30 LB to lose by June/July, anyone else?



  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    This is just what I have been contemplating doing, so count me in. Right now I am suffering from allergies, so will not be able to work out until some time next wee. As the weather is changing , I will be walking early morning for 90 minutes, then doing 30 minutes of kettle bells every day to finish off. As I do not eat back my calorie, I am thinking of increasing them from 1500 to 1800 - 2000. I plan to test myself calories wise as I go along.
  • imstrong4me
    imstrong4me Posts: 119
    I have 68 more lbs to go I would love to lose 30 lbs by the end of july I am in im going to add u
  • ShellGetsFit
    ShellGetsFit Posts: 604 Member
    I'm in for sure! I would love to lose around 30lbs by June/July! I need to kick it up a few notches to get there. Hoping to find lots of stuff to do with my kids after dinner to add to my morning exercise, maybe even adding more to my morning exercise too.
  • Maridinger
    Maridinger Posts: 74 Member
    Im 175, Id love to be down to 145 by June 26, my 26th bday! :)
  • AllNewMelanie
    AllNewMelanie Posts: 47 Member
    I would love to lose my last 20 pounds by June/July :) That would be me at a total of 80 pounds loss. In a bit of a plateau right now and working on how many calories I should be eating and such...I tried the 1200 for a few weeks and I kept losing and gaining the same 5 freaking pounds. So I hope the Eat more to lose is what I need...so far seems to be great! Let's do this girls, let's do this for ourselves and our families and show them WE ROCK!!! Add me if you would like more motivation! I think motivation is the key to success in this journey!! Hugs SWEETS!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Unfortunately losing weight the permanent and healthy way takes time. You can only expect to lose about 2 lbs per week. This leaves about 12 weeks to the beginning of July. Close to the 30 lbs mark but a bit shy.

    I wrote on my office calendar what my "anticipated' weight would be losing 2 lbs per week. About mid year I was not feeling like I had accomplished much and pulled out that calendar. I had not lost 2 lbs per week some weeks, but had lost more other weeks . . . much to my surprise I was the exact weight I had predicted I would be by that date. This was all done with just eating very clean and making sure I walked 30 minutes (or more) per day and did some weight lifting 3 times per week for about 20 minutes.

    Losing weight more rapidly usually results in it coming back so give yourselves the gift of patience and it will happen.
  • MoRaeNew
    MoRaeNew Posts: 35 Member
    I'm aiming for 30 down by the end of July of that counts?! I'm also on a 1200 calorie diet.feel free to add me.
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    I'm in for 25 by July - My wedding is July 4th!
  • Yes i would love to do, im getting upset cuz i been at one spot in weight for a month now this is my 2nd time doing this a few months ago it didnt do anything for 2 months but i must tell u that i dont have a computer i have using my iphone for the Internet i dont go on the full site to often cuz its to small to read everything , so please add me i would love to do this with u and anyone who wants to do it i been working hard at it butting hot now its not doing anything , im also doing a water challage today i drank 80oz of water so if anyone wants to add me please feel free to i love getting more MFP friends :)
  • pedsnure
    pedsnure Posts: 22 Member
    Me too! Have a family party coming up so I really want to look great and feel great for that! Pictures last forever you know!
  • hayessd2
    hayessd2 Posts: 4
    I'm with you! I'm motivated but it's sooooooo hard to do alone.
  • It';s my birthday in July and I would give ANYTHING to lose 30lbs by then!
    I'm gona try it!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    I'm trying to lose 15 by mid June and even that's pushing it... 30 seems unrealistic
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Unfortunately losing weight the permanent and healthy way takes time. You can only expect to lose about 2 lbs per week. This leaves about 12 weeks to the beginning of July. Close to the 30 lbs mark but a bit shy.

    I wrote on my office calendar what my "anticipated' weight would be losing 2 lbs per week. About mid year I was not feeling like I had accomplished much and pulled out that calendar. I had not lost 2 lbs per week some weeks, but had lost more other weeks . . . much to my surprise I was the exact weight I had predicted I would be by that date. This was all done with just eating very clean and making sure I walked 30 minutes (or more) per day and did some weight lifting 3 times per week for about 20 minutes.

    Losing weight more rapidly usually results in it coming back so give yourselves the gift of patience and it will happen.
  • ds1007
    ds1007 Posts: 67 Member
    In January, I told myself I'd be at a 30 pound lose by my 30th birthday on 5/1. I'm down 5 pounds. Pathetic. Kicking the exercise into high gear - I'm in!!!
  • Yess I'm trying to loose 30lb by the 27th July for mine and my boyfriends first holiday.. Gunna be hard tho I seem to be on a diet forever and exercise all the time and weight never shifts if anything I put on more! Haha if anyone has any tips or anything let me kno really do need the motivation got to do this so I'm not the whale on the beach! Haha
  • Maribabewhich
    Maribabewhich Posts: 157 Member
    I thought it was me alone. I have a wedding in July and wants to lose 20 -30 as well. Let's be accountable to one another. Share workout tips and eating healthy food
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    Gosh I cant believe the summer is coming so quickly!!! I have about 15 until I hit my goal so im in!
  • Beadeyx
    Beadeyx Posts: 4
    I would love too!!! but i need motavation dont seem to have any at mo please friend me people!!! x
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    I'm in! Only have 23 til goal though!!!

    Feel free to add me... We can do it!