good advice for new dieters

My account is new, but I'm not. I was just thinking about everything I've learned on MFP getting a crash course in health, and wanted to sum it up for anyone new and confused:

1. 1200 calories per day isn't enough for a lot of people, and it's okay to bump it up to something you feel better at.

2. Yes, you do need to exercise, even if it's just a walk around the block every night. Your body will thank you with the strength to do a little more every time.

3. Fruits and vegetables aren't the only thing you can eat! Whole grains, dairy, nuts, protein, and even a little fat are all essential parts to a healthy diet. You'll need to use moderation with all these, but they're still important!

4. Juicing, fasting, cleanses, detoxes, and any kind of fad dieting or quick fix of any sort can be dangerous and actually make it harder to lose weight if you don't know what you're doing (and most people who swear by them do not. Talk to your doctor.)

5. Yes, eat back those calories you burned working out! MFP adds them back for a reason. I swear, it's okay to do this.

6. If you feel hungry after you've eaten everything you were supposed to that day, fix a healthy snack (or even a meal). It's okay to go over a little if it means not binging on junk to satisfy a craving or empty feeling. Make up for it with a little more exercise.

7. If you fall, get back up. Keep trying, keep pushing, don't give up even if you feel like you messed up big time. It's always a new day tomorrow.

8. Recognize unhealthy patterns and fix them. Sometimes you'll have to try different tricks to curb them, but if you keep trying something WILL work.

9. Have a meal every now and then that isn't about calories. Depriving yourself too much is miserable and a treat now and then won't hurt. (I have a treat once a week- almond/marzipan croissant from the little French bakery around the corner and a yummy green tea frappe from Starbucks. Heaven!)

10. Only weigh in periodically, because weight fluctuates due to water retention, hormones, and what you eat. Your measurements are more important than the number on the scale, so be sure to take those too. I weigh in once a week stark-naked in the morning, and measure once per month.

11. Take before and in-progress pictures. I know it suck, but you'll thank yourself later.

12. I know it's tempting, but it's usually not a good idea to try and lose 2 lbs a week when you're just starting out, unless directed to by your doctor. You can push too hard and too fast and end up getting sick or falling off the wagon.

13. I keep talking about doctors, and I'm serious here, things will be much better if you do this under the care of a professional. Your trainer at the gym is not a professional, unless they also have a degree in nutrition.

14. Don't make fun of people with eating disorders or people who are bigger than you on MFP. It's rude, immature, and ignorant. Focus on your own health, that's why you're here.


  • emmloubur
    emmloubur Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you. You speak sense :0) and well done on your loss
  • nczuczu
    nczuczu Posts: 611 Member
    Very nicely put. I thought you were much older as I was reading and then looked at your profile and realized you were 20 years old. Very insightful!!!

    Keep up your good work and positive attitude. It is catchy!
  • FussyFruitbat
    FussyFruitbat Posts: 110 Member
    I'm certainly trying! It's been a learning curve, obviously. That's why I wanted to share all the stuff I learned starting out.
  • califeisagift
    califeisagift Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you, FussyFruitbat! VERY helpful and insightful. I am new here, so those tips really help. Just requested you as a friend, as we have similar weight loss goals! Cheers!