3 month challenge

I'm thinking if we put a little bit of competition into things it might help with motivation.. i myself dont like to lose so i know it will spur me on greatly. Who wants to do this with me? I figure we start on saturday the 10 of july and see who loses the most weight in 3 months.. we'll check weight at the beginning and at the end and whoever has lost the most kilos is the winner. It'll end of sunday 10 of oct. Whos in?


  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm totally in!
  • EmmyRose
    EmmyRose Posts: 54 Member
    I'm in!

    I know I won't lose the most because I don't have HEAPS to lose, but I'm in none the less!

    Starting weight = 65kg

  • ekin1972
    ekin1972 Posts: 2
    I'l give it a go. A little extra motivation would be good for me.
  • jlclarke
    jlclarke Posts: 107
    I'm in
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    I'm in! I only have 25 pounds to lose but I need yo get going on it I could use a kick in the butt to get going! Do we post every weigh in or just at the end?

    Weight 175
  • Candice83
    Candice83 Posts: 217 Member
    good question Mrs Battousai... what do you think? should we have weekly weigh ins? That way i guess it could give people a kick up the butt to see if someone has lost more than they have?
  • SandraMay1982
    Well. You know I'm in :D
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
    I am in!
  • lisa_08
    lisa_08 Posts: 16
    I'm in. I think we should have weekly weigh ins!
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171

    My weigh-in are on Mondays I will post when I weigh in then!
  • MissTam
    MissTam Posts: 5
    Finally I got my profile up and running whooooooooooooo!

    I'm in Candice.. I'll weigh myself saturday and post my current weight.

  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    Hi all, I'm new to this and I really some motivation. So I'm in for the 3 month challenge! I need to lose about 30 lbs that I gained in the past year (my profile pic is pre-weight gain...) and I just don't have mind set to do it...

    Sorry to sound needy but is it okay for me to find support here? Thanks!

  • MissTam
    MissTam Posts: 5

    You don't sound needy at all.. Everyone needs support.. I know I sure as hell do.. I don't get much in my daily life from friends or family ..You've come to the right place for support..

  • jazzyfit150
    I'm a newbie just joined today. I would like to get in on this challenge.

    Looking for lots of support and motivation and ready to provide the same.

    Good luck to all
  • petithamu
    petithamu Posts: 582 Member
    Thanks Miss Team!

    I have to be honest, I have been very bad this week, not logging my food and not going to the gym...but tomorrow, Monday, back in to the gym with my trainer!!

    What is happening with this 3-month challenge, are we just updating our weekly weigh-ins on this thread?

  • lonypony
    lonypony Posts: 130 Member
    Hey Candice, You seem to have lots of support in this challenge. I will be in it. I have 10 kilos to lose before 20/8/2010 and I need every bit of encouragement and support. Will weigh in weekly though cos it is only 6 weeks until my due date!!!! But will keep going until the 3 months is up.

    PS What do we win :-)