
I have heard from just about a million people that avocados are awesome. So I got some.
Only wtf....?
How do you know if they're ripe? How do you eat them? I just murdered half of one in an attempt to get the flesh, and it ended up all broken and going in the bin with very minimal flesh gained in the process. :cry:


  • dazzo62
    dazzo62 Posts: 78
    It doesn't sound as if yours was ripe! It should be dark skinned and yield slightly to your touch when it is ready. (It should be easy to peel). If it feels like a rock - it's not ready!

    When it is ripe the inside is kind of soft - ripe banana texture. I hope that you will appreciate them as much as I do :smile:
  • knot2thin
    knot2thin Posts: 30 Member
    cut it in half, remember the large stone in the middle. Pull the 2 halves apart, hit the stone with a sharp knife and give it a little twist, then take a spoon and scoop out the fruit.
  • lambchoplewis
    Make sure to put some lemon juice on a freshly cut (or mashed up for guacamole) as avocado will turn brown quickly. Also, even though avocado is a "good" fat, it is high in calories - don't eat too many.
  • cakemixable
    I could try and explain it, but this how-to is way faster:


    I usually put salt on it and eat it as is. :) I try to stick to a quarter of it at a time, though, as it is pretty high in calories.
  • enigmaneo
    enigmaneo Posts: 61 Member
    I usually go to Youtube for how to cut things etc. It's a pretty good resource.
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    Ahhh ok, mine was really not ready then haha. It didn't do to well when it came to scooping it out with a spoon, I think the spoon nearly came out worse! XD
  • SlimSioux
    SlimSioux Posts: 1 Member
    They are awesome; full of nutrients and healthy fats and will do your body sooooo much good! I eat at least 2 a week and I'm convinced it's helped to combat my dry skin and hair.

    There are a couple of varieties but I tend to stick to the Haas variety which has a very dark brown skin. If it 'gives' when I gently press it between my thumb and forefinger then it's ready to eat - as a comparison I would say it feels similar to a ripe pear. I cut it in half by starting at the top (narrowest part where the stalk has been) putting the knife in the skin and flesh and draw it down and over the stone in the middle to the bottom of the avocado and back up the other side - it should come apart easily and to remove the stone push it out with your thumbs. If it's perfectly ripe the brown skin should peel away easily, if you find it doesn't then it's probably under-ripe and won't taste as nice. The flesh should be soft and creamy in texture and can be served in chunks or mashed like a guacamole dip. If you're preparing it to eat later then you'll need to coat in a little bit of lemon juice otherwise it browns very quickly.

    Hope this helps - enjoy!
  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    it should be pretty soft to the touch (the skin) and the knife will just glide through with no effort. Can be spooned out easily. (edit: spooned.. hehe)

    tastes orgasmic, orgasmically good for your body and... well now I want to run to the supermarket and get me an avvo!

  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    normally when theyre soft theyre ready but not too soft. dont keep them in the fridge otherwise they will never ripen. some types go brown but some just stay green so depending on what type you get (thin or thick skinned) i like mine mashed with some sun dried tomatoes and pepper on toast
  • brit_ks_89
    brit_ks_89 Posts: 433 Member
    i eat a whole avocado every day ; ) I LOVE AVOCADO !!!!!! : )))))) i mix mine with tuna!
  • 1jobean
    1jobean Posts: 84
    You can also store the seed with it to keep it from turning brown, I dont use lemon juice.
  • SquidgySquidge
    SquidgySquidge Posts: 239 Member
    I love avocados so much that I'm actually in mourning for your butchered one :sad:

    Give them another go as they are so super healthy! When I buy mine I usually wait 2 a day or 2 before eating them, they ripen up at home.

    I hope you like them - I am possibly addicted to avocados.
  • thecakelocker
    thecakelocker Posts: 407 Member
    I could try and explain it, but this how-to is way faster:


    I usually put salt on it and eat it as is. :) I try to stick to a quarter of it at a time, though, as it is pretty high in calories.

    This, and you can use a large spoon to scoop out the halves in a whole piece once you cut the avocado in half. I cut them in half, whack the stone out with a knife, and then scoop out each half in a whole piece. Digging out a bunch of chunks would drive me nuts.

    I put tomatillo salsa verde and lime juice on mine. Nnnghh
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I have heard from just about a million people that avocados are awesome. So I got some.
    Only wtf....?
    How do you know if they're ripe? How do you eat them? I just murdered half of one in an attempt to get the flesh, and it ended up all broken and going in the bin with very minimal flesh gained in the process. :cry:

    Oh no! You murdered an avocado :sad: heheh sounds like it wasn't ripe yet. I always murder Mangos!

    They really are wonderful, you just have to experiment to see what you like. I can just eat them with a spoon, but there are a lot of great receipes out there. Enjoy!
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Bump for later. Going to buy some.
  • lazytolovely
    BAKE IT! Haha, sorry, but I'm very, very enthusiastic about baked avocado.

    Slice the avocado into just under a cm thick, then put it in a baking tray, drizzle with a little olive oil and sea salt, then bake it in the oven at about 180 for 20 minutes or so..

    Delicious as a snack on its own, with a few tortilla chips, or on toast with tomatoes (and eggs, for a meal) x
  • Springfield_Rocks
    cut it in half, remember the large stone in the middle. Pull the 2 halves apart, hit the stone with a sharp knife and give it a little twist, then take a spoon and scoop out the fruit.


    they are sooooo good and excellent for you!
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    Once you get a RIPE one..

    spread it on toast with sliced tomato and salt/pepper! And add fresh basil if you have it!

    Avo on toast is the beeeessttt! and with smoked salmon :heart:
  • jenlucas1981
    jenlucas1981 Posts: 10 Member
    I LOVE avocados!! The green ones are NOT ripe..I really like the dark skinned ones that you can just squeeze...I take a knife and cut all the way around cutting it in half..Then I gently pull it apart, take the seed out and take the skin off..put pepper on it and eat :)
  • Lulzaroonie
    Lulzaroonie Posts: 222 Member
    *retrieves avocados from the fridge* Ooops! Glad I asked!
    I bought three, my other half loves them too, so its good all round.
    I'm sorry I made everyone sad with my avocado massacring skills :laugh: