Audio Workout?

Hi everyone,

I go to the gym 3/4 times a week and do quite a lot of walking; however, there are times when life just takes over and time runs away from me. I live in a studio flat with my boyfriend, which means i don't have a spare room to lock myself away in and put on a fitness dvd, and i've tried putting them on without the sound but then i find i have nothing to really motivate me. So, i was wondering if anybody could recommend any audio workouts i could stick on an mp3 and do in the morning before work, whilst he is asleep? I've tried typing it into youtube, but nothing really useful has come up, (although i am being quite vague and open in my search so if anybody has anything specific that will bring something up, that would be great!)

Or just any other suggestions. Unfortunately there is nowhere at work i can go work out, no offices to lock myself away in, so my lunchbreak is out of the question too.

Thanks in advance :)


  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Why do you have to hide it from him? Does he watch TV with the sound off?
  • nannybubbles
    i sometimes just put my earphones in and just make it up as i go along to my playlist.... not a pretty sight but you should see me when Uprising - Muse comes on.... marching and swinging the old hips...rocking on the spot, punching the air, even my face has a work out with attitude... a cross between the SAS, Shakira, Sylvester Stallone and Mick Jagger ... now you know why it's not a pretty sight!! sadly, sometimes it comes on when i am walking along the seafront... good job it's early in the morning or i would would be arrested or buckled into a straight jacket.... sorry having a good day and can't seem to shut up!... good luck