Anyone else suffer from plantar fasciitis???



  • Mary1NYS
    Mary1NYS Posts: 15 Member
    I had it on and off for 7 years and it totally stopped me from running! I tried everything! Finally I had orthotics made for me out of cork and it finally went away! I ride a stationary bike now and I still stretch my toes back every day. I'm still always afraid of it coming back!
  • pfeif93
    pfeif93 Posts: 2
    Yes, for years.
    1) See an orthopedist. Get the right support. All that 'soft heel' stuff is crap. I can wear my hard silcon inserts for 14 hours and I feel great.
    2) Stretching. Preferably Yoga is the best thing you'll ever do. Just beware, start slow. If you're a beginner, the start is a beginner class. Many people start Yoga and they hurt themselves because they're trying to do what the person next to them is doing. You have to elongate your ham strings and everything connected. It takes a while to undo years of doing nothing. :)
    3) Ice - All those steroid (the worst thing for your body) do is reduce swelling. That's what ICE does.
    4) If you run...learn to run on the balls of your feet.

    Since I started this 5 years ago, if I have a flare up, I just do 30 minutes of yoga for 2 days and I'm good. Previously, I couldn't put a pair of shoes on.
    Good luck!
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    Stretch your feet, morning (before getting out of bed) and night.

    Wear a brace (I bought mine at Target) to sleep in.

    Tape up your feet for support with athletic tape (Google how to do it). The taping worked wonders for me as I was able to continue exercising. I even wore the tape to work inside my shoes, it helped that much and felt so much better.

    Rest is important.

    Rolling a frozen bottle of water with the bottom of your foot is good too (icing it down).

    Good luck to you!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I had some issues last fall, which I believe were brought on by using old shoes running around on a cement surface. I did stretching, icing, rest for about 2 weeks, etc, before it started feeling a bit back to normal. At one point, I was having trouble walking, but I don't think my injury was as severe as yours (I also never did steroid shots or anything).

    It started to bother me again, so I made the decision to go to a running store and get properly fitted for shoes good for my stride, foot type, etc. I haven't really been having any problems since (Some minor soreness here and there, but nothing major). The people at the running store told me that I had actually been over-cushioning my foot. I thought I was doing a good thing with extra cushion, but I was actually doing damage. I recommend checking out a local running store. Hope that helps... good luck with your injury.
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    I've had it. It's a nightmare. The things that helped me probably the most was to never go barefoot and to wear these hideous Skechers Shape-ups that are the cushiest shoes in the world (they don't shape you up, tho') whenever I could. Meaning I couldn't wear them to work but wore them every minute I was NOT at work. Also, I used sports tape to give my arches more support. You can find instuctions for how to tape your feet on YouTube. It provides SOME relief.
  • My coworker has had it twice - once in each foot.

    A couple years ago, when it happend with one foot, I had heard about a laser treatment place. She checked it out because she was desperate for a solution. After about a month of sessions, it was better and has not reoccurred.

    In January of this year, she got it in the other foot. She went through the same laser treatments, plus additional foot stretching by a physio person after each session. This time it took over 3 months, but it's all better now.

    Supposedly, the laser treatment will cure it so that it doesn't come back. Fingers crossed for her!
  • mgore0404
    mgore0404 Posts: 65 Member
    I don't suffer from it any more, but I use to when I was on my feet serving at a restaurant. Plus I was around 340 pounds. It seemed as I started loosing weight the pain just went away.
    I have a question. Kinda personal, so you don't have to actually answer it, but do you take any kind of anti depressants or anything for mood stabilizers. My mother's boyfriend was taking a pill for anti depressant and one of the side affects was plantar fascitis. He quit taking that pill just because of the pain he was feeling. So it's something to think about maybe.
  • ahiddenlink
    ahiddenlink Posts: 42 Member
    I had/have it. My best luck has come from losing weight and strengthening the muscles as well as stretching them whenever I feel that ache. Buying the correct shoes has helped as well. As someone else noted, I've learned to run more towards the mid-foot balls of foot strike and it doesn't flare up too much anymore unless I push it too much. I had it pretty bad where I could hardly limp along on that leg for a few months like two years ago but I've worked hard on getting stronger and more in shape and I hardly have issues with it anymore.
  • sarahf3092
    sarahf3092 Posts: 147 Member
    I have a question. Kinda personal, so you don't have to actually answer it, but do you take any kind of anti depressants or anything for mood stabilizers. My mother's boyfriend was taking a pill for anti depressant and one of the side affects was plantar fascitis. He quit taking that pill just because of the pain he was feeling. So it's something to think about maybe.

    No worries - I used to take something along these lines but that was after my first case of PF as it really impacted on me mentally. Not on anything like that anymore, so think its just exercise and knock on from my ankle being sore again. A bit of weight loss may help - have about a stone and a half to reach my goal - its getting their without the pain though! Thanks for the input though never realised this could cause that!
  • sarahf3092
    sarahf3092 Posts: 147 Member
    Since I started this 5 years ago, if I have a flare up, I just do 30 minutes of yoga for 2 days and I'm good. Previously, I couldn't put a pair of shoes on.
    Good luck!

    Thanks for your advice - will try this out and hopefully if it flared up again I could then do same!
  • sarahf3092
    sarahf3092 Posts: 147 Member
    Can't beleive the amount of responses though - thanks! so much to take on board.....will be a busy night of internet searching and reading up more on alot of these tips. Whilst rolling my foot over a frozen bottle too I think !
  • weelass36
    weelass36 Posts: 5 Member
    I have noticed that with the weight loss and my morning yoga has improved it greatly! I only feel I slight stretch now when my feet hit the floor in mornings. However, I can't do marathon standing anymore. My morning yoga is Jane Fonda AM/PM yoga.
  • Not sure if this was the correct topic to put this under but needing some advice!

    I have previously suffered from a really bad case of plantar faciitis in which I was on crutches for months and only recovered through steriod injects. Since I have started exercising again I have felt pain in these areas of my feet during certain excerises but have experimented with a couple of different pairs of trainers and try to alternate what feels like the best support depending what form of exercise I am doing that day. Bad news is now it has come back - woken up this morning and I can barely walk, but in no means will I let this defeat me and my new exercise and health kick!

    Does anyone else suffer from this or have in the past? Really just looking for suggestions or too see how others cope with this if they have had it.

    I suffered from it, but one of the main causes for it is overweight. After losing about 10-lbs i noticed that it bothered me less. after about 15-lbs it was gone entirely. Before i started MFP, it bothered me so bad that i could barely walk without favoring my foot. Now, after losing almost 40-lbs, i am running 5-K almost every day.
  • csheltra26
    csheltra26 Posts: 272 Member
    I tried one of those boots you wear overnight and that didn't work. Actually made it worse. I had it in both feet. Also had cortisone injections in both feet and didn't help. I paid for custom orthotics and I couldn't wear them they were just too hard and uncomfortable. It took several months but one morning I woke up and it was gone in both of my feet. What worked for me:

    No flat shoes - I wore flip flops to death at the time living in Phoenix
    Ice bottle rolled under my feet
    Stopped running but still did other exercising
    Lots of stretching!!
  • Sarahlascelles
    Sarahlascelles Posts: 41 Member
    I've had problems with it in the past, and still have occasional flare ups. Things that helped me;
    - steroid injections treated the initial flare up
    - calf stretches - apparently I have a tight achilles tendon which contributes to the PF, so the best way to manage that is calf stretches
    - flat shoes - on the rare occasions I wear heels I risk a flare up
    - taking up belly dancing, which has helped with general posture and balance and so on

    I was once given some foot exercises but these made it worse!
  • I suffered from PF for about 3 yrs in which a lot of my weight gain happened due to not being able to walk. After a year of different dr solutions in which nothing helped I finally had surgery as well. And I agree, it's the best thing I ever did and so thankful I agreed.

    The way it works is they put a small cut in the main tendon and as it heals, that cut is filled in creating a new extension to the tendon.

    Every once in awhile my heel will hurt so I toss in my custom orthotic inserts. Also, I NEVER wear cheap shoes anymore. I went to a runner's store where they observed my gait and fitted me with the best tennis shoe and insert for my gait and arch. That's all I wear now. Very seldom wear heels and I got special permission to wear an all black color of my tennis shoes for work. They're expensive for me to buy instead of my employer paying for my uniforms and shoes, but I attribute my ill fitting uniform shoes as part of the reason I developed PF in the first place. Well worth the investment.
  • sarahf3092
    sarahf3092 Posts: 147 Member
    Well ive got a bottle ready to stick in the freezer when I get home for a start - its something!

    Thanks for the advice - maybe a good reason for some new sturdy shoes!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
  • ezrida
    ezrida Posts: 36
    I had plantar fasciitis that hurt a lot in the beginning. After a month or so I managed to get control of the pain and only then started to stretch. There are more stretching exercises that I did and also some strengthening exercises. The exercises helped me to get rid of the plantar fasciitis totally. You can see a good review of both stretching and strengthening exercises in:
  • sarahf3092
    sarahf3092 Posts: 147 Member
    Thanks - going to try all these stretches out, away to the doctors in an hour first to see if they can do anything to help also and what they suggest. Also bought the Walkfit that some one suggested earlier for my shoes so hopefully they will arrive soon! Determined to get back to the gym!