How did you guys pull through the first couple weeks?

So i started again and just finished my first week, all went well, ate healthy and burned 5483cals for the whole week, i already lost some weight and after this message i will be starting week 2 of my programs.

The thing that bothers me and bear in my mind, i know i am working out just a week and i absolutely dont expect miracles but with my clothes on i can sort of look happy in the mirror but clothes off, don't like it and thinking, how am i ever gonna shred this off and will it ever come off and what the hell am i doing, still got 83 days left etc etc

How did you guys cope with that and can anyone relate?


  • baileybiddles
    baileybiddles Posts: 457 Member
    Well, honestly, I'm on week... 3 or 4. Can't really remember exactly when i signed up. I didn't even exercise the first week, just made healthier choices. I lost 1.2 I believe. The next week I started exercising and actually didn't lose as much - I believe about 0.6. Now I'm seeing no results and actually gained this week.

    However, my gain is my fault and I know that this past week I made bad food choices and didn't exercise as much as I usually do. It's my challenge now to be absolutely flawless in my choices and workout schedule this week and see the results come back.

    It's difficult to get into a swing, honestly. I feel the same way as you do. With clothes on, I don't feel quite so bad about myself. Naked is a whole different story. I've already lost 13 pounds and I don't see a bit of difference in my body or in the way my clothes fit. It could be several more pounds before I get to the point of needing new clothes.

    My best advice to you is to not let yourself get discouraged if you have weeks when you gain, or if you've been at it for a month and you see no changes. It DOES take time and it is really difficult. I let myself have a tiny pity party last night because I was up 1.6 this week. It's depressing and it makes me feel like a failure, but today is a new day AND a new week so it's time to suck it up and get back on the horse.

    You'll do well, I'm sure! This stuff is hard but you will learn. Feel free to friend me for support.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
    In the beginning I had never tried to eat healthy or do any kind of physical activity EVER. So it was all new for me and I basically would just look at myself in the mirror and say "Well I need to try something different because what I'm doing now is NOT working!" Lost 25 lbs so far and still goin.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    So i started again and just finished my first week, all went well, ate healthy and burned 5483cals for the whole week, i already lost some weight and after this message i will be starting week 2 of my programs.

    The thing that bothers me and bear in my mind, i know i am working out just a week and i absolutely dont expect miracles but with my clothes on i can sort of look happy in the mirror but clothes off, don't like it and thinking, how am i ever gonna shred this off and will it ever come off and what the hell am i doing, still got 83 days left etc etc

    How did you guys cope with that and can anyone relate?

    Don't look at it with a time limit. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet, so you don't have 83 days left, you have the rest of your life left. That being said, make sure that what you are doing IS sustainable for life. Don't cut out anything you can't cut out forever. Don't start an exercise regime you can't keep to.

    Too many of us start these things with too good intentions, over-exercise, under-eat, and cut out everything they love because it's 'bad' food, then give up when it becomes too difficult.
  • snufs
    snufs Posts: 78
    I sooo feel you! I've been trying for about six months with working out and I've eat "clean" for the last year and a half. Still no results. Sometimes I don't even know why I'm still trying! I have my setback but I mean, everyone has .. Everytime I look in the mirror I just see all this fat that NEEDS to get off of my body, but it's just not happening. I usually tell myself that it actually do take time, and that if I don't keep on going I will NEVER change. You just have to work for it. In time, you will get there even if it'll seem like it takes forever. And if you have a program you're going after, you just have to picture that last day in your head - the day WILL come whether you want it or not, and by then you'll wish that you would have done soo much more in order to get the results you wanted because it seems like you weren't working hard enough if you didn't get the changes you expected.

    Also, don't stress! The body is a strange thing, if you stress too much over not seeing enough changes with or without clothes (or in any other way, for that matter) it will stop responding to whatever you are doing. Take some time to relax as well!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I hit 14 months today. It's easy once you are in the habit. I've worked out every single day so far. Not missed a day since 8th Feb 2012. It's easy getting into the habit. I refuse to eat junk anymore, I refuse to have a cheat day or a rest day. If I do I'll make an excuse for the next day to not do it.

    My results speak for themselves cause I met my goal weight in 7 months. I've now kept it off for another 7 & actually lost more weight while toning up brilliantly.
    I have my setback but I mean, everyone has ..

    Ummmmmm not everyone. Not one setback at all. I'm stronger than that. I wont allow myself to fall back into any old habits.
  • munty76
    munty76 Posts: 47
    Firstly ^^ amazing results and attitude.

    My own experience... i started out feel utterly disgusted with myself. As i had not done any exercise for a long time, the first week was hard but you see a lot of water etc loss and i felt like it was going in the right direction.

    After that every time i looked in the mirror i couldn't see a change. but i just had this focus of not giving up. You either have it or you don't. for me the pain and memory of what i looked at in the mirror was enough to keep me going.

    even when i couldn't see a change i just knew somehow that it would happen. i had days when i felt down, and didn't want to work out, and didn't think id get there, but i just pressed play.

    I realised that i was losing fat from different parts of my body so even though my gut was still there, the rest of me was shrinking.

    and then almost like magic i could see a difference. now i didnt eat perfect...calories wise i was good, but macros were not, but i still so results.

    consistency is key though. you need to keep at it.

    Someone told me i would still be fat at the age of 40 and i decided that i was going to prove them wrong - that gave me the focus to get the body i want.
  • MissMormie
    MissMormie Posts: 359 Member
    Don't look at it with a time limit. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet, so you don't have 83 days left, you have the rest of your life left. That being said, make sure that what you are doing IS sustainable for life. Don't cut out anything you can't cut out forever. Don't start an exercise regime you can't keep to.

    Too many of us start these things with too good intentions, over-exercise, under-eat, and cut out everything they love because it's 'bad' food, then give up when it becomes too difficult.


    I think you've started over a number of times over the last year, and every time you start out with doing like 2 or 3 fitness programs at the same time and being very strict on eating. But as that's too far from your actual life it's very hard to sustain.

    So that might mean exercising 3 times a week, rather that out of the blue start with twice a day. Don't cut out drinking 100%, give yourself permission to drink a beer or two over the weekend. When you're used to those small changes you add in another small change and another. You'll still be working towards the same goal but with less chance of giving up.

    Try taking small steps instead of taking a big leap and falling down.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I'm confused when you say you have 83 days left, 83 days left of what? don't you plan on making this your new lifestyle? If not - I'd rethink your motivation here.

    ETA - anything you can do for about a month becomes a habit. keep that in mind.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    1. Don't set a time limit. Whatever changes you make you have to keep up for the rest of your life to maintain, so be gradual and have patience!

    2. Positivity!

    3. Read the success stories here!

    4. Know that you might have some slip-ups, don't beat yourself over it, just learn from it, let go, and move on. Things can only get better unless you don't let it be.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    I hit 14 months today. It's easy once you are in the habit. I've worked out every single day so far. Not missed a day since 8th Feb 2012. It's easy getting into the habit. I refuse to eat junk anymore, I refuse to have a cheat day or a rest day. If I do I'll make an excuse for the next day to not do it.

    My results speak for themselves cause I met my goal weight in 7 months. I've now kept it off for another 7 & actually lost more weight while toning up brilliantly.
    I have my setback but I mean, everyone has ..

    Awesome attitude!

    Ummmmmm not everyone. Not one setback at all. I'm stronger than that. I wont allow myself to fall back into any old habits.
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    You have to view it as a lifestyle change and not a diet. One is a mental positive and one is a mental negative. I believe that really does make a difference.

    It took time to put on weight, it will take time to take it off in a healthy way.
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    Darned straight! Love that attitude!
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    [Don't look at it with a time limit. This is a lifestyle change, not a diet, so you don't have 83 days left, you have the rest of your life left. That being said, make sure that what you are doing IS sustainable for life. Don't cut out anything you can't cut out forever. Don't start an exercise regime you can't keep to.

    Too many of us start these things with too good intentions, over-exercise, under-eat, and cut out everything they love because it's 'bad' food, then give up when it becomes too difficult.

    Great View! Remember, being healthy is a life-long goal. We ALL get frustrated because we have not hit our mark over night (or even after 2 years). I have been on this journey since January 2011, and I live it every day of my life. It is all about lifestyle changes, and being happy with who you are.
  • Charlyef
    Charlyef Posts: 7 Member
    My advice to keep going, if you "cheat" or fall off the wagon, start the next day back on the wagon. Remember it's not meant to be easy. But stay encouraged and start each day with your goal in mine. My first week was a success, the pounds just rolled off. I couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe it so much I would weight myself over and over again to make sure. The second week not as successful but I did lose some, by my fourth week I gain none, lost none. And that's when the problem started, I though wow I'm eating my 1200 calories working out at least 2hrs a day and nothing. Then I started think like why, I'm doing all this for what! I would eat a bag of chips (and not feel guility ) and some fruit and vegetables and call it a day. Bad choice but I made it and didn't beat myself up about it. I just got back on the next day like nothing happen. It's a lifetime choice that I have made, and although I'm closer to my goal, I'm in it for the long hail. No real time limit. My real advice to you and anyone is to pace yourself, stay focus and don't weight yourself everyday and the weeks will start flying by and the weight off. Good luck with your journey.
  • Charlyef
    Charlyef Posts: 7 Member
    My advice to keep going, if you "cheat" or fall off the wagon, start the next day back on the wagon. Remember it's not meant to be easy. But stay encouraged and start each day with your goal in mine. My first week was a success, the pounds just rolled off. I couldn't believe it, I couldn't believe it so much I would weight myself over and over again to make sure. The second week not as successful but I did lose some, by my fourth week I gain none, lost none. And that's when the problem started, I though wow I'm eating my 1200 calories working out at least 2hrs a day and nothing. Then I started think like why, I'm doing all this for what! I would eat a bag of chips (and not feel guility ) and some fruit and vegetables and call it a day. Bad choice but I made it and didn't beat myself up about it. I just got back on the next day like nothing happen. It's a lifetime choice that I have made, and although I'm closer to my goal, I'm in it for the long hail. No real time limit. My real advice to you and anyone is to pace yourself, stay focus and don't weight yourself everyday and the weeks will start flying by and the weight off. Good luck with your journey.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Try not to think about the scale of what you need to do as a whole. Think about this meal, this workout, the next day perhaps.

    Then you suddenly realise you've made progress whilst getting on with living.
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    With 83 days ive meant to the end of this program im following, ofc i will continue but first i need to be able to stick with the program before i can continue. 79 days now :P