes. There are tons of recipes for healthier versions of the foods we crave. You will get back into it. Don't worry about the gain. It will come right back off as soon as you start back with your good habits.
  • kathicooks
    kathicooks Posts: 81 Member
    "everything healthy has to be cold " but no! It really doesn't. Tonight's dinner is grilled sirloin strips that will get tossed in a home made peanut sauce (peanut butter, soy sauce, garlic, lemon juice, and pepper). serve it with grilled peppers, mushrooms, and onions - cook in a tiny bit of olive oil and a bit of boxed chicken stock.

    Last night was home made chicken parmesan. don't bread the chicken. Just pound it a bit thinner and lay it in a flat pan with sides (lighly spray the pan first) and sprinkle the entire pan with a couple tablespoons of wheat breadcrumbs, couple tablespoons of shredded parmesan, salt, pepper, and italian seasoning. Bake at 400 for about 20 min. While it's baking, open a large can of crushed tomatoes (most jarred sauces have a lot of sugar added) in a pan and start to heat thru, if you have time, brown some chopped onions and peppers and garlic. Season as you like. When the chicken is done, smother generously in sauce (pretty low cal for very comforting taste) and some reduced fat mozzarella and parmesan. Bake for 20 more min.

    Make greek meatballs from scratch using ground turkey, egg, finely chopped onion, garlic, and fresh spinach. Season generously with salt, pepper, and oregano. Make little meatballs (use a teaspoon to help shape) and bake them at 375 for about 25-30 minutes. Serve either with tsatsiki or a tomato sauce depending on your mood.

    and everything is better with a hot and slightly cheesy cauliflower mash!

    I could go on for hours, if you are willing to cook, you can make some seriously tasty and filling hot meals that are very low cal.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    It's hard for me to get back on track, too. I usually have to spend a few days psyching myself up by reading articles and success stories on the Internet or in magazines. Then my mojo kicks in and I'm back in the game.

    You don't have to have vegetables cold. I made a scrumptious batch of fresh green beans today - 2-3 cups of whole fresh beans sauteed in 1 tsp of olive oil until well coated, then added garlic salt and the juice of one lemon, then covered and steamed for 5 minutes. OMG; so good and filling! I felt like I was cheating on my diet. The next time I'm hungry, I'm going to heat and eat the rest of them with maybe a tablespoon of parmesan.

    Roasted vegetables are delicious, too.
  • TomTomato
    TomTomato Posts: 223
    I can't really provide a success story, because it is still "in progress". I can say that I've lost weight before only to gain it back, again and again. For the first time though, I am now tracking what I eat, thanks to MFP, and I have others who motivate and inspire me, again thanks to MFP. For me, I need to make eating right, or at least not overeating needs to be the norm and the times I overindulge need to be the exception. I think for most of us, there will be setbacks. But let's not get discouraged. It is much easier to get back on the wagon before it has gotten too far away from us! For me, I can still have those foods I really like, but I try to plan for them. Either working out or eating light meals around it help allow having that pizza that I love on Friday night. If only pizza and gravy were healthy choices! Finally, think about where you used to be and hopefully that will help motivate you. But understand this one thing - You are not alone!
  • badtastebetty
    badtastebetty Posts: 326 Member
    As much as I've found a love of carrots and broccolli and spinach...

    ... I'm getting tired of it. I hate how everything healthy has to be cold (ie. Fresh veggies, salad) and everything not healthy is warm and comforting (burgers, pizza, pasta, etc). Having a vacation from my diet made me really miss that stuff.

    I think that's where my motivation is struggling to form. I really don't want to eat another carrot. I want stew. Thick, hearty stew, where the broth is more gravy than anything. Everytime I ask for suggestions for low cal, hot meal ideas people freak on me for other reasons about my diet, so I've kind of given up asking.

    Not true! Warm up those veggies, grilled veggies with baked yams is my favorite healthy comfort food. Steam your veggies, throw them in your soups, make veggie loaded spaghetti. Think of meals that you love, and try to find healthy subsitutions. Feel free to message me if you want to swap ideas, or have a look at my food diary. I usually eat less than 1500 cals, and I keep a good variety.
  • DVMcGhie
    DVMcGhie Posts: 8 Member
    Be realistic about your goal for starters and do it in the spirit that you'll shed the rest off eventually. Remember to maintain ANY WEIGHT LOSS you really have to do what you've been doing in the past. Exercise and eating foods that provide the necessary nutrients to make a healthier you. Remember you can always have some of your indulgences like chocolate and alcohol but you need to account for the calories. Hang in there... you have willpower and have already demonstrated that!!