Short Girl with a Tall Obstacle



  • roaringtulips
    roaringtulips Posts: 19 Member
    Congrats on your success I am using you as motivation!!!!!!!!! I am 5'3 and 250.

    I'm so honored! Us short girls gotta stick together!
  • roaringtulips
    roaringtulips Posts: 19 Member
    You've got this!
  • roaringtulips
    roaringtulips Posts: 19 Member
    Hi there. I'm short as well. 4-10 on a good day. I weigh 152, way too much for my height. I was working with a life coach earlier in the year and lost 11 pounds but said to say I let myself gain it all back. My bad habits include too much coffee with sweetened creamer and other sweets. I have joined the challenge which starts this weekend to lose 30 pounds.
    Good luck to you in your quest for good health.

    I miss coffee...I've even thought to myself "I could just get decaffeinated and put almond milk and stevia in there...." But, I know, the moment I do I'll be back to binging on Vente Caramel Macchiatos.
  • Firewife18
    Firewife18 Posts: 70 Member
    im 5'1 and i am 165 lbs i was always skinny growing up and want to get back to that size again anyone can feel free to add me
  • Penny427
    Penny427 Posts: 166 Member
    RT: sometimes the forums are a great support! Sometimes I go over to the chit chat & game area for just entertainment...I admit, they have become a guilty pleasure for passing time for me :bigsmile:
  • roaringtulips
    roaringtulips Posts: 19 Member
    RT: sometimes the forums are a great support! Sometimes I go over to the chit chat & game area for just entertainment...I admit, they have become a guilty pleasure for passing time for me :bigsmile:

    I wondered if you'd find my post. Yay! I will totally blame you for any time magically sucked away here. :P
  • Penny427
    Penny427 Posts: 166 Member
    :drinker: :drinker:
  • hi, I am a short woman too.congrats on your loss. I am have trouble staying on track. I OK for a couple of weeks then i jump ship and have a hard time getting back on. any suggestion on how to stay the course when you get disgusted about your weight ? I have along way to go to my goal.
  • roaringtulips
    roaringtulips Posts: 19 Member
    hi, I am a short woman too.congrats on your loss. I am have trouble staying on track. I OK for a couple of weeks then i jump ship and have a hard time getting back on. any suggestion on how to stay the course when you get disgusted about your weight ? I have along way to go to my goal.

    I know what you mean. I spent a couple of years tracking my calories and exercise diligently for a couple of weeks and then just giving up for a month or so. I GAINED weight doing that. This year my weight was the highest it has ever been and it suddenly wasn't about my weight anymore. It was about how unhealthy I was. I started doing research on how to get my health back. EVERYTHING pointed at cutting out all the artificial ingredients and sodas (I was a diet soda junkie). So, I quit all that cold turkey and it SUCKED for a couple of weeks. My body went through a huge withdrawal. But, after that, I felt better than ever. I had a much easier time resisting temptation, never really felt hungry anymore, and had loads more energy. But, what really kept me on course was surrounding myself with inspiration. There's a ton of inspirational documentaries on health on Netflix. Watch one whenever you can. Also, I put up a pic on my fridge of a time when I was my thinnest and happiest. It keeps me focused on my goal instead of how ugly and fat I feel now. I hope that helps!