insanity workout

Just wondering if anyone has done or us doing insanity. I'm staring tomorrow! It would be awesome to have a support group on here for others that are doing insanity as well :) I love this app and its helping me more than I thought by logging all of ky food and exercise!


  • danj_64
    danj_64 Posts: 96 Member
    I will be starting again on Monday. Feel free to add me.
  • tribalgoat
    tribalgoat Posts: 2 Member
    I decided to start the Insanity workout on Monday 08/04/13 after seeing it advertised a while ago and being put off by the price.
    Several failed gym memberships, an exercise bike purchase and other money sapping experiments followed until I took the plunge and bought Insanity.

    The fitness test alone nearly killed me....BUT....I wanted more, sweating, panting and crawling round the house I felt a strange satisfaction. I had worked my body and could feel it! Just did Day Three today and although feeling a little stiff, I can say that I'm enjoying the Insanity program so far.

    Onwards and Upwards!
  • pyronymph1
    pyronymph1 Posts: 18 Member
    I have been meaning to start this back up. I tried once before, but my dog kept trying to get kicked in the face. It was too cold to put them outside for 45 min at a pop, so I put it off for a bit. But I was feeling GREAT!

    We starting Monday? I'm in!
  • Cupcakebettiejo
    Cupcakebettiejo Posts: 125 Member
    I completed Insanity on 31st March 2013 ad have just started another round on day 2. Feel free to add me and i'll support and motivate you through it.

  • rachaelnicole1719
    I am doing it also i am on my first round day 10 today add me if you would like :)
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    Im planning on starting Sunday 4/14. Im scared!! lol
    Feel free to add me. Im sure I could use all the support I can get :flowerforyou:
  • kmiller8302
    This is awesome to have all of this support! Ive been doing p90x until I got my insanity DVDs and I'm hurting! Nothing wrong with p90x but I borrowed it from a friend and decided to buy.insanity for myself.I'm just gonna keep pushing through! I will add all of you lol we can keep up with eachother as we progress! My hardest thing right now is eating! I'm always hungry from the time I.get up till I go to bed :( I am also breastfeeding my 7 month old daughter. I eat pretty healthy but I need to cut out the night time eating and its TOUGH. Well I'm gonna go workout now :) gonna get my sweat on haha
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    This is awesome to have all of this support! I'm on day 3 right now and I'm so sore! I'm just gonna keep pushing through! I will add all of you lol we can keep up with eachother as we progress! My hardest thing right now is eating! I'm always hungry from the time I.get up till I go to bed :( I am also breastfeeding my 7 month old daughter. I eat pretty healthy but I need to cut out the night time eating and its TOUGH. Well I'm gonna go workout now :) gonna get my sweat on haha

    Are you eating enough?
  • emsyj34
    emsyj34 Posts: 2
    Hi I have just joined, and I am soooo pleased to see so many people doing insanity.I am starting tomorrow and can not wait to see results in 60 days time.would love to have support and to support others.Good luck everyone.
  • kmiller8302
    According to.the my fitness pal app, eating just under my calorie goal. Like 20-30 calories under. I'm trying to more protein and less carbs too. I'm looking into buying some protein powder. I want to.add it to my green spinach smoothies I drink every day. Idk I'm fumbling around trying to find the right balance of enough food to.still be ok and lose weight lol
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    Are you adding in your exercise calories.
  • mi_chellet
    I started Insanity on Monday. Let's keep each other on track!
  • xprplstardust
    xprplstardust Posts: 105 Member
    I am starting Insanity on Monday after doing the fit test about 2 weeks ago & felt like I was going to die. It would be so awesome to have a support group while doing this because it really is very difficult but I want to stick to it & I know that we could all help each other stay motivated! Feel free to add me & this goes to others posting on this forum also. Thanks!
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    I'm on Day 10 of Insanity. Would love to have more Insane buddies so FR coming!
  • m76b
    m76b Posts: 1,498 Member
    week four for me almost done!! feel free to add me!! anyone!
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    I'm in Week 7 (10 more days to go) Never thought i'd make it this far after i nearly died after the fit test on day one. But now i'm addicted. My plan is to finish up this round, take a week off (you really give your body a pounding), then do another round so add me.
  • veec0
    veec0 Posts: 33 Member
    Started week 6 last monday, definitely harder than the first month. No choice but to press on and dig deeperer.
  • beecee13
    beecee13 Posts: 194 Member
    I started Insanity on April 1st...currently on Day 10. It's a tough workout but getting easier as time goes by. Would love to have some friends on here that are doing it too so we can keep each other going. Feel free to add me :)
  • SarahKristie
    SarahKristie Posts: 1 Member
    Going to start Insanity Today. I already did the fit test and thought I was going to die. I'm 25 and have a 1 year old. How much have you've (anyone) lost by doing this program. I need to lose 8 more lbs to get my pre pregnancy weight but I need to lose 40lbs to get to my goal weight! I'm in a wedding in June and a 5k! It would be nice to lose the 40lbs by then.. But I'm not sure if that's even possibl..? As long as I can get as close as to my goal. It would be nice to have all of your support. :) I need someone to tell me to do it everyday.. or I won't. I'll find an excuse and I don't want to do that to myself. I'm so glad I found all of you. We're all here for the same reason.
  • appletart88
    I'm almost 2 weeks in, I alternate it with the gym though so it'll take me 120 days to complete rather than the 60! I love it so far the only one I HATE is the cardio recovery, I'd rather be jumping around dripping in sweat!