10g of carbs a day!

I was chatting it up with a coworker at my old job one time and he said that he found miracle wraps at whole foods that were only 2g of carbs each. This fueled a diet he had found and successfully completed: only eating 10g of carbs a day. He would eat 5 wraps over the course of his day, each piled with as much deli meats and cheeses as he liked. And, without fail, the weight melted off anywhere from 5-8lbs a week.

a.) I have definitely heard of people crafting low-carb breads with other weird grains and such, but have never seen any miracle bread or wraps like this in stores (of course, I've never been to a whole foods before.) Has anyone seen such a thing?

b.) Thoughts on low-carb diets? I'm sure it has it's dangers like a lot of other diets, but I have not heard much on the topic myself.


  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Humans can live on low carbs. I get pretty grumpy if I don't have some carbs. Around 100 - 150 grams is lower than MFP recommends, and keeps me feeling fine.
  • never heard of them.

    I've heard alot of people losing weight on a low carb diet thought.
  • tabbyxxcat
    tabbyxxcat Posts: 102 Member
    Humans can live on low carbs. I get pretty grumpy if I don't have some carbs. Around 100 - 150 grams is lower than MFP recommends, and keeps me feeling fine.

    hahaha I can relate. I feel like I'm eating protein, whether it's from meat or dairy or something, at every meal. It's the carbs I always break down for :p (oh rich chocolate cake with the buttermilk icing, you complete me)
    Definitely curious though!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I prefer to simply eat all things in moderation. I, personally, meaning this is my opinion and I will therefore not be backing up with numerous studies, do not believe low carb is especially healthy, but then I do not believe having excessive amounts of protein or fat in lieu of those carbs is healthy, and also have read books and studies about the longest lived people in the world who actually had a high amount of carbs in their diet, and not so much protein. It is up to each individual to decide what they wish to do, however.
  • I have previously done a low carb diet (less than 20g a day). And while it did work (I lose anywhere from 3-5 pounds a week). Although I love my carbs so I couldn't stick to it for very long, and all the weight I did lose, I gained back, and then some.
  • Wilbur_NOLA
    Wilbur_NOLA Posts: 120 Member
    Sounds horrible! Thanks to a lot of the low carb diets over the years like Atkins, South Beach, etc, people seem to think that carbs are evil. It's not the carbs that make people fat, it's the calorie surplus that makes them fat. You can lose weight on a low carb diet, but you can also lose weight on a high carb diet too as long as you are in a calorie deficit.
  • jaimrlx
    jaimrlx Posts: 426 Member
    I eat 50-100 grams of carbs per normal day. It suits me well, keeps me feeling just fine. I also have PCOS, low carb/dairy works for me (and it's about the only thing that does). Go to your doctor if you're thinking low carb.

    Honestly if you don't need to go low carb, why would you? Carbs are soooooooooooo good. :glasses:
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I did low carb when I started long weight because it seemed to move the weight off the fastest...plus it helped me kick the cravings for all things sugar and carb.

    Now, however, I eat all food groups in moderation, including cookies and ice cream. Most days my carbs are under 100grams and are comprised of mostly veggie carbs with a little junk food carbs.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Cheese has carbs, as well, so I think he is only counting the NET carbs from these wraps and ignoring other carbs. Then again, it doesn't sound like he believes in veggies.
  • ShallaLovee1
    ShallaLovee1 Posts: 356 Member
    The simple fact is our bodies need carbohydrates. I don't think it's safe to be intaking such a low number of carbs a day. Everybody does what they think it's best.. I would never do low carb diets. Heck I would never do a diet.
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    My question is how is that friend doing now?

    In my experience, people who cut the carbs that low can't sustain it, go buck-wild on their 'cheat days' and almost always gain some, if not all, the weight back.

    A lot of that 5-8 pounds per week is water weight, due to the fact that carbs bind with water in the body. Less carbs = less water = less weight.

    If you're wanting to try low-carb, don't do it that drastically. You will be miserable. Try it responsibly, like a few other posters here, with the 50-100 range. Looks like you've already lost a good amount of weight (CONGRATS by the way), so i say stick with what you've got goin!!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I eat 50-100 grams of carbs per normal day. It suits me well, keeps me feeling just fine. I also have PCOS, low carb/dairy works for me (and it's about the only thing that does). Go to your doctor if you're thinking low carb.

    Honestly if you don't need to go low carb, why would you? Carbs are soooooooooooo good. :glasses:

    I agree, when it comes to extremes. If you're diabetic, or have PCOS, do what you need to do....however I can also say that reducing my carbs and increasing my protein, even to the moderate extent that I have done, has made maintaining my weight easier.
  • Low carb is def. great for some people. Before being preg I would do low carb sometimes. It seems like calories go farther when focusing on protein and veggies and it's easier to stay full.
    It doesn't work/flow well for everybody though.

    If you can lose weight easily with carbs then don't give them up, just choose better options!

    After baby is born, I will def. go lower carbs! It's amazing for bloat and weight loss.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    10g is kind of extreme but i keep my carbs to what i consider low which is less than 40% of my macros. trader joes and la tortilla factory both make a 'low carb' whole wheat tortilla with net carbs under 4g which I LOVE because i'm a carb-aholic. lol
  • anitasongs
    anitasongs Posts: 129 Member
    My nutritionist said that your carbs should be close to half of your protein. If you are reasonable in eating protein. So if you eat 100 g of protein 50 carbs and so on..
  • For what my feedback is worth:

    Background: I quit smoking and gained 50 pounds. I am under the guidance of a physician - and found that I am borderline diabetic. My diet plan recommended is Keto - 70% fat, 20% protein and 10% carbs. I eat appx around 1200-1300 calories a day. Granted, this is strictly for weight loss and this entire plan will change once I hit targeted weight.

    In my plan, I am allowed up to 30g carbs a day. I tend to eat appx 20 or fewer a day. As long as I stick to the percentages, I am losing weight.

    I do not calculate net carbs - just add good veggies ( in moderation) and I only eat VERY LIMITED fruit, namely strawberries.

    I have lost 12 pounds since the beginning of December.

    Carb-cutting works for me, and it looks like it may become my entire lifestyle.
  • gypsyone96
    gypsyone96 Posts: 61 Member
    check out the Paleo diet/lifestyle
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    check out the Paleo diet/lifestyle

    That's not low carb as far as I can tell - It may be lower carb for many people as their staple grains are removed, but fruit and vegies have plenty of carbs!

    OP, your colleague may have lost weight, but was he healthy? We all need the nutrients from vegies and fruits so eliminating them isn't going to help him in the long term
  • dannibefit
    dannibefit Posts: 18 Member
    sounds more like no carb than low carb to me. I also eat wraps that contains bout 3g carbs per wrap, but it's quite small. A low carb diet will definitely make you lose a lot of weight, but such a diet cannot be maintained because your body needs carbs to function properly. If you cut your carbs completely like the guy you mention, your body will start breaking down muscle to fuel it's functions, which you don't want. I'm also on a high protein, low carb diet, but definitely not as low as that. it's really not healthy!
  • Superfun601
    Superfun601 Posts: 25 Member
    Good job loosing weight! It sounds like you are looking at low carb options, not duplicating 5 wraps a day..... keep researching and you will find a good program for you...adkins has a focus on green veggies- look at their website