success stories for 5'7-5'8 ladies...



  • I'm almost 5'7 and have been on MFP for bout half a year now. My weight loss started in 2010 with a miserable job and layoff. I had gotten to my highest weight of nearly 220lbs. I started with WW, but the biggest lesson was just paying attention to what I stuffed in my mouth.

    In about a year I lost 60 lbs and made it to about 160, but had lost a lot of consistency in my diet. I wasn't eating very well, and had stopped exercising, although my job was an active one.

    I went through a divorce in 2011 and through the stress of it, lost another 10lbs. I loved that weight, but it didn't stay. As I got happy again, I started to eat again and bumped up to 170 easy. I made it actually up to 175 before I found MFP. This site rocks and I have some awesome friends on here who encourage me to live healthy!

    I'm starting a new endeavor, one to eat more calories but healthier calories. Its not worth it to starve myself for that french fry! I am eating lots of fruits and veggies and am seeing that help bring the weight back down. I'm at 166 but still looking for the last 11lbs to come off and stay off for good! Good luck in your journey and friend me if you like! I'm a daily logger :)
  • kleonard42
    kleonard42 Posts: 204 Member
    I know I've thanked you all already but thanks again! I seriously come back to this forum and read all the great things you guys have posted almost everyday. Its so encouragicng to me!

    Any new replies (with or without pics) are definitely welcome/appreciated!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Hey!:). I'm 5'7" and 45 years old.
    Heaviest not pregnant weight: 175
    Current weight: 146

    Usual weight is about 160
    I have lost about fifteen pound just from eating below TDEE for the last six months ( minus 3 weeks of gluttony in the summer when I gained a bit back)

    I took this pic today:


    My goal now is to build strength:)
  • acbabbitt
    acbabbitt Posts: 50
    As a fellow 5'7" girl, I'm bumping this for later.

    Your success stories are inspiring!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I'm not quite where I want to be, but it took me a very long time to lose my weight also. It was entirely my own fault though, as I kept falling off the wagon and having slipups along the way. The key is to just get back on it every time and keep going.

    This is me at my highest (or very near my highest) weight at about 220ish (not 100% sure of my real max weight):


    This is me minus 42 lbs after using MFP for about a year and a half:


    I got pregnant with my son just after this last pic, but here is me now (still 38 lbs lighter than my highest weight). I'm currently 8 weeks post partum:


    It's been over two years since my highest weight, and I'm still not where I want to be, but I had a baby in that time and learned a lot about myself and the tools I needed to get where I want to be.

    Be patient. Your story is entirely yours to write so don't compare with others. Just do what you need to do to get where you want to be.

    Oh, I'm 5'8".
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    ^ beautiful:)
  • jessicabakernyc
    jessicabakernyc Posts: 29 Member
    Just posted my progress pics today in "12 weeks in... Not bad!". I'm 5'7, and i am going very very slowly too. But its adding up and i'm seeing a difference! You can do it!
  • Very encouraging to read all of your successes, ladies :)

    I'm 23 years old, and I'm 5"7, and I just began this journey last week.

    I stepped on the scale for the first time in about a year (I was avoiding it) - and I was at a record high of 222. I decided it was time to change, so I am doing just that!

    Feel free to add me everyone - I could use the support!
  • kleonard42
    kleonard42 Posts: 204 Member
    Just posted my progress pics today in "12 weeks in... Not bad!". I'm 5'7, and i am going very very slowly too. But its adding up and i'm seeing a difference! You can do it!

    I looked at your forum and it looks like you've done a great job! Thanks for the encouraging words!! :)
  • hisfan35
    hisfan35 Posts: 4 Member
  • Hey!:). I'm 5'7" and 45 years old.
    Heaviest not pregnant weight: 175
    Current weight: 146

    Usual weight is about 160
    I have lost about fifteen pound just from eating below TDEE for the last six months ( minus 3 weeks of gluttony in the summer when I gained a bit back)

    I took this pic today:


    My goal now is to build strength:)

    You are exactly where I want to be, only 15 lbs to go!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Hey!:). I'm 5'7" and 45 years old.
    Heaviest not pregnant weight: 175
    Current weight: 146

    Usual weight is about 160
    I have lost about fifteen pound just from eating below TDEE for the last six months ( minus 3 weeks of gluttony in the summer when I gained a bit back)

    I took this pic today:


    My goal now is to build strength:)

    How much below TDEE did you eat?
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    My TDEE is about 1850-1950 (or maybe a bit higher.)
    I was at 1350 for a few months, then 1500-1600. Now I eat on average 1850
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Which of these was most successful.
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I am 5'8. I am not done by any means..but I started about 6-7 weeks ago and I went from 185 to 170 (15 pounds) and I am flirting with 169 as of this morning.

    I have also gone down a size into a size 10 now. I am just basically watching what I eat and tracking it all..and doing about 30-45 mins of cardio a day about 5 days a week.

    You can do this!
  • U r def my motivation I officially started this weight lost journey April 1, 2013. My start weight was 217 and I am 3 weeks in and weigh 214. I don't know if it's jut hard for me to loose weight, but sometimes I am so discouraged. How do u stay positive ? And when will I really start to see results?
  • llyakl88
    llyakl88 Posts: 11 Member
    Reading all these stories is so motivating! Thank you ladies for sharing =)

    I'm 25 and my highest weight was 259lbs in Sept 2012. That first day on the scales is one I will never forget. I was so ashamed of myself for letting myself go so much again (a few years ago I lost 60lbs and then just put it all back on when my healthy routine changed).

    I realised that I wasn't happy and only I could change it.

    I lost 9 lbs in a couple of weeks and then joined MyFitnessPal and since then have dropped another 51lbs and I'm finally under the dreaded 200!

    It takes time, motivation and willpower and there is no easy fix. For me, Insanity has been an awesome help as I find it difficult to find time for the gym due to long working hours in the week. I plan my meals ahead if time, sometimes up to a week in advance and try to limit buying food on the spur of the moment. Planning my snacks ahead means I always have something healthy to pick at when a craving hits - almonds and cashews are great for a healthy protein filled snack!

    Everyone has to find a routine and system that works for them and its OK to have bad as well as good days.

    Feel free to add me as a friend - I am currently a friendless member and would love to have buddies to help me stay motivated and for added encouragement!
  • cranium853
    cranium853 Posts: 138 Member
    You ARE a success story. You are losing about a pound a week and might have lost more if you chose better after-dinner snacks. The thing is, in five or six months you either hit your goal or you keep the clothes you don't like. But six months from now you will be wishing you had stuck to it if you give up because your progress of a pound a week is NORMAL,'
  • browneyes36340
    browneyes36340 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone , this is the first time on this site for me , I have been on many diets and programs and never stuck to them but, this time its for real for me , I started Dec 2012 weighing 277 pounds :( . I've lost 19 pounds so far :), Its coming off slowing but I feel great , watching what I eat , walking and I joined the gym 2 weeks ago so maybe it will come off even faster now ...Looking forward to seeing all your success stories , they really help motivate me ..
  • Marlenymm
    Marlenymm Posts: 66 Member
    Im 5'7" , 25 years old and have one kid

    I started at my highest of 320 lost about 20 and joined MFP. here i lost 80 something but do to the storm and other things i took a 5 month break but im back now.

    HW 320

    CW 198

    GW at least 170 But real goal is 150 to 140.

    For me i followed MFP and went to the gym min 3 times a week max 6. i still have a way to go but im a lot closer then before.

    Feel free to add me.

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