Help with fighting sugar addiction

First off I would like to say that I have been trying to fight sugar addiction for some time now. I always liked sweets and remember always turing to food when I was upset, I still do until this day expect turning to sweets has become so much worse. I have tried to go cold turkey, I have tried a gradual approach to cutting sweets out, I have tried not keeping them in the house (but I live right around the corner from a 2 gas stations and a walgreens so if I want it its easily obtainable). I guess a lot of it has to do with the fact that I have a 10 1/2 month old, I go to school full time for nursing, and it is very hard trying to find time to cook, and eat healthy so most of the time I turn to the quick delicious fix of chocolate and sweets. Just recently after me and my brother watched Fat, SIck, and Nearly Dead we decided we wanted to try the juice diet, I am bfing so I only did it as a snack replacement and morning breakfast replacement. Over the 10 days my brother lost 16lbs and I lost 7 lbs, this made me realize just how little fruits and veggies I was consuming and also that my eating overall was horrible. However, I cant seem to fight my sugar cravings. It is horrible to say but lately since I have been so excited abouty my weight loss, I dont want to gain it back, but I cant keep away from these sweets so I tend to eat say 600 calories of chocolate and starve at dinner because I do not want to eat too many calories. I know they are empty calories, and I truly know they are horrible for me, but I do not know what else I can do. If there is anyone on here who has had severe sugar addiction, please give me some advice, I will try anything I want to kick this habit so badly but I dont know what to do anymore I feel like I have tried everything that people say and still cant kick it.


  • nillapup
    nillapup Posts: 204 Member
    I have the same kind of issue.. I do not eat very well.. junk food all day all the time.. I ate a pint of ice cream a day for 2 months and other awful stuff. gained 6 pounds and felt awful..I have always been a binge eater... I started the south beach diet phase 1 the other day in hopes to getting my binging and sweet tooth under control.. 3 days in I lost 1.6 pounds and I have been obssesivley searching online for south beach phase 1 recipes that kind of hide the veggies like. cauliflower crust pizza and so on and I have eaten more veggies in the last 3 days then I probably have my entire life hahahha.. While a lot of people frown on *diets* this one is working for me and my cravings are getting better every day... and I am finding veggie recipes I can live with and hopefully when I ween myself off this diet I will continue to make better food choices... Might be worth a shot.... I didn't join the south beach diet or buy the book with enough research you can find it all on line for free as an fyi.. good luck from one binge eater to the next :o)
  • CoffeeCriss
    Going cold turkey and getting support is the only way. I followed the Gluten Free Sugar Cleanse last month which helped immensely. I'm still in a transition period, with LOTS of failures, but getting rid of the brain fog, depression, bloating and acne breakouts has been worth so much more than the temporary sugar fix.

    One thing that helps me when I have a raging sugar craving is to have a small spoonful of coconut oil/coconut butter, or home made grain free granola (sweetened with raw honey), or a herbal tea with a small spoonful of raw honey. Sweet potatoes also help me get a sweet fix without throwing me completely out of control.

    It's not easy. You will have withdrawal symptoms. I see it as poison leaving my body and a sign that the "bad guys" are dying inside me.

    You can do it!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
  • roxy415
    roxy415 Posts: 29 Member
    I am a total binge eater
    self control seems so impossible at times...... but somehow i managed to drop 100 lbs.. and keep it off for the last almost 5 years... I stalled out on weight loss about a year and a half ago and im pretty sure its because of that recurring sugar addiction....... I recently did the 21 day sugar detox--- i did by the online book-- it was only 20 bucks and there is a whole lotta support that comes with it--- I highly recommend it! I helped me get my sugar back in check-- and its only 21 days-- and you can gradually add things back or choose not to -- its completely individual-- and if you feel the addiction creeping back-- its time for another 21 day round!!! Stay strong!
  • CoachColin
    I used to have problems with sugar cravings but I make an effort to have a decent amount of fruit spread out through the day. The biggest thing for me though is drinking shakeology daily because when your body truly gets what it needs your cravings will definately decrease.
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    I've posted about this before so if it's a repeat for some please forgive, I'm trying to help the op.

    I too had/have a sugar addiction. This went on for years and my diet consisted of mostly sweets. I would sometime think to myself that I hadn't eaten real food for weeks. Just junk.

    Because of this I became malnourished and had many deficiencies. I ended up hospitalized being fed by a tube. This is serious stuff.

    I had to change it around and now I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables every day. I've lost 134 pounds and am healthy.

    Please, try really hard to get over the addiction and detox from the sugar and junk. You'll feel so much better but most of all you'll truly be healthy and avoid all sorts of medical problems.

    Be safe.