Why am I not losing any weight? Frustrated!

So I'm starting to get a little irritated. I am 5 foot 3 inches and weigh 53kgs. I go to the gym 5 times a week and do a combination of weight training and cardio all 5 days. I count every calorie and keep my macronutrient ratios to 40% carbs, 40% protein and 20% fat. I have a cheat day once a week where I don't count calories but I eat good foods. Currently I eat 1,500 calories a day. It seems a bit much to me, but I calculated my average maintenance calorie intake as each site had different results and 1,500 is about 500 below maintenence. I am not losing weight at this caloric intake, nor did i lose anything at 1,300 calories or at 1,200. I am really confused as to what I'm doing wrong and would greatly appreciate any advice. Thank you in advance! :)


  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    So you're eating at a caloric deficit of -500 and also working out 5 days a week cardio and strength?

    Eat more, lady.
  • carmendeans
    Are you sure? Already 1,500 is difficult for me to eat. I'm not a big eater :P
  • tricksee
    tricksee Posts: 835 Member
    Are you sure?

    I'm absolutely, positively, definitely , unquestionably, 110% sure as hell.
  • carmendeans
    OK then :) How much more do you suggest?
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    When did you start working out? When I first started working out (specifically doing circuit training), I gained 3-4 lbs overnight, and it really bugged me. Apparently, this was water weight (which I did lose all almost overnight, but it took a couple of days). This has happened a couple more times since then, so I don't get bummed out anymore. Also, I don't workout everyday because of my schedule, and it gives my muscles time to rest and repair. I typically eat 1200-1400 calories a day (5'3" 156 lb female). Bottom line - just make sure you are getting enough water and be patient. Good luck!!
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    So you're eating at a caloric deficit of -500 and also working out 5 days a week cardio and strength?

    Eat more, lady.
    yes LADY !
    i would up cals to maintanance for a while . your body has adapted to what you have been doing for the past few months . will message u now .
  • carmendeans
    I started about 3 months ago doing it religiously. Yeah I drink about 2-3 liters water of water each day, so don't know if its that. In the beginning I lost weight. I've lost about 3kgs, but nothing has changed over the past month and a half. I've been trying to ignore the scale and being patient but it is not changing and it's getting to me as it's been quite a while! Seems I've reached a plateau and I need to break it...
  • carmendeans
    I've eaten at maintenance for about 4 days then slowly decreased calories again to 1500. And still no change. K will check my messages :)
  • jljshoe1979
    jljshoe1979 Posts: 325 Member
    May want to track your measurements too - sometimes it helps me to see how many inches I've lost when the scale doesn't seem to budge.
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    OK then :) How much more do you suggest?

    If you are closer to your goal, I would bump it up maybe 200 or so calories. But don't stress if you don't lose at first because it will take a little time for your body to adjust. I think your metabolism is suffering a little because you exercise a lot, and don't eat enough calories to fuel that and your body as well. do you eat your exercise calories back?
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    you're currently at a bmi of 20.5 so well in healthy range, the last few lbs of any weight loss is the toughest part, as you're now nearing your body's lowest healthy weight, it's more about composition in this stage, to be more precise: body fat percentage, so cut down the fat and build muscle (these are of equal weight but sit on your body differently) you probably wont see the scales move a great deal in this stage but you'll notice inches lost, more sculpted features etc

    what exercises are you doing? and do you have a problem area if any?

    also congrats on your progress so far
  • carmendeans
    Yeah I have noticed a difference in inches but at the same time do want to lose weight still. I'm doing weight training followed by cardio each day. Monday I work on abs then do an hour long Zumba class. Tuesday is legs and cardio. Wed is abs and back then cardio. Thursday is arms then cardio. Friday is legs then cardio. I'm going to try increase my calories to my TDEE which is 2200 for 3 days then slowly decrease it until I'm eating about 1600-1800 calories. I've been told this will just give my body the boost it needs because I've been eating too little apparently. So I'll put on in the beginning but hopefully I start to lose after a month or so :)

    Don't really have any major problem areas just looking to lose fat and get leaner :) Thank you! :)
  • carmendeans
    OK then :) How much more do you suggest?

    If you are closer to your goal, I would bump it up maybe 200 or so calories. But don't stress if you don't lose at first because it will take a little time for your body to adjust. I think your metabolism is suffering a little because you exercise a lot, and don't eat enough calories to fuel that and your body as well. do you eat your exercise calories back?

    No I don't eat my exercise calories back. Think my metabolism definitely needs a boost! My body is getting too used to surviving on what I'm eating right now even with all the exercise. I started dieting at 1000 calories which was very silly and now I'm just trying to correct that mistake which seems to have hindered my progress even now :/
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    Yeah I have noticed a difference in inches but at the same time do want to lose weight still. I'm doing weight training followed by cardio each day. Monday I work on abs then do an hour long Zumba class. Tuesday is legs and cardio. Wed is abs and back then cardio. Thursday is arms then cardio. Friday is legs then cardio. I'm going to try increase my calories to my TDEE which is 2200 for 3 days then slowly decrease it until I'm eating about 1600-1800 calories. I've been told this will just give my body the boost it needs because I've been eating too little apparently. So I'll put on in the beginning but hopefully I start to lose after a month or so :)

    Don't really have any major problem areas just looking to lose fat and get leaner :) Thank you! :)

    sounds like a top level routine, good going!

    you may even find a weeks break from all that exercise to be beneficial and give your body a good rest, and repair session eating at or just below your maintenance calories, lots of protein and sleep then hit it hard the following week i did this last week and saw a really good boost with muscle gain, i can't see it being much different for weight loss, especially if you're doing weight training
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    Are you sure?

    I'm absolutely, positively, definitely , unquestionably, 110% sure as hell.
    He's SURE!
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    Have you tried actually following the MFP numbers, including eating back exercise calories as MFP indicates? You may simply not be eating enough calories.

    It's also possible you aren't losing actual weight because you are displacing fat with heavier muscle. This is indicated by the fact you are seeing a difference in your measurements. I would worry less about the scale and more about body fat percentage, which is a better indicator of your progress.
  • susankamy
    susankamy Posts: 1 Member
    Seems like your weight is at a healthy weight now.
  • tom_olech
    tom_olech Posts: 139 Member
    Are you still losing inches, because if you weight train then you are likely gaining muscle back while losing fat....fat is LESS dense then muscle, so a good indicator of this is if you maintain weight, but lose inches and become more toned...
  • Mrs__G
    Mrs__G Posts: 12 Member
    Seems like your weight is at a healthy weight now.

    This, plain and simple.
  • JLArispe
    JLArispe Posts: 62
    You definitely need to eat back the calories you burn, other wise you put your body into a starvation mode and it will live off the stored fat you have and your weight will go nowhere. I also workout 5-6 days a week by doing cardio, TRX, ab classes, spinning classes and body blast classes and was eating 1570 calories, and felt like I was hungry so upped to 1680 and have been seeing small changes. Personally, I dont think you need to lose anymore weight, now its all about toning up what you have. Another reason why you might not see the number change on the scale is because you are building muscle and definition and losing inches. The number on the scale is just a number!